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Sunday, July 31, 2011
WSJ Live Blog
Live Blog: The U.S. Debt Battle http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/07/31/live-blog-the-u-s-debt-battle-2/#
Debt Deal Done?
Just $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years... Balanced budget amendment still alive... MOODY'S: Nobody's plan will work... DEAL?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Banks invest in Bulldozers to demolish foreclosed homes
Bank of America Corp., faced with a glut of foreclosed and abandoned houses it can't sell, has a new tool to get rid of the most decrep...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Debt bill debated in Congress
CHAOS... CLOCK TICKING... NO PANIC... Where's Obama? NAIL-BITER... Boehner bill vote after markets close... TOP DEM ACCUSES GO...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Worthless Currency Art Collection
Jeff Clark of Casey Research has created a wonderful historical "art" album which addresses the number one question which most ...
Monday, July 25, 2011
BBG: Singapore surpassed Tokyo as the busiest market for currency trading in Asia
More active trading of USD/Asians and selling of Major/Asians? And more trades done in Singapore now? BBG: Singapore surpassed Tokyo as the ...
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Fed planning for potential default
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/07/20/us-usa-debt-fed-idUKTRE76J6IT20110720 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve is actively preparing for t...
Wall St. Prostitution Ring involves NY's wealthiest
After 17 people were busted yesterday for running a prostitution ring that catered mostly to Wall Street clients, word is that the Brookly...
Who owns US Government Debt?
Percentage of total U.S. debt, according to Business Insider : Hong Kong: $121.9 billion (0.9 percent) Caribbean banking centers: $148....
GAO Fed Audit Report
GAO Fed Investigation
The U.S. Federal Reserve gave out $16.1 trillion in emergency loans
The U.S. Federal Reserve gave out $16.1 trillion in emergency loans to U.S. and foreign financial institutions between Dec. 1, 2007 and Jul...
Court rules securities fraud only valid when transaction takes place in US
A federal district judge dismissed a securities fraud charge against Goldman Sachs yesterday on grounds that the plaintiffs hadn’t show th...
President Obama absent from debt talks
First came the Biden talks. When those blew up, the Obama-Boehner talks took center stage. And when that failed, the McConnell-Reid talks l...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Couple forecloses Bank of America branch
In a modern-day evocation of David’s slingshot triumph over Goliath, a couple of foreclosed homeowners in Naples, Fla., reportedly foreclos...
Texas Adverse Possession - Man buys 330k house for $16
Thanks to a little-known Texas law, a man found an abandoned $300,000 home, moved his stuff in and filled out some paperwork. It cost him $...
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