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Monday, September 23, 2013
Apple Touch ID fingerprint tech 'broken', hackers say
Hackers claim to have broken Apple's iPhone 5S Touch ID fingerprint recognition system just a day after the phone was launched. German...
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Gold And Monetary Inflation Prospects
On Wednesday last the Fed surprised most people by deciding not to taper. What is not generally appreciated is that once a central bank sta...
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Alpari leaves US market
Letter from Alpari Dear Trader, I am writing to inform you of upcoming changes to Alpari (US) LLC's ("Alpari") business mod...
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
NFA fines New York forex firm FXDirectDealer LLC $1.1 million and orders the firm to pay $1.8 million in restitution to customers
For Immediate Release September 18, 2013 For more information contact: Larry Dyekman (312) 781-1372, ldyekman@nfa.futures.org Karen Wuertz...
The Machines Win: Within Milliseconds, The Move Was Over
We hope everyone is enjpying the spoils of war from reading the FOMC statement and buying appropriately. Of course, as Nanex shows, unless ...
No taper
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The Federal Reserve on Wednesday held its asset-purchase program steady, putting off any decision for tapering ...
The Complete FOMC Announcement Preview
As we have not tired of showing over the past five years, and while correlation is not causation, the near uniformity between the increase ...
IBM to spend $1 Billion on Linux
IBM on Tuesday will announce that it has committed $1 billion to convince its customers to use Linux, a freely available open source ope...
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Trader sues U.S. swap regulator to stop "unfounded" case
(Reuters) - A Chicago speed-trading firm sued the U.S. swaps regulator on Tuesday, saying it acted to prevent the agency from bringing an ...
Brazil Bails On US State Visit Over Illegal Spying; Demands "Full Public Apology"
While the White House is trying to play this down currently in the press conference, Brazil's President Rousseff has issued a s...
Brazil looks to break from US-centric Internet
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- Brazil plans to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet over Washington's widespread online sp...
Where Americans—Rich and Poor—Spent Every Dollar in 2012
Here it is, fresh from the Bureau of Labor Statistics : all of American spending in one big color wheel. Since some of you (inexplicab...
Monday, September 16, 2013
The Top 10 Questions About Twitter's Real Value
The number whispered on Wall Street is $10 billion ( or $14-$15 if you ask The Saudis ), but potential investors in the micro-blogger’s IPO...
All Options Trading Halted, Or Another Day Another Exchange Breaks
Update, as supposedly things are unbroken again: as of 12:51 the CBOE and C2 are reopened and available for trading It's just getti...
At Least Six Dead In Washington Navy Yard; 3 Shooters (1 Dead, 2 "On The Loose") - Live Stream
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