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Sunday, May 4, 2014
EES launches Forex CTA Managed Accounts
Elite E Services, Inc. (EES) is a Forex CTA registered with the NFA (member) since 2006 #373609. EES is now offering the following managed...
Friday, May 2, 2014
EES: Deliverable Forex Payments Service
Do you make regular payments in Foreign Currency? Banks can charge up to 7% on Forex transactions. A number of banks (Bank of America, Ba...
EES: Euro tests ability to move in any direction
NFP causes EUR/USD to drop 50 pips and then almost immediately recover. Is this an indication of a currently directionless EUR/USD? T...
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
EES: Can the Euro continue to climb?
Take a look at the following daily EUR/USD chart: Certainly, there are many technical traders that would say EUR/USD is about to pop. ...
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Exclusive: FXDD Closing in on a Possible Sale to a Major US Broker
Forex Magnates has today learned from multiple independent industry sources that FXDirectDealer ( FXDD ) is moments away from striking a d...
Isolated Russia Makes Friends: To Hold Military Drill With China; Strikes Multi-Billion Deals Qatar And Iran
The G-8 may be no more as the G-7 throws every possible case of harsh language known to man at the Kremlin, which obstinately refuses to ba...
Suspicious Deaths Of Bankers Are Now Classified As "Trade Secrets" By Federal Regulator
Submitted by Pam Martens and Russ Martens of Wall Street On Parade, It doesn’t get any more Orwellian than this : Wall Street mega banks...
Sunday, April 27, 2014
The Quest To Freeze "Putin's Billions"
Just over a month ago, in the latest round of sanctions against Russia, and specifically Putin's inner circle of advisors and lieutenan...
Saturday, April 26, 2014
PBOC Pressures USD Hegemony; Starts Yuan-Denominated Gold & Oil Trading
With 23 foreign central banks diversifying from US Dollars to Renminbi and the PBOC actively aiding numerous major financial hubs around th...
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Superstar FX Trader Whiz-kid Nothing But A Superspending Ponzi Fraud
Who can forget the amazing story of Alex Hope which was all the rage two years ago? Actually considering how short reader, institutional ...
Chinese Currency Slumps To 19-Month Lows
The PBOC's willingness to a) enter the global currency war (beggar thy neighbor), and b) 'allow' the Yuan to weaken and thus cr...
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