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Monday, October 13, 2014
Who Will Save Stocks Now?
The stock market is in a perilous state. Ever since 2008, anytime stocks began to collapse sharply, “someone” stepped in and put a floo...
Russia’s two largest banks plan SWIFT alternative
The two biggest banks in Russia, Sberbank and VTB, are in talks to create an alternative to the SWIFT global system for interbank financial...
"Prepare For Runs", IMF Warns Policymakers Of "Elevated Financial Stability & Liquidity Risks"
The extended period of monetary accommodation and the accompanying search for yield are leading to credit mispricing and asset price pressu...
Friday, October 10, 2014
The Stronger Dollar = Stealth QE
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog , Whether this trend will hold or reverse is unknown, but it does suggest that there ...
Swiss National Bank Explains Why It Is Against Repatriating Gold
The Swiss National Bank has lashed out at the so-called "gold initiative" efforts to "Save Our Swiss Gold" unsurprisi...
Did Today's "Satan Signal" In S&P Futures Give The 'All-Clear' For Selling To Begin?
Even Bob Pisani knows by now that the European Close seems to create a trend-reversal moment intraday that few machines (and even fewer hu...
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Russia Spends Up to $1.75 Billion in Two Days to Buoy Ruble
Russia ’s central bank spent as much as $1.75 billion to prop up the ruble over the last two trading days, its biggest market intervention ...
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Market Breadth Has Collapsed Around The World
Via Gavekal Capital's blog , The 100-day moving average of the advance/decline ratio for the MSCI World Index has collapsed to its lo...
King dollar rules: Betting on the buck
Amid wild fluctuations in stocks and range-bound trading in bonds this week, the U.S. dollar marched ever higher. The currency is set ...
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Russian Central Bank rejects capital controls as ruble hits lowest level since 1998
The ruble slid to a new record low of 39.71 against the dollar Tuesday. The Russian Central Bank has been quick to quash fears it would re-...
Caught On Tape: HFT Algo Manipulating GOOGL 1000 Times Per Second
Via Nanex , It is very common to find examples of stock quotes changing rapidly - hundreds and sometimes thousands of times per second in...
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Russia could ditch US dollar in 2-3 years – head of Russia's #2 bank
wo to three years would be enough time for Russia to switch to international settlements to the ruble, Andrey Kostin, head of Russia’s seco...
US Stocks Slide, Ruble Plunges As Russia Prepares Capital Controls
Just days after Ukraine began discussing capital controls , and Russian lawmakers passed a bill enabling asset freezes, it appears Russia ...
Monday, September 29, 2014
Yuan to Start Direct Trading With Euro as China Pushes Usage
China will start direct trading between the yuan and the euro tomorrow as the world’s second-largest economy seeks to spur global use of ...
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