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Saturday, March 19, 2016
A Strange Pattern Emerges When Trading The US Dollar In 2016
One of the more surprising market developments of 2016 has been the violent obliteration of those who had taken part in the biggest consens...
Friday, March 18, 2016
EES: Splitting Pennies Book Preview released
Checkout this preview of Splitting Pennies - Understanding Forex Splitting Pennies Book Preview by Elite E Services FX Get it at www....
Thursday, March 17, 2016
JPM Announces $1.9 Billion Buyback One Month After CEO Jamie Dimon Buys 500,000 Shares In The Open Market
On February 12, Jamie Dimon made headlines when he bought 500,000 shares, or some $26 million worth of JPM stock which coming one day after...
Plot Thickens In New York Fed Heist As $30 Million In Cash Said Delivered To Mystery Chinese Man
One week ago, we documented the Hollywood-esque theft of $100 million from accounts held at the NY Fed and belonging to the central bank ...
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
EES: Making Sense of Cents
Forex remains to be the largest market in the world and the least understood. Central banks have more influence on global markets than any...
Having Killed Their Equity Market, China Unleashes "Tobin Tax" For FX Market
In September last year, Chinese regulators stepped on the throat of a 'fair' market in equity futures trading and for all intent an...
Friday, March 11, 2016
EES: Splitting Pennies the book released
Forex is all around you, even now, as you read this webpage. You have had a feeling all your life, something is wrong with our world. S...
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Ex-JPMorgan Broker Blew $20M of Client Money Gambling, Gets 5 Years
A former JPMorgan Chase & Co. broker who said he stole millions of dollars from customers because his brain was “hijacked” by an addict...
Draghi Delivers The Bazooka: ECB Announces Surprise Refi, Marginal Rate Cuts; Boosts QE To €80BN, Adds IG Bonds
Well, the people wanted a "bazooka-sized" surprise from Draghi, and they got it. Moments ago the ECB announced not only a 10 bp...
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
This 4,000-Year-Old Financial Indicator Says That A Major Crisis Is Looming
Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com, Over 4,000 years ago during Sargon the Great’s reign of the Akkadian Empire, it took 8 uni...
Thursday, March 3, 2016
OANDA agrees acquisition of FX accounts of IBFX/TradeStation Forex
Talking of the consolidation that has taken hold of the US Forex market is hardly bringing any news. Today saw one more piece of proof in t...
Friday, February 26, 2016
EES: Liquidity System now on MQL marketplace
Checkout Liquidity at the MQL5 marketplace or you can simply search "Liquidity" on the "Market" tab inside your MT4/MT5...
Cable Gets Pounded
Amid the biggest weekly drop in GBPUSD (cable) in 7 years , a surge in UK credit risk, and a spike in cable volatility, Brexit risk has ne...
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
California Bankruptcy Judge Says Bitcoin is Property, Not Currency
A US district judge has ruled, for the purposes of a bankruptcy case in California, that bitcoins are a kind of intangible property. As r...
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