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Tuesday, June 13, 2017
EXPOSED: The real creator of Bitcoin is likely the NSA as One World Currency
( GLOBALINTELHUB.COM ) 6/12/17 — Bitcoin has surged to all time highs, urging us to compose this article on a hot trending topic that we’ve...
Saturday, June 10, 2017
EXPOSED: The Secret TRUTH about the FBI is not so different than their suspects
( GLOBALINTELHUB.COM ) – 6/9/2017 For those who are not drooling on their lazy-boy high on Prozac and Lays (both strong brands) know that t...
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Another shoe drops in the FX fraud manipulation conspiracy
FX is quite literally, a rigged game. Not like the stock market, well not exactly. FX has been, a game of 'how many numbers am I hold...
DeVere, firm targetting UK expats, said to face SEC probe
NEW YORK -- Wherever there are British expats with money, there’s a DeVere Group office not far away. And in many of those places, the com...
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