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Sunday, April 29, 2018
ALERT: Bitcoin, NSAs MONKEYROCKET, is going to save the old financial system from collapse
( Bloc10 4/29/2018) -- This is a macro-deep-analysis of how Crypto can create a new parallel system by feeding off the old carcass of th...
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Deutsche Bank "Mistakenly" Sends $35 Billion Out The Door
Back in the summer of 2015, Deutsche Bank mistakenly paid $6 billion to a hedge fund client in a “fat finger” trade on its foreign excha...
Sunday, April 15, 2018
ALERT: Syria first strike in World War 3 - Deep Analysis
From www.globalintelhub.com 4/14/2018 Syria has been bombed which calls for a deep analysis of what's going on here. As we expla...
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