
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Atlanta Water Crisis Like you, we're quite concerned about the water crisis in Atlanta.  This blog is intended to serve as a single point for you to get all of the latest news about this situation.

If you know of something we've missed, please e-mail us at and let us know.  Thanks!

Dry is the goal as United Parcel Service Inc., Coca-Cola Co. and other companies in the Atlanta area rally to cut water use in response to the region's most extreme drought since at least the 1920s. Metropolitan Atlanta, which has added more new residents than any other U.S. city since 2000, may face limits on growth if the shortage persists, business officials said.

``We are very galvanized around this issue,'' said John Somerhalder II, chief executive officer of AGL Resources Inc., which provides natural gas in Atlanta, and vice chairman of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce's environmental committee. ``It is the No. 1 topic that businesses are concerned about.''

The Coming Water Crisis - US News and World Report

The tap water was so dark in Atlanta some days this summer that Meg Evans couldn't ...
water might someday make the energy crisis look like small potatoes