
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fresh EAs – Expert Advisors Forex Automated Trading Systems MyFXTools is committed to providing the best quality tools for forex traders. As we build up our product range to cover all needs, we have the tools for you to auto-trade your account, and to receive trade signals. Through our proven product range, no matter how much time you have to invest in forex, we have the product for you. There are a variety of training products available, and we also provide all the support you need,to ensure you are able to start trading successfully. Halcyon Forex produces highly specialized Expert Advisor programs for the MetaTrader 4 currency trading platform. Forex investors who wish to automate buying and selling on their Forex trading accounts use our software to ensure a high success rate and healthy returns.

Thank you for visiting our website and considering our Expert Advisor software for your investment needs. If you have any questions at all regarding our automated Forex trading products please feel free to email us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

The development of an effective system means that anyone can profit by using the right technology. Our copyrighted system can open and close trades without human intervention and with a very high success rate so that you can go to work or do some other activity while the expert advisor diligently works to make money for you. Even while you sleep! So while money doesn't grow on trees, with the right technology your computer is another matter. The Forex Market has a lot of potential for great profits, but you can also loose your shirt! I am a professional currency trader and educator who has been on the shirt loosing side myself. I started like most other people seeing an infomercial on TV about the Forex market and then paying for seminar after seminar, software package after software package, and trading course after trading course. I lost thousands of dollars trading real money in brokerage accounts on the internet. I finally quit trading and accepted defeat. Some months later an experience in a store at Christmas time made me realize that I was not destined to be like everybody else and just work a 9 to 5 job I hated only to retire and not be able to afford my medications and medical bills. I realized in that moment I had to figure out how to make it work. I know that there were some very successful people that were making their living trading the Forex market and I decided I was going to be one of them.

The thing I have most realized over time is that as people we tend to have unrealistic expectations of the result of our efforts. Everybody wants to be millionaires but very few people are willing put in million dollar effort. That is why lotteries do so well. The idea of getting something for nothing is very alluring. Everybody wants to make a high profile lawyer or doctors salary not realizing that these professionals spent years of study then practice to become the best in their field.

In developing systems of trading the markets I have tried to keep in mind the interest factor as well as the learning curve required to be able to use the systems. I realize that as human beings we want to see results NOW and if we don't we are often unable to continue putting in the work required to better ourselves. I have dedicated a lot of time and offer my students extra help so that very early on they can see the benefits of putting in the needed work to become successful traders. I use video as a method of training and explaining so that my students can actually see for themselves what can happen if they spend time early and learn as much as they can.

I feel that my courses are some of the best on the internet and I back them with support and assistance and it is my hope that by being fair and reasonable we can all be better off. We are glad to present your attention the BEST and PROFESSIONAL Software for hands-free automatic FOREX trade - Expert Advisors for MetaTrader4 platform.

Expert Advisors (EA) are used to render the trading process automatic allowing to exempt the trader from continuous watching the market. Many professional traders have a big amount of trading systems allowing them to work in different markets and under different conditions.

Expert Advisors (EA) in MetaTrader allow to connect signals generated by trading systems to trader's real account in such a way that it is possible to know and manage his/her open positions, orders and stops just from the expert system.

If you work on the forex market you know what place has the psychological factor of the person. To achieve stability of work on the Forex market years and years of work first of all above themselves are necessary. To avoid influence of the psychological factor this trading mechanical system has been written.