
Monday, February 4, 2008

Information Warfare – Internet cables cut Is information warfare to blame for the damage to underwater internet cables that has interrupted internet service to millions of people in India and Egypt, or is it just a series of accidents?

A failure of central banking

For the first 137 years of its history, the US did not have a central bank. The nation then was plagued with recurring business cycles of boom and bust. For the past 94 years the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, has assumed the role of monetary guardian for the nation, yet recurring business cycles of boom and bust have continued, often with the accommodating participation of the Fed. Central banking has failed in its fundamental functions of stabilizing financial markets with monetary policy, succeeding neither in preventing inflation nor sustaining growth nor achieving full employment.

World chokes on bad spell on Wall St

The recent meltdown in global stock markets is the first truly global financial crisis since the word "globalization" became widely used.


"Thou shalt make do with less, so that we may have more." -- Official White Horse Souse - M. R.

Will More Jobless Benefits Aid Economy?

For a bipartisan majority of senators, providing three months or six months of extra unemployment checks to more than 1 million jobless people is a better way to dig the economy out of a recession than just printing tax rebate checks.