
Sunday, March 9, 2008

EES FXV1 Managed Account Update

FXV1 update

The FXV1 program has undergone a major, material change that will affect our AUM, DDOC, and the setup of the account. We have closed several accounts under the old program and will re-open under the new structure. The reason for this change is due to brokerage issues and technical issues, which caused unnecessary loss of opportunity. While our system had been performing well, the good results simply weren't translated to accounts. No client accounts were adversely affected by this issue, only EES corporate account. Under the new structure, all issues should be solved and we can return to our aggressive growth, but this time with limited risk as we have developed a Dynamic Risk Strategy (DRS).

Tech Changes

FXV1 will no longer use TradeRobot automation technology, we will use Meta Trader platform to execute our blended systems. Elite E Services will develop our own proprietary signal aggregation software which will replace MT once it is ready, approximately in 8 months time. This technology will be a 'signal server' that will be our own Strategy Runner style 'system selector' that can be linked up to any brokerage. When this is available, FXV1 will be available at ANY brokerage, in the meantime, it will be available at any broker that uses Meta Trader platform. Any broker who wants to use the FXV1 program and does not have MT platform, can pay a development fee of $15,000 to connect FXV1 to their API, which can be repaid once fees begin to be generated.

Brokerage Changes

FXV1 will now trade with Meta Trader on major FX brokers, such as Gain Capital, ODL Securities, FX Solutions, FXCM, and any other MT broker. We welcome opportunities from IB's who want to raise money for FXV1. The initial minimum to setup FXV1 at a new brokerage is $100,000 – but once a master account is established at the new brokerage, the individual client minimum can be as low as $1,000. FXV1 will charge only performance fees, and will give rebates to any participating IBs. This is a fair 25% of the profit performance based model. NO OTHER FEES.

Return Targeting

We will structure the program to achieve 1% per week, which could be greater than 50% per year.

Account Protection

Our new system will include drawdown protection, in the event of a catastrophic market move or other technical problem, the account cannot drop below 5%.

These changes will be reflected in our DDOC soon. Please visit for more information.