
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Elite E Services FX Systems (EESFX) Trading Group Chat in Skype Public Chat

Elite E Services FX Systems (EESFX) Trading Group Chat in Skype Public Chat

Trading is a lonely business. Markets move fast and information is king. EES has a vast network of contacts and resources in the FX community. A healthy FX chat can create a live 'chat log' of information, discussion, links, resources, and FX news that will complement the other means of communication of EES FX.

How the group will communicate:

What will be discussed?

  • Direction of FX markets
  • What trading systems are working / not working
  • Trading training and education
  • Broker issues (execution, margin, etc.)
  • New systems and other providers of systems
  • Potential development of new trading systems
  • Economics
  • FX derivatives

The group itself will be 100% FREE to all members, as we do not want to discourage true traders from joining.

How we will work together:

  • Co-management of trades (if requested)
  • Exchanging of trading strategies / trade ideas
  • Co-development of trading systems.
  • Discussion and use of new FX technologies and 3rd party signal providers

EES has a dedicated client base that will participate and EES will have FX products and systems for lease or purchase. Anyone can get these systems free, along with support and other free trading tools, by opening a live FX account at ANY participating broker with only $250 minimum (FXCM for example).