
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Liquidity Troubles, Volatility Bedevil Currency Markets Liquidity Troubles, Volatility Bedevil Currency Markets     

We begin by pointing out the obvious. A bounce in a bear market does not give cause for celebration. It gives cause for selling. Sell the rallies, buy the dips. Buy low, sell high, in other words. We're selling stocks, generally. And this bounce is a good occasion to do so…because we think this market could go a lot lower. Dow 5,000 is our target. When the Dow gets below 5,000 we might be tempted to buy. Until then, it's sell…sell…sell......

State-controlled enerprises, the present owners and creditors of which will receive income bonds . . . . There is no real difference between being a yes-man official of a billion dollar bank and being an official of a State bureaucracy . . ."

From the pro-fascist American author Lawrence Dennis, in his 1936 book, The Coming American Fasicsm, p. 176, in the chapter entitled "Why Fascism Instead of Communism?".

Perhaps the time for self-delusion is passed. The grand new plan, just replaced the $700 billion plan, that replaced the $80 billion plan to bail out AIG, that replaced the Bear Stearns bailout which was just pocket change.

Forgive me for being skittish but it seems like every time you blink the number goes up by a factor of ten. The way it looks now is that combined USA , Europe and UK , the damage could easily be $7 trillion.