Sparrow numbers 'plummet by 68%' BBC
Researchers getting the lead out of electronics Network World
Don't Throw Me In That Briar Patch! Hilzoy
Is Obama really "Change we can believe in?" Ed Harrison
Record Options Trading Slows as Hedge Funds Fold, Prices Surge Bloomberg
The Dollar Trap Part II: Mutually Assured Financial Destruction Jesse's Cafe Americain
Why Can't We Admit That... Roger Ehrenberg
At WaMu, a Lack of Oversight Housing Wire
The Progress of the Financial Crisis in One Picture: Mortgages, Flight to Safety, Credit Lock Menzie Chinn, Econbrowser
Hurt by Losses, Pension Funds Criticize Rules New York Times. Funny how everyone gets to retrade their deal....except honeowners.
Panic of 1873 Redux? Stormy, Angry Bear
New Hope for Financial Economics: Interview with Bill Janeway Institutional Risk Analytics. If you are interested in the role of economics and finance theory in our current mess, this is a must read.