
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Germany leads shift in global view

The next German government is almost certain to crack down on spending and drastically raise taxes after the lower house of parliament yesterday adopted measures that come close to banning budget deficits beyond 2016. ...

The present Korean crisis is a by-product of the complex of instincts, prejudices and vested interests best identified by a single name: George W. Bush. ...

Ironically, there is one European example worth following, and it comes from France. But so far Obama will not acknowledge it. That's nuclear power. The French embraced nuclear power several decades ago. It now produces nearly 80 percent of the country's electricity. France even exports to neighbors. As a result, France is insulated from the energy shocks manufactured by Kremlin autocrats threatening to cut off gas shipments in the dead of winter. France is as close to energy independent as any nation in Western Europe.


Ironically, there is one European example worth following, and it comes from France. But so far Obama will not acknowledge it. That's nuclear power. The French embraced nuclear power several decades ago. It now produces nearly 80 percent of the country's electricity. France even exports to neighbors. As a result, France is insulated from the energy shocks manufactured by Kremlin autocrats threatening to cut off gas shipments in the dead of winter. France is as close to energy independent as any nation in Western Europe.

Even if the courts were to reject the plans for G.M. and Chrysler, the administration's actions in trying to force the deals may damage the credit markets for years to come. The treatment of the bondholders is a warning to investors that the federal government won't hesitate to push them aside in a crisis.

States do not provide people with anything. States merely function as means. Governments consist of people who enact and collect the funds needed to fund the execution of laws. The money comes, at least in fiscally responsible nations, from the nations' peoples. When social programs are created to care for those in need, it is not the state that provides the programs, it is the society. ...

Most people will not change. Too radical. Not going with the flow. Not betting against the herd.


The best examples in the 20th century were Jews in Germany in 1933. They stayed. This included Jewish bankers, all of whom could have left. They thought they could deal with Hitler. They did not read Mein Kampf. They did not take it seriously. ...