
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Swine Flu spreads in New Zealand, Swiss train explodes in Lausanne with swine flu agent
Swine flu: prepping for tough times
The English teacher, who has a two-year-old, Beatrice, and is expecting a second child in the new year, said the NHS advice was impossible for pregnant women to follow if they lived in cities.

"I can't not go out. I can't not take Beatrice out, and I can't not be pregnant." One Invercargill medical centre reported up to a tenfold increase in inquiries about flu, while Queenstown and Cromwell centres said there had been a big leap in inquiries and patients with flu symptoms during the past week,145798,145798 The German news site MM News today reported on charges I filed concerning a bioterrorism incident in Switzerland in April when a "faultily" packed container with vials of "swine flu", allegedly direct from Mexico City, and a WHO-affiliated laboratory, exploded on a packed Inter City train close to Lausanne, spraying the passengers with the biological agent as the container was transported right across Switzerland to Geneva's national influenza lab,25197,25796517-23289,00.html The H1N1 virus (swine flu) is likely return in the fall but this time with more strength. Federal health officials predicted Friday that they expect the H1N1 virus to take off as soon as schools open, rather than in October or November.