
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

US Regulators clamp down on commodities markets July 7 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. regulators say they may clamp down on oil and gas price speculators by limiting the holdings of energy futures traders, including index and exchange-traded funds.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission will hold hearings this month and next to explore the need for government-imposed restrictions on speculative trading in oil, gas and other energy markets, Chairman Gary Gensler said today in a statement.
Chairman Gary Gensler announced today that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will hold hearings this summer to consider imposing position limits for energy commodities, including oil and natural gas. In addition, it will begin publishing how much hedge funds and other financial firms are trading in oil and other commodities, with an eye toward curbing what critics say is speculation that pushes up prices. Wall Street Journal, The (07/07) Bloomberg (07/07) MarketWatch (07/07) Reuters (07/07) Washington Post, The (07/07)
WASHINGTON -- U.S. commodities regulators, in an effort to crack down on excessive speculation, plan to propose sweeping trading limits on oil, natural gas and possibly other commodities.