
Friday, January 15, 2010

Links from the news January 15th

Arctic permafrost leaking methane at record levels, figures show Guardian (hat tip reader John D)

FCIC hearings must shatter the 'sociopathic nature' of Wall Street Rob Johnson, New Deal 2.0

Europe cannot afford a Greek default Simon Tilford Financial Times (hat tip Swedish Lex)

So what are banks for, anyway? Marshall Auerback, New Deal 2.0

It's Not About Interest Rates Yet Tim Duy

Google vs. CCP: All the possible WHYs Chinayouren (hat tip Michael T) and Google's fight: US-China lock horns Sydney Morning Herald (hat tip reader Crocodile Chuck)

UK banks face $10bn bill from US over bailouts Times Online (hat tip Swedish Lex)

Reply to Krasting's reply to Coberly's reply to Krasting Dale Coberly Angry Bear

Why are we letting Wall Street off so easy? Joseph Stiglitz, Mother Jones (hat tip reader John D). Why is Stiglitz having to say this in Mother Jones?

Proof of Martians 'to come this year' Scientific American.

Scanners aren't the solution Josh Fulton

Groups ask U.S. to regulate shipping of commercial bumblebees Washington Post (hat tip reader John D)

The Sky Is Falling Before Schedule. Again Dale Coberly, Angry Bear and I'm No Chicken Little Bruce Krasting. A running slugfest dialogue about Social Security. Bruce has the latest salvo; I'll link to any update from Angry Bear.

Rehn to propose economic 'high representative' EurActiv (hat tip reader Swedish Lex)

If you could write a song about the financial meltdown, what would you say? Tim Solanic

The future of Tim Geithner James Pethokoukis

Too Big Too Fail Tax Barry Ritholtz. Far from the first argument along these lines, but Barry, as always, is colorful

John Paulson's high-risk hubris Felix Salmon. High time SOMEONE is saying this! I just wish he had been even more pointed

The Carter Syndrome Walter Mead, Foreign Policy