
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Automated Trader Global AlgoMarkets Update

Orc released a new version of the Orc Spreader 2.0, Colt is to buy a majority stake in MarketPrizm from Instinet, and Saxo Bank has begun publishing market data from the OTC FX Options market. Options IT's PIPE Velocity reduced Chicago - New York round trip latency by 2 milliseconds, ISE selected CorvilNet and CorvilClear solutions for its new options trading system, smartTrade Technologies completed CME Group Connectivity Certification for FX Futures, and TOM (The Order Machine) MTF market data is to be included in Thomson Reuters European real-time feeds.
ConvergEx enhanced its NorthPoint platform for mutual funds using alternative strategies, TAG launched Meteor platform for Custom Analytics, Fidessa is to host its Canadian trading platform in Equinix's Toronto IBX data centre, Brazilian brokerage Banif Corretora selected the Progress Apama platform for high frequency trading strategies, and also in Brazil BM&FBOVESPA joined TradingScreen's TradeNet.
Edge combined the data feed and order routing capabilities of RealTick and Sterling Trader with new software, FIX Flyer signed a distribution agreement with German company FIX Solutions,  Direct Edge is offering customers market access to seven major dark pools through Connect Edge, and UBS announced a new suite of intuitive algorithms for trading US Options.