Monday, March 18, 2013
End of Systemic Trust - the beginning of the end of financial system
How about in the US? Could the US declare a bank holiday and unilaterally devalue the currency in one swift move? I will get over 9,000 responses saying this could never happen in the good ol’ US of A but of course it could. In fact it has already been done before during FDR’s first 100 days in office. The template already exists. Electronic banking only makes the process that much easier.
Technically, since the Fed has been running a policy of monetary inflation since about 1920, the government here already has been quietly taxing the savings accounts of its citizens without their permission for decades. The subtle difference between what Europe is doing in Cyprus and what the Fed does every day to American citizens is that the Cyprus theft is happening in one discrete event while the Fed’s theft drips in slowly over years.
But no matter which way you look at the situation, expect things to deteriorate from here.
Did you or your firm stash a bunch of money off-shore in some tax-friendly haven that probably has a favorable relationship to the British Crown? Best of luck with that. Tax havens are nothing more than legal arbitrages. With the value of law moving to zero, the value of your account approaches the same.