
Thursday, January 16, 2014

EES: Binary Options for MT4

Elite E Services announces a project to develop the world's first fully automated Binary Options Expert Advisor for trading Forex Binary Options in Meta Trader 4.  The website for the project is  Also, brokers who offer this have been added to Open Forex Account, such as Core Liquidity Markets and Direct FX.  Others will be added soon.  Only a select group of brokers offer this plugin for MT4.

The Binary Options Trader (BOT) system will be an Expert Advisor, not much different than common Forex Expert Advisors.  The difference between a Binary Options EA and a spot Forex EA is the symbols traded, which have different trading rules.

Non US Warning
Currently, there is no US broker who is offering Binary Options on MT4.

For Brokers
If you are a Meta Trader 4 broker that is interested in offering Binary Options to your customers, please contact Elite E Services by clicking here.

Custom Programming
Elite E Services can convert your existing Expert Advisor to trade on the Binary Options symbols for MT4.  If you are interested in this, please contact Elite E Services.  Generally the cost is about $75 - $200 to do a conversion, but in order to make a proper quote, we need to see the strategy and all related files (includes, indicators, etc.)