
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

EES: Splitting Pennies on sale for 48 hours - only .99 cents on Kindle

I wrote Splitting Pennies not only with the idea become wealthy, but to educate people about finance and money.  Because if we all understand finance better, it will bring us all more wealth, it will reduce market risks, and overall increase the standard of living on planet Earth.  So for this reason, I’ve reduced the Kindle price to $.99 for the next 48 hours.  You don’t need a Kindle to read – just an amazon account.  Also, you can read Splitting Pennies and many other titles free by subscribing to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program which is $9.99 a month.  Click here to buy Splitting Pennies - Understanding Forex for only .99 for the next 48 hours.

It is my goal that people understand Forex – which is key to understanding the financial system.  If you need money, or have financial problems, or financial success, or you are a wealth manager, Splitting Pennies is for you!  I mean, even a bum living under a bridge has a reason to read Splitting Pennies – as it impacts all of us, whether you have money, or not, or you are in the money business.  At the end of the day - 'Forex' is a metaphor for "Matrix" called life.

In my book I put for readers the holy grail of financial intelligence, which will open your mind to new ways of thinking about life.  So my goal is that many people read this book, because if a critical mass of people understand key concepts, it can change something for the better in our society.  

Joseph Gelet, author

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