
Monday, May 30, 2016

EES: FX Liquidity 3.3 released

Elite E Services has released Liquidity version 3.3 - in this version, we've included an optional trailing stop on all orders.  See Liquidity on the MQL Marketplace

Checkout the parameters:
  • BuyOrSell = B (default) or S – Buy or Sell. This parameter defines if the system is in buy mode, or sell mode. If set to “B” the system will only Buy. If set to “S” the system will only sell. To use liquidity in grid fashion – load the EA on 2 charts – set one to “B” and the other to “S”
  • GridLevel = Ladder – This is the level, in pips, the system will place a buy or sell order. Default is set to 5.
  • Lots = Lots – Number of lots for each order. (static value)
  • TakeProfit = Take Profit – Take profit for each order. (static value)
  • UseTrailing = Use Trailing? Yes or No. Default is No. This means a trailing stop will be placed on each individual trade.
  • TrailingStop = Trailing Stop (10) Default is 10. Only applicable if UT is set to Yes. If UT is Yes, place a TP and Trailing stop on all new orders.
  • UseGPoint = Use G? Yes or No. Default is Yes. If No, do not utilize the below parameter, and subsequent functions.
  • G = Point at which system reset and reverse. Default is 0 – meaning whatever price the system is loaded at, will always be the price where system reverse. In the chart example, once the price reach the original price, the system will go into buy again mode. If G value is 10 (in pips), then add 10 pips to the price when system will reverse from buy mode to sell mode. (number of legs before reverse)
  • F = Pips to go into the reverse trade. Default is 5, should be same default as ladder. (To count the number of legs to wait to enter, multiply by the ladder value, i.e. 2 legs, if ladder is 5, this value should be 10.)
  • P = Account protection, in % equity from peak. Default is 10 (which is 10% peak to valley, for this EA only NOT the entire account). This means if the peak to valley draw-down is 10%, close all positions, and display the message “Account Protection Hit – Restart to resume trading”
  • CloseAll = Close All – Default is “No” – If set to Yes, EA will close All trades for this EA only, and stop trading.