
Friday, March 30, 2018

Bitcoin headed to zero as NSA plan plays out

Bitcoin in USD is down to 7,000 which is really a huge number when you think about it, but HODLrs who got in at more than 10,000 are feeling the pain, those who got in with leverage above that are freaking out, many wiped out.  And the thing about Bitcoin although there are hundreds of better alternatives, Bitcoin remains 40%+ of the market cap of the entire crypto currency universe.  As we explained in our groundbreaking book on this topic Splitting Bitsand on Zero Hedge in an exclusive article, we believe the only possible creator of Bitcoin is the US Government itself, specifically the NSA.  Because of the size of the Bitcoin market now, and the new paradigm created, the creator of Bitcoin is relevant.  People are borrowing against their 401k to invest in Bitcoin or start their own crypto, and we don't even know the identity of the creator of this phenomenon?  We know, it's the NSA - but the NSA is an organization.  Saying it's the NSA is a bit like saying it was the CIA that killed JFK.  Well the CIA certainly couldn't possibly kill anyone because it's an entity, people use guns and guns kill people, not entities.  It would be interesting indeed to unmask the real creators of Bitcoin, if they haven't been retired or disappeared on their GS-15 package.  Perhaps they are living it up with the witsec family, or have changed their face and are pursuing their hobbies whatever they may be.  Whoever it is, it is likely a dead a buried secret.  Who knows how the market would react if the real creator came forward and ultimately liquidated the millions of bitcoin on the market.  (For those of you who don't know, there are 42,000 zombie addresses of Bitcoin meaning they are not used but storing Bitcoin which can be seen publicly on the network, see here.)  Wait a minute - 42 is the meaning to life, according to an AI computer that was built to answer the age old question 'What is the meaning of life?' 
Could it be that what Adams really means is that 42,000 Bitcoin is the meaning of life?  Now we're getting somewhere.  42 Million is the meaning of life.  Where are all the numerology nutjobs when you need them?  3/30/2018 / 42 = 78,619.
Bitcoin is genius, perhaps the most intelligent creation of the digital age.  It served several purposes:  it's a perfect marketing engine (it allowed small investors to potentially earn a big return, the only asset to do so although many have claimed this), it created a new paradigm of digital currency, it changed the way the entire world looks at banking and trading, it has caused the entire tech sector to reshift it's business, all at a cost of likely a few million dollars.  If you follow the thinking that Bitcoin was in fact a child of an NSA lab, you have to continue the thought that the US Government and more specifically the military is the first real form of Artificial Intelligence.  Billions of dollars are invested every year and we all complain about waste, and there is waste - but there is also Bitcoin.  And unlike many successes of the intelligence apparatus, they will never be acknowledged, there will never be a statue in DC with the creator, never a parade.. But such is the life of a spook.  They signed up for it.  But the monetary rewards and the real intellectual pleasure of watching this game play out are so rewarding well it cannot be bought with money.  Some things in government service are priceless, this is one - thank you Mr. Mathematician!  You are the real hero, and heroes (likely it was a team effort).  There are some names on their 1996 paper but anything that is visible electronically in reference to the NSA can be assumed to be inaccurate, misleading, an intentional disinformation, or in any case a dead lead.  But it's worth having a look - click here to read it.
Certainly no one is going to find out anything by searching Google!
So more to the point, Bitcoin going lower before it goes higher, if it ever does.  Real price of BTC/USD could be $100 or $200 - maybe $500.  In a market where money is chasing any higher returns than offered by the traditional markets - bubble psychology took off and fueled a historical hockey stick that will never repeat in crypto.  It can only repeat in some other format - like Quantum computing or if Elon Musk finds Helium 3 on the moon for example.  Something really value-shifting.  Aliens admit that 90% of valley technology came from them.  Bitcoin isn't going to $1 Million, at least it's not likely, but then again we have been shocked by the race to $10,000 and $20,000.  Remember investors that the only thing that drives the price of any asset higher is buyers.  The buyers have stalled and there have been waves of big sellers.  Bitcoin isn't going to be used as a replacement of the US Dollar any time soon.  It may be the dream of some Elite Globalists as a one world currency but it's not happening.  Bitcoin is flawed, slow, and only secure if you use it properly which no one does of course except maybe a few hackers.
Other new Cryptos which are designed better, have more appropriate designs which can empower their niche to flourish have much better chances for long term survival.  But as many know, this is nothing new or innovative, in the United States during the Wildcat currency period there were thousands of active currencies in the United States.  
Bear in mind the real value of Bitcoin is only what investors decide, just as they decided to drive it higher they can drive it to zero.  There is no intrinsic value in Bitcoin itself, as Roubini candidly pointed out recently.