
Friday, May 4, 2018

Blockpad Free Crypto Notepad and Security Tool released

(Bloc10 - 5/3/2018) - Bloc10, a Blockchain FinTech development and management company, has released a free software tool for Windows and Mac "Blockpad" get it free at Blockpad is a private encrypted personal ledger, notepad, password manager, secure browser to access exchanges, one time pad, and more. Blockpad is an ultra-secure environment by design, using multiple layers of security based on AES-256, a Cryptographic technology so secure, the NSA has stated it is sufficient to keep TOP SECRET information secure: The design and strength of all key lengths of the AES algorithm (i.e., 128, 192 and 256) are sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level. TOP SECRET information will require use of either the 192 or 256 key lengths. The implementation of AES in products intended to protect national security systems and/or information must be reviewed and certified by NSA prior to their acquisition and use.[15] Blockpad is the Notepad for Crypto Traders, Blockchain Developers, Coders, Intelligence Operatives, Crypto Investors, et. al. Blockpad is a multi-use encrypted notepad secured with AES-256 and 2FA. Main features include code highlighting notepad for code writing, task list, document creation; keeping account usernames and passwords to Crypto related accounts securely in one place; and a Coin Records personal encrypted ledger to record coin transactions in an independently secured and controlled system. All the content in Blockpad is encrypted in a .bloc file accessible only with user credentials and 2FA. Blockpad is freeware with a paid option; Blockpad Premium is $1.99/month and offers more features, no ads, encrypted cloud backup of your .bloc file, premium skins, and an online recovery system. With security in mind, Blockpad can help you stay organized by keeping track of coin transactions, passwords, account credentials, and more. Blockpad is an application written in QT by Bloc10, a software and technology development company. It is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, and iOS. With Blockpad's secure account tab, you can save all your passwords in one encrypted place. Unlike other password applicaitons, Blockpad is encrypted with AES and protected by 2FA which you can setup as complex as you'd like. There is even a timer that will lock the application after x minutes in case your curious roomate or office worker is snooping around your desk.  get it free at Perhaps one of the most useful writing applications and the most ubiquitous of the Windows generation has been Notepad++. It has a ridiculous amount of features, is useful in many ways, and is free. It will open files Windows notepad doesn't, such as large files that can cause memory issues in Windows notepad, and types of binary files with no extension. Basically Notepad++ is the most basic programming tool as it allows the creation and manipulation of simple text files. Programming environments such as Microsoft Visual Studio and other IDE are enhanced 'cockpit' environments but at the end of the day for programming all you need is a notepad and a compiler. Notepad++ is a limitless text editor and stops short of offering only compiling tools (and this is a logical and rational design decision as it remains in its own exclusive domain).  get it free at Enter Bitcoin and Blockchain in the Fall of 2017 when everything is moving 'on-chain' and suddenly people are opening Crypto trading accounts at record paces. As with many new paradigms, the hype and excitement ran far infront of development; few useable robust tools exist for Blockchain development. Crypto trading is another area where there is more interest than there is robust tools to support it. "Exchanges" often fail in simple functions like 2FA, account reporting, logging in, money transfers, and it's mostly web based. Users who are not programmers or technical people are left only to trust friends who are. Unlike in traditional banking where everything is made for 'moms and dads' - in the Crypto world, not. So we developed Blockpad, it's a multi-use Notepad tool, we hope it is the Notepad++ of Crypto.  get it free at It's free, it's safe, and it's fun! Blockpad has multiple uses:
  • As a secure notepad, for taking notes, or for programming Solidity, or your website.
  • As a secure private ledger, for recording your Crypto transactions.
  • As a store of account usernames and passwords, including 2FA info.
Everything is encrypted, you can't open Blockpad without creating an Encrypted .block file using AES. We digitally signed it so Windows should recognize it. Now we're releasing the Beta version and will work on a cloud backup solution and premium version. Stay tuned in for more updates by joining Bloc10 for free. Get bloc.  get it free at blockpad