
Sunday, September 16, 2018

EXPOSED: How the Weather is big business for the military

Global Intel Hub - Zero Hedge Exclusive (9/15/2018) -- Weather modification isn't anything new, in fact we authored a piece last year on the topic when Irma came, but it seems that with Florence we need a reminder to put this in perspective.  As is the theme in our book seriesSplitting Bits, our doctrine is that everything you know is wrong - the world is not as it seems (and not as on TV.) 
As Hurricane Florence bears down on the southeastern United States, nearly 759,000 homes are in the storm’s path, and a worst-case rebuilding scenario could cost more than $170 billion, according to an estimate from real estate data provider CoreLogic.
CoreLogic calculated the reconstruction cost value, which is the total expense of completely rebuilding a property in case of 100% destruction, for 12 metro areas in the Carolinas and Virginia. The table below shows those estimates for a Category 4 storm, which is Florence’s current designation. Additional estimates based on other categorizations is available on CoreLogic’s web site.
That's ok, but where does the $170 Billion really go?  Home builders, re-modelers, laborers, real-estate, computers, rebuilding, insurance.. some people will take their insurance check and go spend it.  Here's the breakdown from Bloomberg, but note the word 'boost' appears only 4 times; car rental companies, transportation companies (truckers), Lowes and Home Depot (supplies), and generators; 
Equity investors are closely tracking Hurricane Florence as the worst storm to hit North Carolina in decades could also have a menacing effect on the insurance, retail, agriculture and restaurant industries. More than 1 million people are evacuating their homes as the Category 4 storm is expected to make landfall over the weekend. Analysts say the event could also be a boon for companies that specialize in roof repairs or disaster-related services, as well as transportation providers.
But that's just on the surface.  When we dig deeper, the disaster economy is booming.  Don't forget, after Hurricane Katrina, the state of Louisiana received $115 Billion in Federal funding:
According to National Hurricane Center, Hurricane Harvey is second only to Hurricane Katrina as the costliest hurricane to hit the United States at $125 billion. Katrina cost about $161 billion.  By the time December 2017 had rolled around, the United States government had sent about $11 billion in federal disaster aid to Texas, and the state was asking for $61 billion more in federal assistance.  After Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana had received almost $115 billion in federal aid.  Multiple organizations and companies have raised money and provided aid for the people of Houston. The companies and aid listed below have provided a combined amount of at least $26.82 billion of the $125 billion that Harvey caused.
$115 Billion is a lot of money!  So where does it all get spent?  Even if it goes into the pockets of greasy and sleazy politicians, the point is that it is getting distributed.  The case for the Hurricane economy is a proof for the US Military's whacked out economic theory invented by someone like Robert Macnamara "$1 into the Miliary = $2 in economic output"  but if war is such a good business, we have to ask why they don't have a staged demolition of an entire city, like Los Angeles (maybe just Century City, LA is too big).  They will warn everyone to get out, no one will be hurt, unlike 911.. (MUST READ- BLACK 911)
There is no evidence needed to understand what's going on here - the disaster economy is booming and weather wars are in full swing.  It's a $170 Billion + event that is started by a group inside the military that controls the weather.  They do it all, they can create hurricanes, intensify them, reduce them, they can control storms like one would with a video game.  If you don't know about this or don't believe it, have a small education on the topic by watching the video below:

They have the technology for a long time.  They have the motive, and well - is it really all that bad?  A good storm clears out nature and resets everything.  It's good for business.  Why not?  That's their thinking, we are not condoning weather modification.  But if you believe that it doesn't exist, you live in fantasy land, where fairy tales come true and everyone lives happily ever after.
There is a huge political side benefit, that they can blame 'global warming' on Trump for example, when in fact it may be deep state Democrats installed by Obama who are pushing the buttons on these storms.