Bill Gates Foundation, Rothschild Vanguard & Blackrock ChiCom manufacture Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak by funding both the creation of the virus and the vaccine. Bill Gates is the New World Order’s equivalent of a chief science officer. As such, his top priority is depopulation. His stated method is vaccines. Bill is walking in his fathers footsteps, who was also tasked with depopulation while head of Planned Parenthood (47). A proud legacy of eugenicists.
On January 9, 2020, the UN announced that the Wuhan Coronavirus had a lot of similarities to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) (1)(2).
A Coronavirus is a virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. It can lead to pneumonia (4)(5). Most Coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of them are serious, such as MERS and SARS (6). The name comes from the crown-like appearance the virus displays.

On May 4, 2013, the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg MB, Canada, received the novel Coronavirus from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Dr. Frank Plummer confirmed this in a CTV article from May 14, 2013 (7).

These two pdf files from the World Health Organization shows recent collaboration between the Eramus Medical Center in the Netherlands and teams working on the current novel Coronavirus in Wuhan, China.

A CBC article from May 19, 2013, confirms the virus sent to National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg was a Saudi sample. Dr. Plummer of NML, said that they were unable to share it with other researchers because of Dutch restrictions. The Saudi researcher, Ali Mohamed Zaki, who first spotted the Coronavirus in 2012 in the lab of Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital in Jeddah and then sent a sample to the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia was fired.

A year later, Dr. Plummer left the National Microbiology Lab in Canada after 14 years (9). It is noteworthy to mention that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded Dr. Plummer’s HIV research as well as the research of other prominent Canadian scientists, Dr. Lorn Babiuk and Dr. Brett Finlay, who received in total 436.6 million in research funds (10).

There’s no indication however, of any connection between that and the Coronavirus. What is relevant however is that Dr. Plummer has now openly admitted to being a long-term alcoholic while working at the level 4 containment laboratory that required the highest level of safety clearance. He is undergoing electrical stimulation of the brain for alcoholism. He is also preparing to push ahead with an experimental vaccine against HIV infection, and is working on writing a memoir.
Canadian scientist undergoes novel brain stimulation treatment for alcoholism:
Plummer has also stated that while he was the head of the National Microbiology Lab of Canada, he didn’t generally supervise the work (46). He said, as director of the lab he “basically set people free to do their jobs. And I tried to run interference for them, and get them the money that they needed for them to do their jobs well — and it worked!”
He set them free? Just who exactly was running that lab?

Recently a researcher with ties to China was recently escorted out of the National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg amid an RCMP investigation into what’s being described as a possible “policy breach.” Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng, and an unknown number of her students from China were removed from Canada’s only level-4 lab on July 5, 2019. A Level 4 virology facility is a lab equipped to work with the most serious & deadly human and animal diseases (12)(13).

In 2014, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and a research team at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada that created a drug (ZMAPP) that could treat Ebola (14). Shortly after, many companies started clinical trials for Ebola vaccines, some of which were founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Some of these companies include: Novavax, and Mabworks among others (15).
The Council on Foreign Relations reported on June 16, 2017, some of the highlights and connections between a few of the drug manufacturers. It appears as though the Chinese military got their hands on ZMAPP through a Beijing company called Mabworks and were in violation of copy write infringement (16). When asked by the US Department of Defense, Mabworks they stated they had a licensing agreement with the intellectual property rights holder for ZMAPP. Mabworks later admitted they had duplicated the drug without authorization (12).

This PDF Document highlights the connection between the Chinese Military and Mabworks. The drug consists of three monoclonal antibodies, two of which were originally developed with support from U.S. and Canadian military research agencies. Put differently, the U.S. government and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada hold patents for two of the antibodies in ZMAPP. As a result, government officials expressed patent infringement concerns (16). But who provided them with the research data to do so?

This National Post article explains how Dr. Qiu and her co-worker worked for the Chinese firm Mabworks while they were doing research for the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada, employed by the Canadian Government. They insist that they did nothing untoward by giving the Ebola vaccine over to the Chinese authorities because it was about saving lives (17).

In 2019, security access for the Dr. Qui, her husband and Chinese students working at the National Laboratory Institution was revoked and Dr. Oui was dismissed and her ties with the University of Manitoba were cut. Inside sources, fearful of retribution and wanting to remain anonymous had this to say (18)(12):
There have always been questions about Qiu’s trips to China — and what information and technology she was sharing with researchers there. “It’s not right that she’s a Canadian government employee providing details of top-secret work and know-how to set up a high-containment lab for a foreign nation,” one employee said. The staff member claims RCMP officers have not yet interviewed key people at the lab, because senior management has not made them accessible to police or allowed staff to contact them with relevant information.
Citing privacy concerns, neither the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) nor the RCMP are providing further details. There is speculation that the group facilitated the unauthorized transfer of research and biological materials to China which may include the sharing of Ebola, as well as a second pathogen. The potential transfer of knowledge and pathogens to China may be advancing their biological weapons program (19)(20)(12).
The only lab in China with level 4 clearance that does research with deadly pathogens is Wuhan National Biosafety Lab located in the city where the outbreak has started (21). As previously reported, Dr. Xiangguo Qui, who was dismissed from the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, trained staff at this laboratory in Wuhan.
According to travel documents obtained through an access to information request, Dr. Oui made at least five trips to China in 2017-18, including one to train scientists and technicians at this site. These trips were funded by a “third party” and the identity of the third party was redacted. During a Sept. 19-30, 2017, trip, she also met with collaborators in Beijing, the documents say, but their names have also been blacked out (18)(12).
On a side note: Remember Novavax that created the Ebola vaccine? Apparently they are now creating a vaccine for this Wuhan Coronavirus. Look how much their stock jumped in value when they announced they were developing the vaccine; 71% is a pretty health investment!

The top Institutional shareholders for Novavax are shown here and they includes: the Vanguard Group (Rothschild), BlackRock (China) and the Munich-based company called Allianz (22). Allianz has been in China since 1917 and has formed several partnerships including one with CITIC Group owned by the People’s Republic of China (23)(24) and a founding partner of the Canada China Business Council (25)(12)(26).

Mabworks parent company is Guotai Junan Securities. In 2002, Guotai Junan Securities and Allianz partnered to form Guo’an Fund Management (27)(28)(12). What does this mean? In layman’s terms: Novavax is partly owned by Allianz who also tied to the Chinese firm Mabworks; the same Chinese company that Chinese Scientist Dr. Qui provided research for while working for the Canadian government; the same Chinese scientist who set up the level 4 research lab in Wahan China located at the epicenter of the outbreak; the very same Chinese scientist currently under RCMP investigation for possible pathogen and intellectual property theft (19)(12). And Novavax just announced they are working on the Coronavirus Vaccine. Allianz, the institutional owner of Novavax and has also partnered with Bill Gates’ Microsoft to digitally transform the insurance industry and on other health-related initiatives (29)(30). But maybe this is all a just coincidence?

Novavax has also received millions in funding for research from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help develop vaccines for global health issues, specifically for treating pneumonia (31)(32)(33)(34).

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019 in late 2019 that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak. Their simulation predicted that it could kill 65 million people within the year (35)(36)(37)! Another coincidence (38)?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also fund the UK-based Pirbright Institute (39). The Pirbright Institute has been in existence for over 100 years. It was first established as a cattle testing station for tuberculosis in 1914 and has developed over the years to become one of the UK’s leading virus diagnostics and surveillance centers and is now also at the forefront of virus research (40).

The Pirbright Institute has held the patent to this deadly Coronavirus since 2015 (41). On June 19, 2015, Pirbright Institute filed an application for a patent for the live coronavirus, which was approved on Nov 20, 2018 (42).

A coalition led by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is currently leading a group of scientist working on a vaccine to solve this Coronavirus crisis (43). The question left unanswered is, who caused this crisis?
Bill Gate’s position on climate change and lowering CO2 emissions are based on population control. In this video, he openly admits that vaccines will be used to lower population:
“If we do a really good job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services we could lower that (population) by 10-15%.”
Gates is also an advocate of Voluntary Euthanasia also know as “Death Panels” where bureaucrats decide if an individual is worthy of health care or not. With the Coronavirus outbreak the balance of life, or death remains in the hands of those with the vaccine (44). God help us all!