
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sanders Supporters Get "#EatTheRich" Trending On Twitter In Epic Bloomberg Troll

From Zero Hedge:

It's official: A gang of terminally online Bernie Sanders supporters has succeeded in making the hashtag "#EatTheRich" the most popular political hashtag in the US as part of a campaign to mock Michael Bloomberg's decision to 'buy the presidency' by pouring his immense wealth into self-financing his campaign.
It all started when one user pointed out that Bloomberg once supported Michigan's former Republican Gov. Rich Snyder, the public official who has been blamed for Flint's Water Crisis, before arguing that Bloomberg could single-handedly "fix" Flint's water crisis (federal officials actually certified that Flint's water was safe to drink back in 2017) with just a fraction of the money - a mere $50 million - that he had spent on his campaign.
Now, it doesn't matter that Flint is nearly finished replacing the lead water lines at the root of the crisis, or that, although Snyder escaped criminal liability, dozens of state, local and federal officials involved in the decision to switch Flint's water supply to the Flint River are facing jail time.
No: It's just another example of how an 'evil billionaires' is leeching off the good people of America - you know, the real Americans, the ones who major in Art History and Gender Studies before moving to Brooklyn and becoming one of those people who kind of just hangs around working on 'projects' - instead of singlehandedly solving a crisis he had no hand in causing.
The final straw was when the Bloomberg campaign twitter account tweeted a picture of a sign that said "Eat the Rich", which had been plastered over a Bloomberg campaign poster.
Bloomberg's team complained that the vandalism was part of a broader campaign of harassment that also included an incident where windows to one BBG campaign office were smashed in.
That led to dozens of pro-Sanders twitter trolls to complain about Bloomberg's complaining, telling the billionaire candidate to stop being so "butt hurt"...
Bloomberg literally campaigned for Republican Gov. Snyder, who allowed Flint to become the poorest city not only in MI but in the country; oh, and is responsible for the citizens of Flint to have no clean drinking water...but you're butt hurt over a sign? 
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...Before deciding to get "#EatTheRich" trending.
What an accomplishment - because we all know how underrepresented left-wing voices are on twitter. Nice going, guys!
I can't give up faith in a world where Weinstein has been found guilty, Bernie is winning and is trending.
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Leftists love proving to the world that they can perform basic math with the aide of a calculator.
Re: Bloomberg being able to pay to fix Flint. If he paid the $55m, it wouldn't even be ONE TENTH of ONE PERCENT of his wealth.
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How could anybody be against restoring clean water in the city of Flint, Michigan?
When a billionaire would rather spend his money on a fail campaign rather than fresh water for the city of Flint, it awakens an appetite...
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Some people seemed...a little too excited?
Sanders' band of leftist twitter trolls have attracted some controversy lately for allegedly harassing...well...everybody who doesn't agree with them on every issue.
Bloomberg struck back in kind, tweeting about Sanders' defense of Castro...
Fidel Castro left a dark legacy of forced labor camps, religious repression, widespread poverty, firing squads, and the murder of thousands of his own people.

But sure, Bernie, let’s talk about his literacy program.
10.6K people are talking about this opinion that's actually widely held by Sanders' most hard core supporters.
In 60 years, Cuba has achieved:

—79.74 years life expectancy (US: 78.69)

—99.75% literacy rate (US: 99%)

—0% homelessness (US: .17%)

—1.7% unemployment (US: 3.6%)

All this, despite decades of the cruelest embargo in history.

Defending Cuba shouldn't even be a question.
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Hmm...if that's all true, how come everybody is still poor and most would leave if the government allowed them to?

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