
Thursday, March 19, 2020

You will soon come to realize I’ve been describing the BEST CASE scenario for the coronavirus … check out this “Medieval” scenario for the real doom and gloom projections

From Natural News:

(Natural News) If you thought the “Adams model” was terrifying…
or that the “Steve Quayle” model was apocalyptic…
I now give you the Hal Turner model.
This is known as the “Medieval” scenario, and I thought you should take a peek in order to give yourself some perspective of how good you have it right now, when electricity, running water and the internet are all working, for starters. You are not yet living in a failed state and a collapsed society…
The Hal Turner model comes from none other than, of course, Hal Turner from, and it begins with words like “anarchy” and “failed states.”
I don’t fully subscribe to the Hal Turner model because I’m an optimist. In other words, when I explain that my projections show there could still be hundreds of thousands of deaths from coronavirus in the USA, you should know that’s actually a “best case” outcome. That’s the GOOD news angle of all this, and those who aren’t yet grasping that reality are still having difficulty adjusting to the new reality.
What Hal Turner describes is a far worse scenario. Usually Hal Turner’s timelines are a little too early, so when he says “next week” it might actually be next month instead. But the overall picture of what he’s describing here isn’t out of the realm of possible outcomes here, and that’s what you need to recognize. For your consideration, here’s a taste from a recent post on his website:
Via Hal Turner:
We are on the last legs, as a society, and the governments will have their last stand this week, in postponing the panic. It might work, or not, but it will be irrelevant, because they cannot avoid SHTF for long, probably, in many countries, SHTF will start this week anyway.
This week, we can expect things to unfold on two main paths :
– widespread epidemic, with collapsed hospitals and generalized panic.
– full on martial law, before the epidemic is widespread.
Regardless, the panic will start in the Western countries.
1. In Europe and the U.S., the number of infected people, the REAL NUMBER, is in TENS OF MILLIONS. In other words, the virus reached the point where NOTHING, no matter what, will be able to stop it.
2. There will be shortages of food and basic necessities, and these shortages will be felt in a matter of days, in certain countries, and by the end of the months, in most countries.
3. The healthcare systems will collapse this week, in most countries in Europe and the U.S. War-like triage will start this week in Europe, and by the end of next week, in the whole U.S.
4. Power outages will start in April, once SHTF will be full-blown in many, MANY countries across the world.
5. At least ONE country will fall to partial anarchy this week. At least 10 countries will be under martial law this week. Tons of social protests will take place this week, mostly small scale, and containable. But it will be just the start.
6.The peak of the first wave will be reached in May/June, in most countries, but the second wave will start in September/October. Sadly, this peak will be the small one, and if the society will somehow be able not to totally collapse (it will at least partially collapse, the big cities will be virtually no-man’s land), it will collapse in November, when the second wave will be the knock-out blow, to a society already on its knees.
7. Medical staffing will suffer big losses in human lives, making things worse each day, every day. The armed forces and the police forces are already affected by the virus, and will be much more affected in the coming weeks, with society losing the last line of defense in front of anarchy and criminality.
8.Some (hopefully) good news. I hope that my numbers are wrong, and the number of already infected people is much lower, making the lock-downs and even martial law drastically slowing down the contagion. If so, WE CAN, as society, go past 3-4 weeks of hardship (2020-type of hardship), and be able to keep things relatively normal.
People are scared…but STILL not scared enough. Almost EVERYONE in the European and U.S. cities, is NOT wearing masks, is not wearing gloves, is STILL riding the fucking subway, still going to work.
This is why I am advocating for DICTATORIAL MEASURES, because I know for a fact, that people are STUPID, people still eat the TV shit (just a flu, 80% aren’t affected, young people are virtually unaffected) and they ACT like this is nothing, making the contagion (which is already widespread) spread even more, leading to massive shocks for hospitals in a week or so, basically KILLING people, because there is not bed and no free medical staff.
But when facing a pandemic, with a western population that is stupid, with western governments that are STILL propping the fucking economy instead stopping the pandemic, being unable to realize that this is not SARS, or MERS, or Ebola, or other joke, I know that we are lost.
Get ready.
Things are about to go medieval.