(Natural News) After reviewing the videos surrounding the arrest and killing of George Floyd, it’s clear to me that he was deliberately murdered. I understand there are different interpretations of what happened, and new evidence may emerge that will alter my view, but based on what I’ve seen so far, it seems abundantly clear that Mr. Floyd was deliberately murdered in broad daylight.
As I know very well due to my many years of training alongside law enforcement and military veterans, police officers are specifically trained to avoid pushing their body weight, through their knee, onto a suspect’s throat or neck for the simple reason that doing so causes severe injury or death. Any police officer that deliberately places their knee (and hence, their body weight) on the neck of a suspect who is pinned against the ground is doing so out of a premeditated desire to cause death.
The question isn’t whether George Floyd was murdered — he clearly was — the real question is why he was murdered.
Put another way, who benefits from the death of George Floyd?
The answer, of course, is that the forces of chaos and destruction (i.e. anti-American, anti-Trump) benefit from his murder. The more chaos and destruction is unleashed during this election year, the more the media hypes up the disaster and assigns blame to President Trump. Logically, it’s absurd, since President Trump had nothing to do with the murder of George Floyd. But emotionally, the media propaganda messaging whips up fear, anger and frustration — emotions that will largely be translated into anti-Trump sentiment in the coming elections.
This comes on the heels of Joe Biden telling a black interview host, “You ain’t black” if you don’t vote for me. The black community was rightfully outraged. Democrats experienced a wave of horror in old “crazy Joe’s” comments, realizing that if they didn’t do something to get the black vote to swing back to their side, many black Americans would vote for Trump, who isn’t someone who talks condescendingly to the black community (like Biden just did).
Right on time, almost as if scripted for the media in advance, comes the story the Left has been dreaming of: “White cop murders innocent black man in broad daylight.” Suddenly the narrative shifts. Joe Biden’s comment is quickly forgotten, and the media tries to redirect blame to Trump.
Left-wing provocateurs send in the militants to torch buildings and cause mayhem. Certain “race baiter” black leaders whip up the hatred and division for maximum effect, utterly avoiding what they should be doing which is calling for all humans to rise up against the real enemies of humanity: Globalists, Big Tech and the depopulation vaccine engineers who will soon be targeting black people all across the world with a “kill switch” coronavirus vaccine.
For the globalists to maintain control of humanity, they must maintain the hatred and division between the races, for if all humans banded together to rise up and defeat the globalists, the people would achieve an immediate victory. The only way the globalists maintain their criminal control and mass genocide operations is to convince certain groups of people to go to war with other groups. It’s all a distraction from the real threat to us all: Evil, demonic globalists who despise all human beings.
Look as this “white cop” carries out the engineered murder in broad daylight, almost as if he’s posing for the cameras, gleeful about the total destruction and hatred he’s about to unleash on the world:

Notice how his torso is leaning forward, placing the majority of his upper body weight on George Floyd’s neck, exactly where the carotid artery is located. Note also that Mr. Floyd is pinned to the concrete and thus has no “give” on the opposite side of his neck. This technique is widely known across law enforcement to be deadly. It is clearly deliberate. This cop could have easily controlled Mr. Floyd by placing his knee between Mr. Floyd’s shoulder blades, for example, but instead he chose to target the man’s neck.
To me, that looks like straight up murder, and based on the video evidence we’ve seen so far, we call for a criminal murder investigation into the police officers involved.
UPDATE: Derek Chauvin has now been arrested and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter, according to multiple media sources.
Learn more about humanity rising up against oppression and government violence in this important podcast:
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