
Monday, May 25, 2020

Global tech upgrade with a focus on Crypto happening now

From Zero Hedge:

Based on publicly available evidence, it’s clear a group of tech business leaders got together and hatched a plan to move the world’s system of Capitalism away from the Entrepreneur (risk) and into the hands of a few mega-powerful corporations who know best.
The idea is honorable enough, it’s not like they want to kill people.  But what investors want to know is what does this mean for the markets?  A huge swath of the economy isn’t going to recover.  But the mega-cap companies, they are going to get more mega, and mega, and mega.  What are some of the beneficial technologies that will dominate the next 10 years based on the reaction to COVERT-19 or the Wu Flu?
  • Information Technology – All I.T. will benefit, but especially remote work solutions like TransparentBusiness
  • Telemedicine – A major tech upgrade is going on to the healthcare system around the world
  • Genetic Engineering – companies like Ginkgo Bioworks for example
  • Cryptocurrency – The Chinese are sanitizing physical dollars because they can carry viruses and germs – this is the ultimate argument for a cash-less society.
But Bitcoin is not the only Cryptocurrency in the world.  There are other coins, educational projects such as News Crypto with it’s platform provides tools to help you trade other Crypto. According to a press release by the company:
"Our main focus is to solve the problem of finding the right information at the right time while being a trustworthy source and offer our members the best user experience possible. Therefore, we strive to give our members security and confidence at the highest level while providing them the best indicators and analysis on the market."
The question many investors have been asking is what companies are going to be “COVID positive” and what are not.  Many businesses are failing.  But some, such as Zoom and Amazon for example, are thriving.  Cryptocurrency certainly is going to get a boost from the circumstances – but which token or coin will thrive?  That’s what can help with – providing information in a fast paced market for those who are not familiar with the market.
Education and tools have always been the foundation to success.  Information is power, they say.  Well, this fits like a hat on a bald head.
So, are you ready for the big global tech upgrade?  Some people are starting to get creative with Coronavirus ‘hacks’ – but what’s really going on is a big upgrade to the global technology system.  That includes things like Microsoft digital hospitals, Amazon delivery systems linking every supply chain on the planet, and digital money (Cryptocurrency). 
So if you aren’t familiar with Cryptocurrency, News Crypto is a great place to start.  Because the future is about using the technology and mastering it.  If people think making stock picks or choosing the next “Bitcoin” is going to solve all your problems you are gravely mistaken.  Users need to embrace technology, understand it, and integrate it into their lives.  Basically, those who don’t participate in this upgrade are going to be societal outcasts.  We have two choices, to embrace transhumanism or to be left alone on the fringe of society.  As we are seeing a total transformation in how we work, live, eat, play, and recover. 
So it’s only logical that the first place to start your knowledge journey is about money, whether it’s using a cryptocurrency tool like News Crypto or reading a book like Splitting Pennies.  Mastery they say takes 10,000 hours – even if you aren’t a student or expert – if you use something like a technology for 10,000 hours you can consider yourself a master.

Last day to file claims and join the ANAB case