
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Large Scale Election Fraud exposed 2020 Presidential Race

 From Zero Hedge:

Since our last expose on NSA computer system Hammer and Scorecard, we have dug our heels in to a technical audit of what electronic voting systems are being used, and what could have caused 'glitches' swinging the vote so blue all in one coordinated moment.  As we explain in our books, the world is not as it seems.  Here we are going to go into more granular detail about the technology used in voting systems.

Oil Tycoon Russ Ramsland spent several years and millions of dollars studying our current paradigm of electronic voting.  He has prepared a voice over presentation you can watch in full detail here, and we will post some key slides later.  Also, at minute 33:00 you can watch election fraud in real time - the Republican candidate for the Kentucky Governor race Matt Bevin actually LOSE votes in real time. Russ says that to really spot this you can't look at the audit records because those can be hacked too.  But as we watch the tally coming in - as votes are counted - it would be impossible for the number of votes to go down.  But you can watch this video from live TV broadcast and see that they do.

The scary thing is that this has been documented in the media in 20172018 and here, and 2019.  Why was nothing done about it?  We all know the answer to that question.  Another alarming fact, the lack of basic security on tabulation systems is shocking - vote files in CSV format are sitting on public servers with username "admin" and no password - on servers in Spain and Germany.  It would be possible for someone with basic computer knowledge to not only change the results - but change the audit logs that it would look like the trail was not modified.

Summary of Cybersecurity Audit

Shared SSL on hundreds of .gov domains - a newbie no no !

All of the sites in the above image use the same 3rd party vendor - - which redirects to

See for yourself - visit and view the certificate.  Managed by 3rd party domain.  Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, S.A is a Spanish provider of electronic voting systems and election technology. Founded in 2001 in Barcelona, its products and services are used in elections and referenda across the world. In June 2020, Scytl entered into administration.

Not only is our voting system outsourced to non-government private companies - the company is based in Spain and we don't know who the owners are!  

Malware "QSnatch" was found inside the code.

What QSnatch provides:

How is it that Republicans won huge in all offices except the Governors office which was a close loss for a Republican?  Most Republicans 'vote the ticket' meaning vote Red for all candidates - this is supported by other demographic data.  Similar anomalies played out in the 2020 Presidential race.

How to find re-assigned votes.  Blank votes assigned to Democrats (for example there are 20 candidates and you vote only for Governor).  

The Cybersecurity audit team assigned a hash ID to real voters to trace "Phantoms" "Ghosts" and "Purged / Tampered" 

In some cases they visited houses physically where 10 or more voters 'lived' - and asked the owner if they knew all these voters (answer always 'no)

So what happened in the 2020 Presidential election?  At one point in the night, they 'closed' (which meant kicked out Republican observers) and then suddenly 'found' ballots that were in some cases 100% Biden.  This was not a 'glitch' it was a 'hack' 

Summary of anomalies from the Cybersecurity audit team:

What can average people do?

1 - Share this article with every single person you know.  Share on SMS, Whatsapp, Social Media, however.

2 - Become an editor for Wikipedia - it's easy and you can make history by checking the so called 'fact checkers' 

3 - Submit a tip to your local news.  Charlotte Observer  Google the name of your local paper and 'submit a tip' to find the form.

4 - Call, email, write your congressman, woman, or unidentified politician and share this with them.

Not every court in America is corrupt, nor is every politician (perhaps there is some honesty at City, County and even State level).

When Jack Dorsey was asked why he allowed this red censorship he basically answered because the liberals complained more.  

There is a long way to go until January 20th, 2021. 

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