
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Robinhood Halts Buying In GameStop And AMC; Barstool's Portnoy Slams App: "They Should All Be In Jail"

 From Zero Hedge:

Update 0842 EST: Barstool Sports' Dave Portnoy has weighed in on the restriction, stating "Either @RobinhoodApp allows free trading or it’s the end of Robinhood. Period."

He has also Tweeted: "And it turns out @RobinhoodApp is the biggest frauds of them all. “Democratizing finance for all” except when we manipulate the market cause too many ordinary people are getting rich."

He continued: "Somebody is going to have to explain to me in what world [Robinhood] and others literally trying to force a crash by closing the open market is fair? They should all be in jail."


One day after TD Ameritrade implemented unprecedented restrictions on trading in GME, AMC and other massive short squeezes, on Thursday morning reports are circulating on social media that Robinhood is no longer allowing GameStop or AMC share purchases.

"Robinhood Removes GameStop, AMC; Puts Notice On Pages Saying 'You Can Close Out Your Position On This Stock, But You Can Not Purchase Additional Shares'," Benzinga reported at about 0830 EST. 

The report was corroborated by additional sources shortly after 0830 EST.

Users are reporting the same on Twitter.

There are also scattered reports that the app has restricted BlackBerry. Users on social media are furious:
