The war on intelligence is in full swing. It's game time. They've been planning this for years. As we explain in Splitting Pennies, the world isn't as it seems, in fact - the world is a great big illusion to many.
In case you're not following this trend, since the 1980's the Elite in America have invested heavily in what one expert calls the "Dumbing Down" of Americans, basically, a coordinated effort to make Americans stupid. To get the gist of this program, you'll want to checkout this book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. It lays the groundwork for what decades later will become full scale intelligence warfare - it's the war for your mind. You see, the Elite, as rich and powerful as they are - they don't force anyone to do anything, physically. There's this pesky thing now, called "FREE WILL" and sadly, few choose to follow this (they prefer, to do what is told to them on TV, or have their opinions formed for them).
Being covered here on Zero Hedge in an unprecedented fashion, never before have we seen the inner workings of how the Elite manipulate elections in America. During previous presidential elections, there wasn't such internet penetration. Also, the majority of people now carry smartphones, able to capture odd moments, or record 'secret' conversations, like this election official admitting to busing voters around to vote again and again.
There's two issues high level planners are using to manipulate the vote. But let's give credit where credit is due. They're doing a great job, but at the consent of voters - and most of this 'manipulation' is actually legal. They are preying on the general stupidity and laziness of people. The first issue, is the artificial 'race war' that's being created - that's a topic for another article. The second issue, is the perceived threat of Russia. Russia never was a threat and never will be, economically, militarily, or otherwise. But it has throughout history, from time to time, served as a convenient enemy (such as during the 'Cold War'). Where to begin?
Wall Street has long had a unique and fascinating relationship with Russia. Currently, Wall St. dominated by Russian programmers (physically that is, they live and work in NY). This relationship was most interesting however, when a group of Wall St. Bankers saw opportunity in revolution, and provided needed financing to a group of rag tag intellectuals known as the Bolsheviks. If you're not up to date on this situation, this book is a MUST READ: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. Not only does this book tell the tale of how Wall St. financed what would later become the Soviet Union, it also serves as a good example of 'how the world really works.'
Today's topic is more artificial - there's no situation with Russia. It's completely contrived. The Democratic party, in collusion with the entire establishment against Trump, has created a situation where "Russia is Bad" playing on the fears of older boomers who remember sitting under their desks in school during bomb raid drills. Even though many have grown up to realize it was all lies during the Cold War - not all have. And even those smarter boomers have deep seeded mistrust of Russians in the back of their subconscious planted long ago, by the social control mechanism.
Point 1. Russia didn't hack the DNC. Listen to Putin's response here. Or ask Guccifer - the admitted hacker of many such data hacks.
Point 2. It's impossible for Russia to 'hack' the election and fix the results. But, this is a meme that needs to be implanted because it's actually the DNC that's planning to fix the elections, with their establishement friends at Diebold.

Point 3. Trump has no business with Russia. The threads they weave to build this link are so weak they are almost silly. Trump sold a property to a Russian oligarch in Palm Beach. He has sold thousands of properties, in New York and South Florida, statistically, any number of those properties could be Russian owned. There are 3.3 MILLION RUSSIAN-AMERICANS this is not a small number. Unlike previous generations of immigrants, modern Russian-Americans may keep ties to Russia especially with family. It's actually surprising that Trump hasn't done MORE business with Russians in America, especially regarding properties, as this has been one demographic that's been naive to the real estate bubble, snapping up high end properties in NYC, Miami, and LA. It looks as though, journalists were 'told' to make a connection, and then it was regurgitated throughout the establishment controlled media.
So what is their game? Problem-reaction-solution. What's the problem? Russia wants to take over the world (or something like that, but since Soviet Union collapsed this argument is very weak). What is mostly people's reaction? Fear, confusion, and flight to safety - or at least, perceived safety. What's the solution? An establishment character, a 'Clinton.' Bill Clinton was in office at a time when the Soviet Union collapsed, and was highly disorganized. Of course, just like we said in previous articles, Bill Clinton was not responsible for the boom of the 90s, and he wasn't responsible for a weak Russia. But the way this social control paradigm works, it works on subtle references, subliminal messages, deeply implanted subconscious memes - and when you hear a 'bell' you raise your right hand and say "I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands.."
Trump is being painted as a traitor - an anti-American, Pro-Russia (which means, pro-Criminal in their programming speak).
Russia Slams "Unprecedented, Insolent" US Cyber Threats, Vows Retaliation This is perhaps the most embarrasing, ridiculous moment for a Vice President who is helping the democratic party get another one of their own elected, by being a key player in this anti-Trump/Russia meme. WARNING - TO THOSE READERS WHO HAVE CHILDREN, YOU MAY WANT TO CENSOR THIS CONTENT AS IT CAN LEAD TO ADULT-STUPIDITY.
Russia in this case is a bystander, they're just again a convenient enemy. But are they really? As we've seen in the complex black hole Syria, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend. It wouldn't be surprising if Democrats had a deal with the Kremlin, 'look mean - wave your arms around, speak in large words with a loud voice' and the translator inserts in English "I will destroy American Culture, burn your villages and steal your potatoes!"
To clarify, Russia is not a threat to US democracy. Russia has severe problems of its own. Russia is not going to hack the elections. Russia is being used as a 'proxy issue' in order to confuse voters into voting for Clinton, the establishment candidate.