Friday, April 24, 2020

"It Wasn't A Black Swan" - Nassim Taleb Blasts Bail-Outs As Misguided And "Morally Unacceptable"

From Zero Hedge:

Throughout his career, Nassim Taleb has always demonstrated an uncanny gift for good timing. The publication of his book "The Black Swan", in 2007, immediately preceded the financial crisis - one of only a small handful of genuine "Black Swans" to emerge in recent decades - instantly launching him into the pantheon of pop-intellectual superstardom.
However, Taleb - who claims his "core identity" is that of an options trader - never seemed quite comfortable with this position. And he swiftly set about rocking the boat and embracing controversial ideas that were deemed "fringe" by some mainstream economists.
A line appeared to be crossed when Taleb praised Trump and Trumpism shortly after the president's election.
A perennial skeptic and believer in the dangers of "moral hazard", Taleb sat for a remote video interview Friday morning on CNBC's "Squawk Box" and shared some thoughts about the federal government's response to the pandemic, where he expanded on a point made earlier this month during a contentious interview with Chamath Palihapitiya.
Not only does Taleb agree with Chamath's point that bailing out the airlines would do little to protect jobs. Instead, the money would essentially line the pockets of wealthy shareholders and reinforce "incompetent" management practices like corporations issuing debt to buy back stock, since Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection allows airlines to continue operating, while shareholders are wiped out and creditors are forced to agree to more amenable terms, the notion that corporate bailouts would protect jobs is a "myth propagated by Wall Street."
Bailing out the airlines while tens of millions of workers watch their jobs evaporate wouldn't just be a misallocation of limited resources, it would be a straight-up moral failing, Taleb argued.
"'Bailing out' is a financial transaction," Taleb explained "An airline will always fly." To rescue investors who knowingly risked there capital, and should now be left to suffer the consequences, since those are the rules of the game, would "not be morally acceptable," Taleb said.
Taleb also repeated some comments he's made advocating for the wearing of masks in public.
Watch the clip below:
Source: CNBC
Earlier in the interview, Taleb also seized the opportunity to correct a common misunderstanding about his "black swan" concept. The coronavirus isn't a "black swan", Taleb explained - pandemics have been happening for thousands of years, there have been other near-pandemics since the SARS outbreak back in 2003, and the risk to contemporary society was well-documented by scientists and people like Bill Gates.
The pandemic, Taleb said, is simply a "white swan", meaning just a regular ol' crisis. The 'black swan' is something like the financial crisis: Something extremely complex, that few or almost nobody saw coming (at least nobody in the mainstream discourse), with little in the way of precedent. Though there have been many financial panics since the dawn of the modern American economy, such a massive collapse in the housing market was almost unfathomable, as anybody who has seen "The Big Short" should understand.
This theme was explored in more detail in a recent piece for the "New Yorker."
“The Black Swan” was meant to explain why, in a networked world, we need to change business practices and social norms—not, as he recently told me, to provide “a cliché for any bad thing that surprises us.” Besides, the pandemic was wholly predictable—he, like Bill Gates, Laurie Garrett, and others, had predicted it—a white swan if ever there was one. “We issued our warning that, effectively, you should kill it in the egg,” Taleb told Bloomberg. Governments “did not want to spend pennies in January; now they are going to spend trillions.”
Before we go, we'd like to leave readers with one last snippet from the New Yorker piece. Taleb has long harbored skepticism about the pros and cons of globalization and increasing economic interconnectedness. His refusal to act as a cheerleader for globalization earned the enmity of many in the mainstream.
As Taleb told me, "The great danger has always been too much connectivity." Proliferating global networks, both physical and virtual, inevitably incorporate more fat-tail risks into a more interdependent and "fragile" system: not only risks such as pathogens but also computer viruses, or the hacking of information networks, or reckless budgetary management by financial institutions or state governments, or spectacular acts of terror. Any negative event along these lines can create a rolling, widening collapse - a true black swan - in the same way that the failure of a single transformer can collapse an electricity grid.
Now, everybody and their mother - including many of these same mainstream voices - is questioning the wisdom of outsourcing so much of the supply chain to China.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Pandemic Drones" To Fly In Connecticut, Hunting For CCOVID-Carriers

Like it or not, the surveillance state is being ushered in under cover of the pandemic. Coming soon to the skies of Westport, Connecticut, are "pandemic drones" that will hunt for COVID-19 carriers. These special drones have thermal optic sensors blended with artificial intelligence that can detect if a person is feverish and or sneezes or coughs. If the drones detect a possible virus carrier, the drone operator will be alerted and dispatch police to the suspect's location. 
Westport Police Department are set to test pandemic drones as part of their "Flatten the Curve Pilot Program," read a press release via US-based Draganfly, the company behind the drones.
The release states each drone is outfitted with specialized sensors and computer vision systems that can fly around cities and detect if people have elevated body temperatures, respiratory rates, as well as to identify if people are sneezing and coughing (all signs of a COVID-19 carrier).
"One of the major problems for cities and towns like Westport in managing and responding to a pandemic like the COVID-19 virus, is finding out who could be infected and how widespread the disease has spread," said Westport First Selectman, Jim Marpe. "One way to do this is to look for underlying symptoms."
Westport is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, a region walloped by the pandemic. As of Thursday morning, the state has recorded 22,469 cases and 1,544 deaths.
Police said the goal of the program is to monitor the population better and search for potential at-risk people when the economy reopens. The drones are expected to monitor public areas where mass gatherings are generally seen, including train stations, parks, shopping districts, and beaches. Sensors on the drone can detect "infectious conditions from a distance of 190 feet as well as measure social distancing for proactive public safety practices," the company said.

"The Westport Police Department is one of the most progressive public safety agencies in the nation and real pioneers when it comes to adopting and integrating new technology to enhance the safety of their citizens and first responders," said Cameron Chell, CEO of Draganfly.
"This coronavirus pandemic has opened up a new frontier for advanced drones. In conjunction with our partners, including the town of Westport, together we are the first in the U.S. to implement this state-of-the-art technology to analyze data in a way that has been peer reviewed and clinically researched to save lives."
We warned earlier this month that pandemic drones were coming to America... 
The rise of Skynet is happening before our very eyes. 

Renowned Microbiologist Claims Wuhan Lab 'Did Absolutely Crazy Things' With Coronavirus

From Zero Hedge:

A world renowned Russian microbiologist says that the novel coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of Wuhan scientists doing "absolutely crazy things" in their laboratory.
Dr. Peter Chumakov of the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology and Russian Academy of Sciences claims that while the Wuhan scientists' goal in creating the coronavirus was not malicious - instead, they were trying to study the pathogenicity of the virus, according to the Daily Mail.
"In China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over ten years," he said. "Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity."
"They did absolutely crazy things, in my opinion," he said, adding " For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells. Now all this has been analyzed."
'The picture of the possible creation of the current coronavirus is slowly emerging.'
He told Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper: 'There are several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties.
'It is interesting that the Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open (scientific) press.
'I even wonder why this background comes to people very slowly.
'I think that an investigation will nevertheless be initiated, as a result of which new rules will be developed that regulate the work with the genomes of such dangerous viruses.
'It's too early to blame anyone.'
Chumakov suggested that Chinese scientists were possibly searching for an HIV vaccine.
The Mail notes that the professor works for Russia's Federal Research Center for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations - while Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, advised against speculation that the virus was manmade.
"In the situation where there is not enough information that has been supported and checked by science ... we think it is unacceptable, impossible, to groundlessly accuse anyone," said Peskov.
Meanwhile, the head of Russia's Federal Medical-Biological agency, Veronika Skvortsova, told Russia's Channel One "This question is not that easy. It demands a very thorough study," adding "None of the versions can be ruled out."
"We can see that a fairly large number of fragments distinguishes this virus from its very close relative, SARS," Skvortsova added. "They are approximately 94 per cent similar, the rest is different… I think that we must conduct a very serious research.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Pompeo Says "Multiple Labs" In China & Not Just Wuhan's Must Be Investigated For COVID-19 Origins

From Zero Hedge:

In a new exclusive interview with UAE's The National on Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US is demanding of Beijing access to all major Chinese bio-research virology labs
“We, collectively the world, still has not had access to the Chinese labs,” the top US diplomat said. Crucially, The National reports of the new statements:
“For the first time, he mentioned multiple labs beyond Wuhan’s Institute of Virology (WIV) that would be critical to access to determine the origin of the virus.”
Getty Images/The Hill
Reiterating that the virus originated in China while calling into doubt the official WHO narrative and assertion that coronavirus originated in animals Pompeo further said
“These labs in China, not just the WIV, there are multiple labs that where the Chinese Communist Party is working on various levels of pathogens,” Mr Pompeo told The National. “It is important that there would be a global effort that those people working with dangerous substances have the capability to prevent accidental release.”
The new statements will no doubt be taken as another Washington provocation in Beijing's eyes, coming as speculation goes full mainstream that the deadly virus actually originated at either the Wuhan Institute of Virology (8 miles from the Wuhan wet market where cases first popped up last year) or the nearby Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (a mere 300 yards from the wet market).
Pompeo said US allies like Germany and Australia have voiced support to US administration efforts to get the bottom of it, and said further in the interview it “would be important to the question presented [determining the origin of the virus] and it’s important we get the answer, not just as a historical matter, but so we can prevent such a thing from happening again… it is time that there would be transparency and access so that the world can respond.”
Since last week the mainstream media, including CNN, began taking seriously outbreak origin theories centering on Wuhan's high-level research labs. For example Gordon G. Chang is a columnist for The Daily Beast, a publication which elsewhere mocked "conspiracy theories" centered on an accidental or purposeful release:
He simultaneously slammed Chinese officials' latest statements blaming the US for the spread of COVID-19, specifically calling out “their disinformation campaigns that it began in Europe or brought by US soldiers.”

From the conversation, US is not buying WHO’s statement yesterday that virus originated from animals, not a lab.

Pressure growing (US & some EU countries) for access to *multiple labs* in China but no sign that Chinese gov will grant, or @who will push...
101 people are talking about this
“This is dangerous,” Pompo said, adding: “this is not political, you have to know the nature and the pathway that the virus took in order to save lives, and that didn’t happen, they were too slow.”

He also again went after the WHO in the new remarks, in a now familiar administration refrain highlighting the global health body's failures and slowness to act. This means the WHO itself is unlikely to assist with US demands to access China's virology labs, making it a distant prospect in practical terms.

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