Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Securitization of Politics - Trump = Republican Party IPO

From Zero Hedge:

As America has an exciting and nervous weekend ahead of Tuesday's national election, we thought a short note on the securitization of the political system is in order.  Zero Hedge readers are traders first, analysts second, and armchair intellectuals third.  As we explain in Splitting Pennies, the world is not what it seems.  What's with all the politics?  We are going to answer that.  It's not for reasons you may think.  It's a business.  It was invented originally by the British and during and after WW2 the torch was passed to the Americans.  Ask yourself, why do we go to war?  Is it because of 'enemies' which are mostly contrived?  "Communists" "Terrorists" and now "Coronavirus" are artificial threats created by a cartel of business interests in order to make money.  Unfortunately, it's all about money.  They have no real belief system, they may pretend to be socialists, as they are doing now - but the progressive agenda proposed by the left is a big rich mans trick.  Socialism as they are planning on the left is a theft of assets, not a distribution of assets.  They did this before it was called the Soviet Union - most readers here probably don't know - that the Bolshevik revolution was financed right here in New York City.  You can read about this in the MUST READ Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution.  In this well researched blockbuster, author Anthony Sutton details the actual address of where the revolution was planned, financed, and launched: 120 Broadway, New York, New York.  Today it's the Equitable building:

Source: Google

In these same walls walked Trotsky, Lenin, and their accomplices before (not after) the Bolshevik revolution.  Not only did bankers like William B. Thompson provide money to the Bolsheviks, Americans provided international diplomatic cover (organized by illuminati President Woodrow Wilson, the same President that ushered in the Federal Reserve Act).  This is a historical fact.  Go ahead and fact check this because unlike current events, there are not armies of trolls deleting evidence and planting their own.  That's the value of history, we can speak about it more freely.  If we discuss the places and the people involved in today's operations, we can be banned, blocked, sued, or stab ourselves in the back 10 times.  Or if we are whistleblowing a CIA operation, 'heart attack' or 'accidental drowning' may be the cause of death -  if a Russian op, Novichok.  

What the bankers learned from Operation Soviet Union was the power of the NGO.  In this case it was the Red Cross.  If American troops or Diplomats had went to Russia they would have been shot.  But bankers dressed and credentialed like "Doctors" were welcomed.  Knowledge gained in this operation was incorporated in future NGOs.

NGOs have no accountability, no oversight, and no sovereignty.  They can operate from neutral Switzerland, or from offshore BVI.  If the Swiss doesn't like what they are doing, they can press a button and wire billions to the BVI operation.  In the shadow banking system, there is no accountability or transparency regarding their activities or the kinds of assets they control.  Of course, the CIA uses a similar strategy for global operations, involving front companies like Air America.  But the NGO is much more powerful than a front company (shell) because the NGO has a mission: save the planet, end world hunger, help your health! (WHO).  

Who gives the WHO authority?  Those who pay it's bills.  That's why the Elite so much love NGOs and so much hate Trump.  Oh, and you get tax breaks!  So WHO is funding this WHO?  Answer:  The US Taxpayer (1) and Bill Gates (2) Source:

What's interesting is Bill's contribution is 100% voluntary - not mandated.  You can bet there were 'strings attached.'  

What does this have to do with Politics?  The political system has been a means to further a Monopolistic agenda and control the population.  It's not important what that agenda is.  In the case of Gates, he's a transhumanist.  What he believes, not what he says or what people mostly believe he believes, is very controversial -but is not the point of this article.  But we're not judging, in a politically correct world everyone is entitled to their own view and culture, even if you are a Satan Worshiper (Devils have rights too, right?).  The point here is that the political system has been taken over by business interests.  Bill's agenda may differ than George's agenda but they are both agendas.  Another troubling thing is that they are not open about their agenda, they meet in secret and unless you have a secret decoder ring, or a friend from Yale, you aren't going to know what's going on inside their secret meetings.

Before continuing, there is another important historical fact to mention, and that is the involvement of publicly traded (IBM) and the holocaust.  In a very well researched book MUST READ: IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST - author Edwin Black documents a well oiled machine in the form of a JV partnership between IBM and Hitler.  And it wasn't just a numbered client, then President of IBM Thomas Watson micromanaged the relationship, and was not only Hitler's personal friend, he was awarded a Nazi medal of honor he kept above his desk for years.  Money and machines flowed through proxy shells in Switzerland like clockwork.  And much of that flowed back to the employees of IBM who at the time got fat bonuses and other perks.  The bottom line was that without IBMs machines, the Nazi regime could not have done the holocaust, nor could they have waged a war with laserlike precision.  IBM created a census so unique in the world at the time, it was nearly Artificial Intelligence.  This, all before the microprocessor.  IBM charged Hitler huge fees, and when the war got dicey, Hitler sacrificed amenities like gourmet food for his people and war casualties (for supplies needed) just to keep the payments to IBM active.  Hitler needed IBM and IBM needed Hitler (for profits).  

The world has not changed much politically, although now war has become an information war.  With nukes, another world war is not likely.  Political parties such as the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have been sold to the highest bidder.  The Biden evidence proves this.  China 'bought' their way into the White House through the corrupt Bidens.  The news about the Bidens is shocking but not for the reasons you may think.  Hunter's actions are deplorable, but what's worse is that the people running the DNC put Joe Biden on the ticket - knowing that he has been compromised.  Billionaire liberal Democrats like George Soros are super smart, and super experienced.  Did these all powerful all knowing guys actually think a guy like Biden - who can't even remember the name of the candidate he's running against - could win and also assume office?  No.  The real candidate in this race is Pelosi or Clinton, not Biden.  But their game is destruction, not winning.  So they are winning, by destroying buildings and the social fabric of society called culture.  Their plan is simple: Destroy the world and rebuild it with their technology.

Impossible Foods is a great Bill Gates example of a future Monopoly in action.  Here's how this game works.  Impossible Foods makes artificial meat.  Through the NGO Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Bill partners with PETA, Cargill, and others to 'save the planet' by promoting a plant based diet, and more aggressively by actually slaughtering livestock (because they have COVID).  What happens to the demand for Impossible Foods?  It skyrockets.  The company is on fire - in private markets the stock moved from $16 to $35.

So now you get it.  Now it makes sense why Billionaires would fund 'socialism' it's because that's a red herring.  The real game is Monopoly.  But these guys don't play fair - they are the player with all the money, and they are the banker.  And if you start to beat them, they will have one of their minions burn one of your hotels on Marvin Gardens to the ground (see actions against Trump).

That's the blue plan - spend Trillions of dollars and those dollars will go right into the Monopoly.  Your health, brought to you by Amazon & Microsoft.  Isn't it interesting that Bill Gates founded Microsoft, and in 2017 they made a strategic plan to pivot into healthcare, and meanwhile his NGO is funding gain of function Coronavirus research and other things (Frank Plummer) in Canada without any oversight, and WHAM we're hit with a COVID-19 pandemic and guess who is on TV all day (paid advertisements) promoting his vaccines and chip implants?  

For now, you can't buy and sell stock in the Democratic or Republican party.  But you can buy the company that counts the votes and as Stalin once famously said "He who counts the votes - wins." (paraphrase on Russian translation).

Finally, for all you lawyers out there - look at it like this.  Typically, plaintiffs are Democrats and defendants are Republicans, right?  So isn't there a moral hazard- an intellectual conflict of interest -- wherein Democrats have an interest to see society buckle, become a tyranny wherein government decides your every move?  The complex and unfair regulations in any sector only give plaintiffs attorneys more cases, and give lawyers more work because you need to hire compliance teams to understand regulation.

NGOs are a dark market of private equity.  [That uses the political system to achieve their business goals]

As the Panama Papers show, the sheer majority of political figures are linked to dark offshore companies that profit from their actions in office.  In most countries, that's illegal - but highly unenforceable.  But it's not the politicians who are the problem, it's the players.  The politicians are the executives of that shadow system.

Trump represents a sort of IPO of a very dark and opaque market.  Obviously, those who profit from the shadow system - hate Trump with a passion.  Trump is a passionate nationalist, another trait that Globalists don't like, because strong countries and strong countries weaken the power of a Global superstate, backed by a single global currency.  A strong United States can say "NO" to a one world currency - just like the strong British People said "NO" to a European superstate (Brexit).

Proof that his own party hates him - Republicans like Lindsey Graham had this now released evidence on Biden and much more, as early as 2017.  He is a truther, being part of the New York crowd that never accepted the official 911 story.  

But instead of just coming out and saying it - and arresting people - he's allowing it to drip feed from the ground up (grassroots).  Agree or disagree, it is draining the swamp, although not in the way that most have envisioned.

We do have a Democracy in America - not a Republic.  That Democracy works on the princip one dollar one vote.  So actors like George Soros, Bill Gates, and others - have the voice of a billion people.  Trump is on the opposite side of the spectrum, he's a populist, that takes no money from special interests - nor does he have any puppet masters.  For better or worse, this election is more like an IPO than a political election.  Trump is selling America, Inc. based on his proven track record, the last 4 years.  

Even withstanding the entire media is against him (including FOX), people see right through it.  The car parades, the excitement, it's electric.  The only comparison to Trump is JFK.  Trump supporters don't just support him - they love him.  He is the elected CEO of America, Inc. which is technically owned by the people (meaning the government).  

The paradigm shift that has transpired over the past years is only beginning.  As history shows, revolution only replaces dictators with tyrants.  Real revolution only comes with knowledge.  If any of these 'protestors' who are now mostly paid career protestors & rioters, were serious about what they claim to be serious about - they would read.  Gandhi broke the British Empire by walking to the beach.  That quiet revolution is happening, and it's a boost for the economy.

Unlike what the consensus trance is saying- we don't believe the outcome of this election is that important.  Trump has already won no matter the outcome.  As George Bush said - "Fool me once, shame on you - you can't get fooled again." The Russia-hoax was exposed as a total fraud, as was the DNC, and most recently Twitter.  George Carlin said that if you introduced honesty into politics the whole system would collapse - that is what Trump has done.  He got the ball rolling.  Now that the genie is out of the bottle, it can't be put back inside so easily.  People have started fact checking the fact checkers.

What happens in the next 10 days is not so interesting as what will happen in 2024.  If we are to have a realistic approach, regulations don't work.  The reason is that in a Global village, if you have money - you can move shop to Mexico or Brazil or China in a few days or weeks if you have lots of gear.  Millions of people can migrate on a whim if they have the resources to do it.  Labor laws in the US created the result of corporations moving overseas.  Dodd-Frank financial regulations became a tool of Monopoly to quash their small competitors.  And based on the ECP exception, if you have $10 Million - regulations don't apply.  And of course, the bigger the banks, the bigger the fraud [ Global banks admit guilt in forex probe, fined nearly $6 billion ].  What is the point of an EPA where big money can skirt around rules or buy off state and local officials?  There is none.  

*For the record, this author is not a Republican.  I've always thought that both parties are equally useless. This is not a pro-Trump advertisement.  We are not part of the 'alt-right' (another conspiracy created by the left.  There is no alt-right).

Massive deregulation makes sense, but it needs to start with the government.  The government breaking up a Monopoly is a paradox - the Government itself is the largest Monopoly.  According to Julian Assange, when he would contact the State Department about official business (classified cable releases) Google would respond.  He said it was impossible to tell where the US Government stopped and Google began.  Big Tech can do things in foreign countries that the CIA cannot do.  Big Tech is the new Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop.  What used to be 'defense' is now 'Big Tech' i.e. Palantir, Google, Microsoft.

The political system is the glue that keeps this unholy alliance in place.  If the power structure of America was a pyramid, that pyramid can only exist by having 4 points as a base; Banking (NYC), Technology (Silicon Valley), Politics (DC), and Culture (Los Angeles).  Seeing how these power bases work together, is the first step of unwinding such a system.  

Trump's grassroots approach has upended this delicate balance, and most participants simply don't know how to react.  For example, he admitted "We're here for the Oil" - is it so hard to say?  If Biden came out and said "Yeah, I made millions in China - so what?" the reaction of the Democrats and public in general would be positive.  Any American can understand the profit motive.  But we loathe snake oil, liars, and corruption.

One of the worst historical examples of American corruption is a Biden-esque mayor "Boss Tweed" a great read up on the history of corruption in the USA.  Now the system is digital, but the model is very similar.  Take a look at this cartoon:

Private companies like BlueLink (Formerly "Shadow") DynologyClearforce, and others - have a conflict of interest because it's like Boss Tweed said "In Counting there is Strength" [for the counter] - call it what you will, it is a real Democracy where one dollar represents one vote.  Build a more expensive system and grease up Pentagon lobbyists - and you too can control the outcome of an election.

The problem with Monopoly isn't that it's unfair it's that it doesn't work.  Billionaires made $700 Billion post COVID and that's good for them but it's bad for the economy and bad for them in the long run.  The reason Soviet Union collapsed was just because a planned economy (or Monopoly) doesn't work given enough time.  But if we are to compare modern America and the Soviet Union, America has a welfare system that takes care of the poor many times over more than any other welfare state in history.  Food banks, food stamps, tax credits, housing projects, scholarship programs, grants, TANF, unemployment insurance, and thousands of other programs spend billions of dollars every year on nearly 100 Million Americans.  What kind of "Socialism" are Bernie Bros really proposing?  The answer is clear - it's not Socialism, it's Monopoly disguised as whatever is popular to call it.  Call it a 'revolution' Black Lives Matter!  #MeToo !  now send me your money.  Defund the police! [ Proceeds to go 99% to the Joe Biden for President campaign ] 

What's happening now isn't about Trump, it's a reformation of sorts of the corrupt political class.  Politics has become a sector to exploit - just like any other.  We have commercialized eating (restaurant industry), child care, education, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, sciences, and even culture.  We have commercialized politics, which used to be reserved for the noble and educated, the intelligentsia.  Al Gore is a poor genetic underling of Gore Vidal (they are blood cousins).  And Hunter Biden is a cliche stereotype of the new generation of trust fund babies, using daddy's connections and money to act like a clown.  Again, we're not judging.  Everyone has a right to party (so says the Beastie Boys).  The point is that let's say Biden wins.  It is only logical in a political dynasty to have your children take over when you pass on.  Is Hunter Biden going to run in 10 years?  We really live in Idiocracy.  Is this the IQ level of the new generation?  

Again, the point is that Monopoly doesn't work and neither does corruption.  Elitism starts out as 'rule by the best' but then it becomes a delicate balance, if you don't diversify the gene pool you end up with Cracksmoking Pedophiles (Hunter Biden) after only a few generations.  

Corruption, Elitism, and Monopoly are all unsustainable.

In other words, the Elite are doing a poor job at managing the world, because over generations their IQ and skills diminish, and the more powerful they become, the less likely they are to contribute to lateral thinking- in an effort to increase the IQ of future gene pools.  Taking a pill or gene therapy are not going to make you or your children smarter.  There is evidence that if you exploit nature in the wrong way there is a natural blowback that creates a cost that far outweighs the benefit.  Tesla warned JP Morgan and humanity about this, but it was above their pay grade.

Generational / succession issues plague family offices.  It's the same problem we face today; if you are an Emperor, how do your raise your children to rule the world?  It's not easy, and not everyone is a Rothschild.  Even the Rothschilds deal with problems, they've had suicides and rebels in their midst.

The good news - the next cure for cancer is going to come from the poor slums of the 3rd world, from cities such as Kanpur, India- the city with the 'world's most toxic air' ...

That's where Manindra Agrawal is from, the guy who cracked the code of Prime Numbers "Primes is in P" - it didn't come from MIT, Princeton, or Yale (although all 3 mathematics departments teach it.).  Not an anti-American statement, we want to attract guys like this here - through merit based immigration.  That's what Trump is proposing and doing - by keeping the criminals and the idiots out. That's what we need.  Our gene pool has become dull, and we are becoming victims of our own homogeneity.  But in this example, Kanpur might just as well be Swansea, South Carolina.  

Innovation and disruption is going to come from small business, not Monopoly and not Google.  It's impossible for IBM, Microsoft, and Google to be disruptive.  That's why all of them have billion dollar venture funds that back entrepreneurs with ideas.

Ultimately, the political class morphed from a intellectual class, to a status quo tyranny of the minority (special interest) used as a social control mechanism, and Monopoly enterprise enabler.  It went from a debate, to a business advertisement.  Debates changed from something you might see at a debate club, to a poop throwing contest (Trump didn't stoop so low as to mention Creepy Joe's pedophelia or family drug issues and throw poop back at Joe - but in any poop throwing contest there is no winner, only bad smells).

COVID is a bright example of tyranny of the Monopoly.  Small business is crushed.  Economic losers who lost their restaurant, barber shop, or local bookstore - were forced to work at Amazon, Microsoft, or for the US Government.  

Arguably, the US Government is a security, owned equally by all US Citizens.  But that security cannot be traded, so the citizens are demanding a dividend payment to common shareholders.  What we are seeing is the IPO of the Republican Party.


For a deeper understanding of how the global system works, see Splitting Pennies - Understanding Money & Markets.  Trade on your phone with LevelX.  Shelter in place - order online @

Martenson: We Are Pawns In A Bigger Game Than We Realize

 Authored by Chris Martenson via,

“I had grasped the significance of the silence of the dog, for one true inference invariably suggests others…. Obviously the midnight visitor was someone whom the dog knew well.”

 ~ Sherlock Holmes – The Adventures of Silver Blaze

Is it possible to make sense out of nonsense?

So much these days is an incoherent mess.  It’s complete nonsense.

Page 1 excitedly beams about a glorious rebound in GDP.  Yay economic growth!

Page 2 worryingly notes the near complete failure of Siberian arctic ice to reform during October and that hurricane Zeta (so many storms this year we’re now into the Greek alphabet!) has made punishing landfall.

Each is a narrative. Each has its own inner logic.

But they simply do not have any external coherence to each other. It’s nonsensical to be excited about rising economic growth while also concerned that each new unit of growth takes the planet further past a critical red line.

These narratives are incompatible. So which one should we pick?

Well, in the end, reality always has the final say. As Guy McPherson states: Nature bats last.

So better we choose to follow the narrative that hews closest to what reality actually is, vs what we desperately want it to be.

‘They’ Don’t Care About Us

While issues like climate change and economic growth may be difficult to fully grasp and unravel, direct threats to our lives &/or livelihoods are much more concrete and something we can react to and resist.

Such immediate and direct threats are now fully in play and, once again, they’re accompanied by narratives that are completely at odds with each other.  I’m speaking of Covid and the ways in which our national and global managers are choosing to respond (or not).

It’s a truly incoherent mess about which both social media and the increasingly irrelevant media are working quite hard to misinform us.

The mainstream narrative about Covid-19, in the West, is this:

  • It’s a quite deadly and novel disease

  • There are no effective treatments

  • Sadly, no double-blind placebo controlled trials exist to support some of the wild claims out there about various off-patent, cheap and widely available supplements and drugs

  • Health authorities care about saving lives

  • They care so much, in fact, that along with politicians they’ve decided to entirely shut down economies

  • There’s a huge second wave rampaging across the US and Europe and there’s nothing we can do to limit it except shut down businesses and people’s ability to travel and gather

  • You need to fear this virus and its associated disease

  • All we can do is wait for a vaccine

The alternative narrative, one that I’ve uncovered after 9 months of almost daily research and reporting, is this:

  • It’s not an especially dangerous disease and it’s certainly not novel

  • There is a huge assortment of very effective, cheap and widely-available preventatives and treatments including (but not limited to)

    • Vitamin D

    • Ivermectin

    • Hydroxychloroquine

    • Zinc

    • Selenium

    • Famotidine (Pepcid)

    • Melatonin

  • Use of a combination of these mostly OTC supplements could reasonably be expected to drop the severity of illness and the already low mortality rate by 90% or (probably) more

  • Western health authorities have shown either zero interest in the results of studies mainly conducted in poorer nations on these combination therapies or…

  • They have actively run studies designed to fail so that these cheap, effective therapies could be dismissed or…

  • Set up proper studies but which started late, have immensely long study periods and most likely won’t be done before a vaccine is hastily rushed through development.

By the way – every single one of my assertions and claims is backed by links and supporting documentation from scientific and clinical trials and studies.  I am not conjecturing here; I am recounting the summary of ten months’ worth of inquiry.

The conclusion I draw from my narrative (vs. theirs) is that we can no longer assume that the public health or saving lives has anything to do with explaining or understanding the actions of these health “managers” (I cannot bring myself to use the word authorities).

After we eliminate the impossible – which is that somehow these massive, well-funded bodies have missed month after month of accumulating evidence in support of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, NAC, zinc, selenium and doxycycline/azithromycin – what remains must be the truth.

As improbable as it seems, the only conclusion we’re left with is that the machinery of politics, money and corporate psychopathy is suppressing life saving treatments because these managers have other priorities besides public health and saving lives.

This is a terribly difficult conclusion, because it means suspending so much that we hold dear.  Things like the notion that people are basically good. The idea that the government generally means well. The thought that somehow when the chips are down and a crisis is afoot, good will emerge and triumph over evil.

I’m sorry to say, the exact opposite of all of that has emerged as true.

Medical doctors in the UK NHS system purposely used toxic doses of hydroxychloroquine far too late in the disease cycle to be of any help simply to ‘make a point’ about hydroxychloroquine.  They rather desperately wanted that drug to fail, so they made it fail.

After deliberately setting their trial up for failure, they concluded: “Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t help, and it even makes things worse.”

Note that in order to be able to make this claim, they had to be willing to cause harm — even to let people die.  What kind of health official does that?

Not one who actually has compassion, a heart, or functioning level of sympathy.  It’s an awful conclusion but it’s what remains after we eliminate the impossible.

Getting Past The Emotional Toll

Science has proven that cheap, safe and significantly protective compounds exist to limit both Covid-related death and disease severity.

Yet all of the main so-called health authorities in the major western countries are nearly completely ignoring, if not outright banning, these safe, cheap and effective compounds.

This is crazy-making for independent observers like me (and you) because the data is so clear. It’s irrefutable at this point.  These medicines and treatments not only work, but work really, really well.

However most people will be unable to absorb the data, let alone move beyond it to wrestle with the implications.  Why? Because such data is belief-shattering.  Absorbing this information is not an intellectual process; it’s an emotional one.

I don’t know why human nature decided to invest so much in developing a tight wall around the belief systems that control our actions and thoughts. But it has.

I’m sure there was some powerful evolutionary advantage. One that’s now being hijacked daily by social media AI programs to nudge us in desired directions. One that’s being leveraged by shabby politicians, hucksters, fake gurus, and con men to steer advantage away from the populace and towards themselves.

The neural wiring of beliefs is what it is. We have to recognize that and move on.

Some people will be much faster in their adjustment process than others.  (Notably, the Peak Prosperity tribe is populated with many fast-adjusters, which is unsurprising given the topics we cover…tough topics tend to attract fast adjusters and repel the rest)

To move past the deeply troubling information laid out before us requires us to be willing to endure a bit of turbulence.  It’s the only way.

For you to navigate these troubling times safely and successfully, you’ll need to see as clearly as possible the true nature of the game actually being played.  To see what the rules really are – not what you’ve been told they are, or what you wish or hope they are.

The Manipulation Underway

The data above strongly supports the conclusion that our national health managers don’t actually care about public health generally or your health specifically.

If indeed true, then the beliefs preventing most people from accepting this likely include:

  • Wanting to believe that people are good (a biggie for most people)

  • Trust and faith in the medical system (really big)

  • Faith in authority (ginormous)

There are many other operative belief systems I could also list. But this is sufficient to get the ball rolling.

Picking just one, how hard would it be for someone to let go of, say, trust in the medical system?

That would be pretty hard in most cases.

First not trusting the medical system might mean having to wonder if a loved one might have died unnecessarily while being treated.  Or realizing that you’re now going to have to research the living daylights out of every medical decision before agreeing to it.  Or worrying that your medications might be more harmful to you over the long haul than helpful (which is true in many more cases than most appreciate).  It might mean having your personal heroes dinged by suspicion — perhaps even your father or mother who worked in the medical profession.  It would definitely require a complete reorientation away from being able to trust anything you read in a newspaper, or see on TV, about new pharmaceutical “breakthroughs”.

Trust, which is safe and warm and comforting, then turns into skepticism; which is lonelier and insists upon active mental involvement.

But, as always, hard work comes with benefits — with a healthy level of skepticism and involvement, the families of those recruited into the deadly UK RECOVERY trial could have looked at the proposed doses of HCQ (2,400 mg on day one! Toxic!) and said, “Not now, not ever!” and maybe have saved the life of their loved one.

Look at that tangled mess of undesirables that comes with unpacking that one belief: regret, uncertainty, shame, doubt, fallen idols, and vastly more additional effort. Are all up for grabs when we decide to look carefully at the actions of our national health managers during Covid.

Which is why most people simply choose not to look.  It’s too hard.

I get it. I have a lot of compassion for why people choose not to go down that path.  It can get unpleasant in a hurry.

But, just like choosing to ignore a nagging chest pain, turning away in denial has its own consequences.

The Coming ‘Great Reset’

My coverage of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) and Covid-19 (the associated disease) has led me to uncover some things that have made me deeply uncomfortable about our global and national ‘managers’.  Shameful things, really.  Scary things in their implications for what we might reasonably expect (or not expect, more accurately) from the future.

Once we get past the shock of seeing just how patently corrupt they’ve been, we have to ask both What’s next? and What should I do?

After all, you live in a system whose managers either are too dumb to understand the Vitamin D data (very unlikely) or have decided that they’d rather not promote it to the general populace for some reason.  It’s a ridiculously safe vitamin with almost zero downside and virtually unlimited upside.

Either they’re colossally dumb, or this is a calculated decision.  They’re not dumb.  So we have to ask: What’s the calculation being performed here?  It’s not public safety. It’s not your personal health. So… What is it?

This is our line of questioning and observation. It’s like the short story by Arthur Conan Doyle in Silver Blaze that many of us informally know as “the case of the dog that didn’t bark”.  As the story goes, because of a missing clue – a dog who remained silent as a murder was committed – this conclusion could be drawn: the dog was already familiar with the killer!

The silence around Vitamin D alone is extremely telling. It is the pharmacological dog that did not bark.

One true inference suggests others.  Here, too, we can deduce from the near total silence around Vitamin D that the health managers would prefer not to talk about it. They don’t want people to know. That much is painfully clear.

Such lack of promotion (let alone appropriate study) of safe, effective treatments is a thread that, if tugged, can unravel the whole rug.  The silence tells us everything we need to know.

Do they want people to suffer and die?  I don’t know. My belief systems certainly hope not. Perhaps the death and suffering are merely collateral damage as they pursue a different goal — money, power, politics?  Simply the depressing result of a contentious election year?  More than that?

We’ve now reached the jumping off point where we may well find out just how far down the rabbit hole goes.

A massive grab for tighter control over the global populace is now being fast-tracked at the highest levels. Have you heard of the Great Reset yet?

If not, you soon will.

In Part 2: The Coming ‘Great Reset’ we lay out everything we know so far about the multinational proposal to transform nearly every aspect of global industry, commerce, trade, and social structure.

If you read on, be ready and willing to let go of cherished beliefs and to suspend what you know to be true. Because none of us has that in hand.  It’s going to be a wild ride from here.

Something very big is afoot and I suspect that Covid-19 is merely an excuse providing cover for a much bigger power grab over the world’s wealth and peoples.

Click here to read Part 2 of this report (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access).