Friday, November 6, 2020

USA 2020: Looks like a coup, smells like a coup…


With 200,000 and 138,000 Votes For Biden suddenly appearing at 4am in Michigan and Wisconsin, they are not even trying to hide that something very wrong is going on. But since the media collective were able to suppress the biggest political scandal since Watergate in the last two weeks, presumably they will try to do it again. The best thing anyone can do right now, is share the message asap.

UPDATESee below for the two explanations that have been sent in or found about MI and WI.*

The way elections are normally called, Trump has already won (listen to Rudy Guliani), but the media are working hard to keep the Biden case looking as though it is on top.

 The strange appearance of 200,000 votes 4am in the morning:

As Rudy Guiliani says, in many states it was impossible for Biden to win by the usual methods the Television networks have used for all past elections. But whoever it is that decides these things held off announcing states that Trump had won. The Trump states were delayed or not declared, Biden states (like Arizona) were called with many votes yet to be counted. In key states at critical moments the counting of votes were stopped. In the dark of night suddenly 200,000 pure Biden votes appeared. What are the odds? 200,000 people in a row did not pick any other candidate?

China will be very happy

 Gateway Pundit and  @Trollasaurus

MI votes jump 200,000 for Biden overnight.

MI votes jump 200,000 for Biden overnight. (Click to enlarge)

Same thing happened in Michigan, 138,000 votes appeared: 96% of them were for Joe Biden. Steve Bannon talks to an expert who says this has never happened on this scale ever before. He also said, unlike previous elections they didn’t have data on absentee numbers, or the usual metadata in advance. They didn’t expect votes to be added at 4am. They were told it would be the “next day”.

@ScottAdamsSays:   The Michigan legislature refused to allow counting mailed ballots ahead of Election Day like other states do. What reason other than planned fraud would explain that?
Michigan, Votes leap by 138,000


Perhaps this is why Biden could stay quiet and not campaign in the last few weeks?

Vote counting with step jumps:

How many voters do instant group-voting — However many are needed to get the blue line over the red line.

Michigan Wisconsin voting

….Click to enlarge.   Source: Fivethirtyeight


Throughout the evening last night, Big Tech prevented President Trump’s tweets to be shared and the media all night never allowed VP Biden to ever be behind. Florida and Texas were in the Trump corner very early on but the media would not call these big states for Trump. This prevented President Trump from being seen as the clear leader in the race. The media did however, call Arizona and Virginia for Biden even though in Arizona the Republican leadership says they still have a lot of votes to count. Wisconsin was another story.

One county, Brown County, where the President is ahead by 14,000 votes only 50% of the votes are counted.  Why was this stopped?  The other three remaining counties to count are all counties where President Trump is in the lead.

Last night President Trump was ahead all night in Wisconsin but the vote counters slowly continued counting and then stopped once VP Biden took the lead.  Currently FOX News shows VP Biden up by 11,085 votes with 5% of the votes remaining.

 Exit polls show Trump won over the undecideds (54% DJT to 40% JB). This was a much bigger win in Exit polls than in 2016 (45% DJT to 42% Hillary).

Twitter are shutting down these messages and in the last 30 minutes @trollasaurus has been suspended. Trumps Twitter account is littered with deleted posts with “security messages”. Is he the leader of the free world or is Twitter?

Trump wrote this, but Twitter censored it. Why is this message so dangerous?

Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled. Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong!

It’s all about managing expectations, and as long as Democrat voters think they have won there will be riots in the streets if they get anything less. Joe Biden has apparently said he will announce he won “by 5pm” and start to set up a Cabinet and assume the title President Elect. They told us the election would look like a Trump win on the day, but a Biden win later. Twitter and Facebook warned us yesterday that they would be tagging and deleting any posts that claimed a victory before it was justified. Nancy Pelosi warned us the House will decide the winner if no President is decided by January 2. The polls have been saying “Biden” relentlessly for months.

Many honest people are going to believe Biden won legitimately, and once “gripped” they may never let that go…

Steve Bannon interviews Rudy Guliani (and others)

UPDATE: Found the interview here: This is from today, after the 4am vote dump, and was the most detailed description of what was going on in depth in the counties of Wisconsin and Michigan. Listen to Rudy Guliani at 13 minutes and onwards. It’s the best commentary I’ve heard on the election. Make sure you listen to it.

If you can’t see it below, follow the link above. It really is extraordinary. (Can someone copy it?)


If you copy anything from Twitter or youtube, do your best to screenshot it or download it. Keep the back up.

Read how fishy it sounds when Fox even calls Arizona when Republicans only need 61% to swing the state and the ballots coming in are from Republican friendly areas. ht/ Bill C

Did Fox think 98% were counted?

“New York Times editor Patrick LaForge tweeted, “An error was found in the data feed from Edison Research (used by @nytimes and other news organizations) for Arizona results – 86 percent of ballots have ben counted, not 98%. NYT has not called the state for Biden, though he still leads.””


UPDATE: More information

The sudden appearance of 200,000 votes in MI is claimed to be a typo. Perhaps it was? It could have been a decimal point error, and was apparently corrected, which sounds plausible. President Trump has apparently launched lawsuits against the incident (and no doubt a thousand others). Perhaps there’s more going on, perhaps not. That doesn’t explain why tweets asking about this were censored (the answer could have been resolved so much faster, surely?).

But no one has any specific answer for the Wisconsin dump which also happened in the early hours before dawn.  Politifact and USA today just say generically that more votes came in from Pro-Biden city seats. It still needs explaining.  John Hinderaker also points out that there has been an 88% turnout. The turnout for Trump in 2016 was only 67% and the highest turnout in the last 18 years was about 75%. No state in the US recorded a turnout over 80% since 2002. Gateway Pundit has seven wards where they claim there are more votes than registered voters.

Perhaps the Michigan error was a decimal point typo. (h./t Gee Aye)

Caroline Wilson, county clerk for the central Michigan county of Shiawassee, told AFP by phone, “I added an extra zero accidentally,” thereby reporting 153,710 votes for Biden instead of 15,371. 

 The central Michigan county only has 55,612 registered voters.

When Biden’s 153,710 votes were lowered to 15,371 votes in a correction, 138,339 votes were removed from the Democrat’s total tally without any changes to Trump’s numbers.

Though graphs posted on the Detroit Free Press prove nothing at all:

An hour-by-hour update from Associated Press data shows that there was no point in time when Trump did not post an increase in votes.

Note that they provide an “hour by hour” graph (clever wording isn’t it?). That just spreads the leap at 5:04 across the whole hour. Naturally other votes would have been counted from other places in that hour, which adds in Trump votes and dilutes the effect. The sharp upturn in that graph from 5:18 – 6:18am is the largest rise in the graph.


Rating: 9.1/10 (93 votes cast)

USA 2020: Looks like a coup, smells like a coup...9.1 out of 10 based on 93 ratings

How many red flags indicate a fraud - an accountant perspective

 Authored by Larry Correia via,

I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president. I think Joe Biden is a corrupt idiot, however, I think America would survive him like we’ve survived previous idiot administrations. However, what is potentially fatal for America is half the populace believing that their elections are hopelessly rigged and they’re eternally fucked. And now, however this shakes out in court, that’s exactly what half the country is going to think.  

People are pissed off, and rightfully so.

Before I became a novelist I was an accountant. In auditing you look for red flags. That’s weird bits in the data that suggest something shifty is going on. You flag those weird things so you can delve into them further. One flag doesn’t necessarily mean there’s fraud. Weird things happen. A few flags mean stupidity or dishonesty. But a giant pile of red flags means that there’s bad shit going on and people should be in jail.

Except for in politics, where apparently all you have to do to dismiss a bunch of red flag is be a democrat and mumble something about “fascist voter suppression” then you can do all sorts of blatant crime and get off.

I’ve been trying to keep up with the firehose of information about what’s going on during this clusterfuck of an election. Last night I was on Facebook talking about the crazy high, 3rd world dictatorship level voter turnout levels in the deep blue areas of these swing states was very suspicious. Somebody gas lighted me about how “I’d have to do better than that”, so this was my quick reply, listing off the questionable bullshit I could think of off the top of my head:

The massive turn out alone is a red flag.

But as for doing better…

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.

The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.

The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.

Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.

The poll observers being removed. Red flag.

The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.

The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)

The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.

The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.

USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.

The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag.

Any of those things would be enough to trigger an audit in the normal world. This many flags and I’d be giggling in anticipation of catching some thieves.

And it isn’t that I have to do better. I’m just an gen pop observer who happens to be a retired auditor with a finely tuned bullshit detector. This is going to the courts.


So now I want to delve into some of these some more. The problem is that there’s a ton of info swirling around, some good, some crap. It doesn’t help that reporters are usually dishonest or not very bright and absolute trash at presenting data. Part of our problem is Big Tech is actively stomping on stories that make their guy look bad. (while compiling these I discovered that several of the links I’d looked at yesterday had been vanished by Facebook or Twitter)

For the last four years half the country was all “Trump is illegitimate! He’s not my president! He stole the election!” so on and so forth, and that was all based upon nebulous ideas about “Russian Interference”, The Russian Interference mostly boiled down to them buying ads on Facebook, or having fake bots trolling on Twitter last time. This time the actual giant megacorporations, Facebook, Twitter, and Google themselves have actively censored stories in order to protect their candidate. So you think after this pile of suspicious election clusterfucks that makes the game look totally rigged, the other half of the country is going to accept Joe Biden as legitimate? Oh hell no.

When you are auditing you see mistakes happen all the time. Humans make errors. Except in real life, mistakes usually go in different directions. When all the mistakes go in the same direction and benefit the same parties, they probably aren’t mistakes. They’re malfeasance.

Let’s go back a bit to before election day to see why people would be suspicious that the game has been rigged.

Most of the mainstream polls were utter garbage, off by what I believe to be the largest amounts ever in all of American history. Of course, this thing that surely demoralized the right and helped the left raise funds was just an innocent sampling error rather than a purposeful sampling bias… uh huh.

Then in the weeks leading up to the election, Big Tech and the media had a concentrated censorship effort to stop what was probably the juiciest October Surprise in modern history. But them silencing major newspapers and US Senators was just a mistake in their innocent efforts to “fact check”.   

Then on election day, states like Florida that were obviously swinging hard for Trump with no possible mathematical way for Biden to come back, the news wouldn’t call for Trump. States where it was still clearly up in the air just based on even the most cursory of statistical analysis (Arizona) they called for Biden ASAP. But that was just innocent mistakes, and not an attempt to set the narrative of inevitable Biden victory by major media.

When Trump pulled ahead in the midwestern swing states by what were starting to appear to be insurmountable amounts, they suddenly threw the brakes on the counts. (my favorite part of this was when it looked like Trump was going to win, the Chinese Yaun crashed, which is pretty telling about just how shitty a candidate Joe Biden is) Okay, suddenly stopping all those counts seemed a little weird, but most of America went to bed thinking that this was a close race, with Trump in the lead in the EC.

Then we woke up in the morning, and everybody saw the 538 graphs showing a massive middle of the night spike for Joe Biden, with almost zilch in corresponding votes for Trump.

Now, one of those got walked back as “typo”. (again, funny how all these “mistakes” keep going in one direction) but the damage was already done, and all of a sudden most of America was paying a whole lot more attention to places like Wisconsin and Michigan than we usually do. That’s how flags work. And it turned out that single six figure typo was only one of many statistically improbable Biden vote dumps to come.

Now, all of my liberal acquaintances were quick to dismiss these, with some gas lighting about how it was just deep blue inner cities votes coming in, and of obviously they’re going to vote for Joe Biden… Except that is them deliberately missing the point. It isn’t that Biden won those, it is that he won them with statistically improbable amounts.

I don’t know what the current numbers are now, but as of yesterday morning the Wisconsin Midnight Mystery Dump was something like 98.4% for Joe Biden. That’s better than the bluest of blue cities manage. That’s better than Biden did in DC. I saw one 28k dump yesterday (I want to say it was 538 talking about PA) that was listed as ALL for Biden. That’s basically statistically impossible.

In a small populace, you can get 100% of the vote. However the larger the sample, the more likely there will be dissenting votes. Even in the bluest of blue areas or reddest of red areas, somebody is going to be a cranky dissident, or an old person is going to fill in the wrong circle. When you get into the hundreds or thousands yet maintain that kind of perfect ratio, basically impossible.

Plus we are supposed to believe that Joe Biden, the guy barely campaigned, who got like 12 sad looking people to his rallies, was more popular than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? This election was just that much more special? Uh huh… Except that these few battleground state blue cities vote ratios don’t match up with other blue cities around America, where it appears Trump’s support among every demographic group other than white males went UP.

Then people were quick to dismiss these statistically improbable spikes with “of course the mail in voting favors Biden, republicans vote in person.” Yes, but they don’t favor Biden with these kind of ratios anywhere else in America. The ratios are more like 60-40 or 70-30. But 97-3? Oh fuck no. So either Biden is a better campaigner to the inner cities (though he rarely left his basement) than the eloquent messianic figure of Barack Obama, or there’s something fishy going on here.

Now, as a suspicious auditor type who spent a lot of hours looking for fuckery in complex systems, my gut tells me fake ballots were getting dumped into the system to make up the difference. And oh look, here is a giant pile of red flags indicating that’s the case.

Yesterday there was a meme going around about how Wisconsin had something like 90% voter turnout, and how this was 20 points higher than usual, and it how it would also be one of the highest voter turnouts in all of American history. If Wisconsin was at 90% that beats the highest national number in all of American history by EIGHT points. And that was 1876 (which was legendarily fraudulent by the way).

Except, this is the problem with using memes to make your argument, it was only partially accurate, and the previous Wisconsin numbers were cited one way, and the current year was calculated a different way. (don’t feel bad, I fell for that one too, and as an accountant, that’s SO ANNOYING). When most people think of voter turnout, they think what percent of registered voters vote. But because Wisconsin has same day voting (a gift for fraudsters) their prior year percentages were votes compared to eligible population (that’s so goofy). But it meant the meme was comparing apples to oranges. So the leftists immediately jumped on that error to dismiss the idea that there was anything weird about how many people turned out to vote this time.

HOWEVER, that’s useless obfuscation. Because if you calculate the number the same way that most Americans do, their turn out was still like 90%, which is a rate normally reserved for dictators (that combined with the vote ratios would have made Saddam Hussein blush). I had one liberal guy point out that notoriously corrupt Seattle also gets 90%… which doesn’t exactly help his case.

Because here’s the kicker, the high turn out is the average for the state, but when you drill down on the source of these statistically improbable blue vote dumps, they’ve got districts with TWO HUNDRED PERCENT TURN OUT. That’s over 200%. There’s 7 over 100%, and a ton of them in the 90s. 

Now the quick liberal dismiss explanation for this is that Wisconsin has same day registration (again, a fraudsters dream) and thousands of people ignored months of TV and social media beating them over the head to get registered to vote, and just decided to do it at the last minute because Biden is just that awesome/Trump is just that bad.

Except if you’re an auditor, when you see super suspicious spikes like that in certain places, the first thing we think is that’s the place where you’ve got somebody over the controls colluding. So that’s where you go to fabricate your bullshit.

200% turn out is fucking insane. Same day voting or not. That’s madness. When I was looking into this stuff I pulled a HuffPo article about the 2012 election and how it was controversial that some Madison ward had gotten 119% turnout.  

Oh, but wait, there’s more.

A whistleblower has come forward from a Michigan post office saying that they were given ballots on November 4th, and ordered to post mark them to election day so they would still be valid. 

That is so insanely illegal. When the reporter called the postal supervisor who gave the order and asked about it, he immediately hung up.

Now, on this one, liberals were quick to dismiss it because it was from Project Veritas. (who they hate, and say cherry picks their investigative reporting, yet they keep winning all the lawsuits against them) However, the very next video was the response from the US Postal Inspector General (or whatever his title is, I can’t remember) about how they are investigating, so this wasn’t just some crank going to a reporter, it’s been passed up the chain of command. It’s an actual whistle blower.

I had someone else try to dismiss this one as innocent, because the post office accepting these late ballots had no way of knowing who they voted for so it would balance out. That’s is so naïve its cute. Of course they knew who the ballots were for. They were probably dropped off by people they were colluding with. You don’t commit felonies for clueless strangers because you feel sorry they got their votes in late.

A quick note on collusion because I mentioned it a couple times now. Collusion is the key to successful fraud. Systems have controls and checks in places, so the best way to circumvent them is to team up with somebody over one of those controls and exploit the gap. That’s fraud 101. Which is why you go to the post office your buddy runs to drop off your illegal late emergency Save Biden ballots. Or you go to the ward your buddy the poll worker is running the log in book to same day register all your imaginary friends.

Speaking of the imaginary vote, this one is actually hilarious. Democrats are quick to say all votes must count, which apparently includes people who are 118 years old. 

All those little fraud schemes come in from various directions, except the fraud numbers add up quick in a tight race. However, if you are behind by hundreds of thousands of votes in the middle of the night it requires some audacious level fuckery, which brings us to a red flag you can see from space. The 4 AM Biden Miracle. Here is an account from somebody at the counting center. 

This is the third link I’ve had to pull for this one, because Facebook keeps killing the others. Listen to the whole thing. Because after the statistically impossible votes came in, they had to toss a bunch of the GOP judges out of the building because of Covid.

Remember what I said about collusion? If you’ve got the actual system with the controls on your side, you can basically do any outlandish bullshit you feel like, and the only way you are going to get stopped is by an outside power (hence the multitude of lawsuits we’re going to see over the next few days).

Another thing you learn to spot when people are fraudulently manipulating data, is the mission-oriented spikes. On this one I’ve seen a few links, but the data has been so in flux that I’ve not been able to confirm it, but supposedly a bunch of the sudden Biden spikes weren’t just statistically improbable, they also voted for president but not the down ballot races. Now, lots of people will vote for president but don’t care about down ballot. However, when you get a pile of those in a row, that suggests somebody in a hurry filling out the mission critical bubble and then moving down stack, assembly line style.

There was also video taken of one guy delivering these mystery ballots to the counting center in the middle of the night (unloading them from a white van into a little red wagon) the link I used yesterday had been deleted by YouTube but I found this new one (can’t stop the signal, Mal) 

Gee whiz. I can’t imagine why mysterious boxes are being moved into this supposedly secure voting facility in the middle of the night with no observers or chain of custody.

And there’s more. They just keep coming. Yesterday morning I saw a small article about a republican official calling shenanigans on the voting in his small county, which went overwhelmingly Trump last time, and how it appeared the votes tallied weren’t even enough to account for his immediate family. Of course he got laughed at by caring liberals. Fast forward a few hours and it turns out that the voting program was faulty.

Worse, the same broken ass software was apparently used in 33 other counties. Hmmm… Again, with all these magical errors in these swing states all going in one side’s favor.

Then there’s SharpieGate, but I’ve heard so much conflicting stuff about that one, with sharpies actually working fine in the scantron machines, that I’m not putting much stock in that one yet. There’s a lawsuit already though, so it’ll be interesting to see what new information comes out.

Here’s another thing you learn about auditing. The more chaotic the system, the more chances for fraud. So when you come across a system that is extra chaotic on purpose, that tells you that the people running it want it that way for a reason.

And the flags just keep coming in. This is going to be way worse than Florida in 2000.

What happens now? Beats me. It goes to court, and then the real question becomes how much spine the republicans have to actually fight. In previous years I’d assume they’d be a bunch of spineless chickenshits and wimp out like usual, but I’m not so sure this time. I don’t know if or how any of these will pan out, and without access to the real data, all I can do is guess.

I can say without hesitation though, that fuckery is afoot, and if an actual real investigation happens they’ll be able to prove it. Only this is politics, so who knows. The only thing I do know for certain is that this election is so fucked up it is just going to make America’s two halves hate each other even more.

Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!

 From Zero Hedge:

The most shocking news of the year - Dr. Steve Pieczenik has dropped a once secret plan to catch Democrats red handed in their crimes.  According to Dr. Pieczenik, Trump knew about their plans (why wouldn't he, with access to the NSA/CIA) to steal the election with voter (ballot) fraud.  That's why they pushed hard for the mail in ballots, due to "COVID" because it's hard to hack the election because every state uses a different system.  It also explains why we are seeing statistical anomalies, and why the Democrats didn't want Republicans to 'watch' what was going on.  As we explain in Splitting Pennies - the world is not as it seems.  Watch the full interview here (only 11 minutes):

Of course, you are thinking the same thing we are - is this real?  Is it possible?  All we can tell you is that this guy is one of the most credible people in US intelligence.  He's authored ops manuals for the CIA, he ran counterintelligence psyops for the CIA, he co-authored "Net Force" and "Op Center" with Tom Clancy, he has worked for Reagan, Nixon, Bush, and other Presidents directly, he has been the point man in foreign operations (such as meeting Noriega for a 4 hour dinner days before the US invasion).  This guy is a super credible witness who has basically called it decades in advance, based on his experience with the deep state and globalists.  Having said that - we are waiting for these arrests to happen.  So we will see in the next 48 hours.  In the meantime, we can examine some of the circumstantial evidence. 

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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

 From Zero Hedge:

In most elections, the majority of votes are cast "down the ticket" - meaning, a voter supports both party's presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, "overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate."

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party's Senate candidates are relatively close.

Twitter user "US Rebel" (@USRebellion1776), however, found that the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state's Senate candidates in swing stateswhile those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.


In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.

Yet, in two non-swing states, there was "no massive flood of mysterious empty Biden votes," leading US Rebel to suggest "It's fraud."

In Wyoming, the difference on the Democratic side is is just 725 votes, while in Montana the difference is 27,457.

What's going on here? If it were "never-Trumpers" pairing Biden with their GOP Congressional picks? If so, we would expect fewer votes for Trump than GOP Senators. We're open to suggestions.