Thursday, November 12, 2020

Michigan Election Fraud: Evidence of Wolverine State Chicanery During America’s 2020 Presidential Election

 From Zero Hedge:

Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote is a bedrock of a functioning representative democracy. Voters have to believe their vote matters. And that the vote is free, fair, and accurate.

The basic facts of the 2020 American Presidential election are concerning because mounting evidence indicates there’s been a concerted effort by state Democratic Parties to flip the election from President Donald Trump to former Vice President Joe Biden in a number of key swing states with the help of notoriously corrupt Democratic Party machines in at least five American cities — Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Atlanta.

Here are the basic facts of the case: On Election Night when America went to bed, President Trump had a commanding lead in virtually every swing state, as well as Virginia, which no one expected him to win.

However, when America woke up the next day, we found that he’d lost these leads, largely on the basis of mail-in ballots found in the middle of the night and out from under the watchful eye of legal election monitors.

What’s more, these massive caches of votes – almost all of which were for former Vice President Biden – came via large dumps primarily from the five aforementioned cities in states predominantly run by Democratic governors.

When one looks at the statistical likelihood of the reported turnout, the numbers are so improbable they’re more at home in a one-party state like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or North Korea.

At the national level, there are some discrepancies worth looking at: Republicans won 28 of 29 competitive House seats and Democrats were unable to flip a single state legislature. Joe Biden secured a scant three of the so-called “Bellwether Districts” that almost always choose the winner, one of which was in Delaware. Judicial Watch found 353 counties in 29 different states who had higher than 100 percent turnout.

Evidence of chicanery has poured in from a variety of states — PennsylvaniaMichiganGeorgiaWisconsinNorth CarolinaTexasNew JerseyNevada, and Arizona. This evidence could easily be dismissed as simply weird if one is being generous or naive.

However, it is our belief that this mountain of data, much of it dissolute and unconnected to one another, when taken in toto paints a clear picture of voter fraud on a scale so large that it is unthinkable that it happened in the United States.

Below we explore the details and the data of what happened in Michigan, nicknamed “The Wolverine State“, on Election Day, which had some of the most flagrant and sloppy irregularities of any of the swing states, largely centering around Wayne County, the place where Detroit is located – a city notorious for voting irregularities favoring Democrats. Elsewhere we explore similar efforts in the key swing states of PennsylvaniaWisconsin, and Georgia.

All of the posts in this series will be updated as more credible information is uncovered.

Is Michigan the Most Corrupt State in America?

Michigan might take the dubious honor of having the most corrupt elections in America in 2020. As of November 9, the FBI has opened up two investigations into voter fraud in the state. Affidavits have been filed alleging a scheme to backdate mail-in ballots. It is the land of massive vote dumps that go 100 percent for Joe Biden (which the controlled media has attempted to retcon as a “glitch” or “clerical error”), of thousands of dead people voting, of United States Postal Service officials coercing postal employees into backdating the postmark on ballots. And, of course, remember that this is the state that was shut down by executive fiat by Gretchen Whitmer, who eventually had her executive overreach invalidated by the state Supreme Court.

A single computer “glitch” awarded 6,000 votes to Biden and the Democrats that were supposed to go to President Trump and other Republican candidates. With 47 Michigan counties using this software, similar glitches might yield a discrepancy of hundreds of thousands of ballots — or even more. Perhaps this “glitch” was one of the more innocuous ones. Another glitch returned a Republican incumbent to office after he “lost” to his Democratic challenger.

We use “glitch” in quotes because these types of things seem to be a running pattern in the state and appear to always benefit the Democrat candidate. One other, and far more important, example of this was the “glitch” that awarded 138,000-plus votes to Joe Biden. It was one of these monolithic vote dumps we keep talking about.

Over 138,000 votes tabulated and not a single one of them went for the President (or, for that matter, Jo Jorgensen or Howie Hawkins or Kanye West), a statistical impossibility. It was later corrected when hordes of Internet denizens found the vote dump and wondered how it was possible, even under the basic laws of statistics.

This is hardly the only example of “mistakes” benefitting Biden or suspicious reported totals in the State of Michigan. Take, for example, Antrim County, where President Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 30 points in 2016 but had now swung back to Biden by 29 points. County officials vowed to investigate what they called “skewed” results.

Even prior to the 2020 election back in October, city officials in Muskegon found that there were registration irregularities.

A suit has been filed in the state of Michigan based on a sworn affidavit from a Michigan poll worker — not an observer. Among other things, this suit alleges that poll workers processed ballots with missing signatures, coached voters on who to vote for (Joe Biden), and were instructed to backdate ballots.

How deep is the rabbit hole of “computer error” in Michigan? Sidney Powell, counsel for one General Michael Flynn, appeared on Lou Dobbs’ Fox Business News program and explained that she believes that programs like HAMMER or SCORECARD were used to change as much as 3 percent of the result. While this is merely speculation at this point, it is worth noting that Steve Bannon also floated this possibility on his show, War Room.

The final results of the city of Detroit are worth looking at: Joe Biden was able to receive a whopping 93 percent of the vote in a year when Donald Trump doubled his share of the vote among the black population. Again, this is a normal amount of the vote to receive if your name is Joseph Stalin or Saddam Hussein or Idi Amin. It is not normal by any standard in the United States, especially in large metropolitan areas.

For context: In 2016 Hillary Clinton received 519,00 votes in Wayne County. In 2012, Barack Obama received 595,000 votes. Joe Biden, one of the least exciting candidates in modern history, received 587,000 votes, despite there being fewer people in Wayne County. This despite significant minority turnout for Trump in 2020.

Somewhere between 69,000 and 115,000 voted for Joe Biden and no one else in the State of Michigan.

Such things don’t pass the smell test, much like the dramatic difference between the vote tallies in similar rural counties in Ohio and their Michigan counterparts. These were uncovered, once again, by the watchful eyes of citizen journalists and Twitter denizens, not the government officials who are supposed to be safeguarding our elections.

Michigan, like Wisconsin and other states that have seen electoral chicanery, prohibits the counting of mail-in ballots prior to Election Day. This is a convenient fact of life for those who want to steal an election. They can simply allow the votes to be counted, then tabulate how many they can fabricate for the purpose of putting their candidate over the top.

Florida does not have this feature and Donald Trump was able to win it comfortably. When Florida goes right, the upper Midwest generally does as well.  It is the true bellwether state, having selected every President since 1996. Indeed, 1996 is the only time it hasn’t since 1960.

As we mentioned, the dead seem to be voting in Michigan. One Twitter user kicked off a trend of people checking to see if their dead relatives had voted via absentee ballot in the state. Many users reported that, in fact, their relatives who had been dead for 20 years or so had somehow requested absentee ballots, then filled them in. This is not a case of someone who died during Coronavirus having their ballot received. This is about 118-year-olds voting. One enterprising individual was kind enough to compile an entire list of dead voters in Michigan in 2020. It is voluminous. The Michigan Secretary of State has stated that such ballots will be thrown out at counting — but are they? And how many are there?

Michigan is one of several states with a voluminous amount of ballots that went for Biden only — no one was interested in the down ticket races. Michigan found a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP Senate candidate John James, but the difference between former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093. This was not the case in non-swing states.

Finally, there is the small matter of postal workers being ordered to backdate ballots so that they could be processed as if they were legitimate. This occurred both in Michigan and in Pennsylvania, according to whistleblowers working with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. The Michigan whistleblower has not, at present time, been contacted by federal authorities, though the one in Wisconsin has been.

Watching Michigan Poll Watchers

Another dubious honor taken by the Wolverine State is being the most aggressive anti-poll watcher state. Poll watchers were denied access at a number of polling locations. Ballot counters boarded up windows and obscured them with pizza boxes when the poll watchers attempted to watch through windows.

Finally, a state health official was unleashed to use (what else?) public health concerns related to the Chinese Coronavirus to disperse the crowds. Most of this happened in Detroit, a city firmly under the control of a Democratic Party machine. Another viral video showed poll workers cheering every time a Republican was ejected. Poll workers then attempted to intimidate a woman who had been filming these events. At least one poll worker even bragged on Facebook about throwing out Trump ballots.

It’s no wonder the poll workers in Detroit don’t want to be watched. There are a number of highly egregious irregularities with regard to the handling and delivery of ballots in the state. One Twitter user documented the arrival of 130,000 ballots in the dead of night, all of which just so happened to be for former Vice President Biden.

Steven Crowder reported on strange behavior around polling stations where unmarked vans pull up, drop off boxes and suitcases of votes into secure areas, then disappear into the night. Perhaps the worst part of this is that the integrity of all of the votes of this district has now become compromised — it will be very difficult to tell the illegally dropped ballots from the legitimate ones. Chuck Woolery likewise reported on a 38,000 vote drop in Detroit in the dead of night.

Michigan is no stranger to getting ballot counts wrong when counting lots of mail-in ballots: In August 2020 it was found that 72 percent of all of Detroit’s absentee ballots were counted incorrectly. Whether this is an honest mistake or outright fraud is unimportant for our purposes. What is important is that, without independent auditing, we cannot trust the results of the election in Wayne County, Michigan.

All of these irregularities are even more damning in light of revelations that vote-counting machines in Michigan and several other states were connected to the Internet during the election. This means they are inherently insecure.

We did, however, get one piece of welcome news from the Mitten: The Attorney General of the state had to officially request that protesters stop telling poll workers to stick Sharpie markers up their butts. She later used her office to threaten citizen journalists documenting the election theft.

The Lawsuit: Michigan Voters Fight Back

A lawsuit was filed in the State of Michigan to protect the integrity of the vote. There are a number of shocking allegations in the lawsuit, testified to under sworn affidavits. You will be hearing a lot of talk in the coming weeks about how sworn affidavits aren’t evidence, but this is, strictly speaking, not true. These types of affidavits are used in court proceedings all the time.

Some of the allegations in the lawsuit include:

  • Vote counters were instructed to not verify signatures.
  • Vote counters were instructed to backdate mail-in ballots.
  • Mail-in ballots were processed despite the fact that names did not appear on the qualified voter file (QVF).
  • Mail-in ballots were altered to match a randomly selected name on the QVF who had not voted.
  • False information was supplied to absentee ballots, including false birthdays, the most common of which was “01/01/1900.”
  • Ballots were removed from their privacy envelopes before proper processing.
  • Unsecured ballots with no chain of evidence were processed.
  • Batches of unsecured and unsealed ballots were processed after the final vote tally was announced. At one oral count, 40,000 of these were all called for Joe Biden.
  • Poll workers refused to record objections from poll watchers and had poll watchers removed without cause when they objected to ballots.
  • Absentee ballots were duplicated by hand without verification that the ballots were being transcribed accurately by independent poll watchers.

One of the sworn affidavits in the suit corroborates stories of tens of thousands of unverified ballots showing up through unofficial channels in the dead of night. Additionally, Attorney General Bill Barr has begun an investigation into widespread voter fraud across the nation at the federal level.

Richard Pilger, director of the elections crimes branch in the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section, has resigned in protest, something he didn’t do when he was gladly helping Lois Lerner harass the Tea Party and other conservative organizations with the IRS.

Despite the claims that there is “no evidence” for voter fraud in the Wolverine state, Ronna McDaniel has presented 131 affidavits alleging over 5,000 individual actions of voter fraud.

Take Action Today and Save America

While all of this is a bit scary and disheartening, the fight is far from over. President Trump hasn’t given up the fight and Congressional Republicans are starting to fall in line to support him. A number of figures in conservative media are circling the wagons to denounce this obvious fraud.

That’s all great, but what can you do to stop the theft of the election and the end of the American republic that will result from it?

As it turns out, the average person can do quite a lot. First, you should call your elected representatives. That means calling your state rep, your state senator, your House Rep and your U.S. Senator. You should do this be they friend or foe — either way, they need to know that you insist on having every legal vote counted.

You should likewise insist on them telling you what concrete steps they are taking to ensure the integrity of the vote. Do not settle for boilerplate. A Twitter account has made what is actually a very good script for you to follow when you call in. Be firm, but polite.

The Michigan State Legislature is taking action to ensure the integrity of the vote there. However, they have to continue to feel the pressure from their constituents. Let them know that you’re not going to be satisfied with formalities and half-measures.

For those who want to take to the streets, there are opportunities for that as well. Stop The Steal is the movement dedicated to putting bodies in the streets of our nation’s state capitals to let our elected officials know that we are not going to stand for seeing our elections stolen in a manner befitting Zimbabwe. There are almost daily rallies at the state capitol building and the TFC Center in Detroit. What’s more, a nationwide rally in DC called the Million MAGA March is scheduled for November 14. The Democratic government of Washington, DC has responded with new COVID restrictions designed to cripple the march.

What can you do? Quite a lot. Nothing less than the future of the country is at stake. If they can steal this election, don’t expect another one to be free and fair. But do expect a lot of gun grabs and speech laws.

Michigan Election Fraud: Evidence of Wolverine State Chicanery During America’s 2020 Presidential Election by's lead writer, Sam Jacobs, originally appeared in Thought Grenades, the blog on

Large Scale Election Fraud exposed 2020 Presidential Race

 From Zero Hedge:

Since our last expose on NSA computer system Hammer and Scorecard, we have dug our heels in to a technical audit of what electronic voting systems are being used, and what could have caused 'glitches' swinging the vote so blue all in one coordinated moment.  As we explain in our books, the world is not as it seems.  Here we are going to go into more granular detail about the technology used in voting systems.

Oil Tycoon Russ Ramsland spent several years and millions of dollars studying our current paradigm of electronic voting.  He has prepared a voice over presentation you can watch in full detail here, and we will post some key slides later.  Also, at minute 33:00 you can watch election fraud in real time - the Republican candidate for the Kentucky Governor race Matt Bevin actually LOSE votes in real time. Russ says that to really spot this you can't look at the audit records because those can be hacked too.  But as we watch the tally coming in - as votes are counted - it would be impossible for the number of votes to go down.  But you can watch this video from live TV broadcast and see that they do.

The scary thing is that this has been documented in the media in 20172018 and here, and 2019.  Why was nothing done about it?  We all know the answer to that question.  Another alarming fact, the lack of basic security on tabulation systems is shocking - vote files in CSV format are sitting on public servers with username "admin" and no password - on servers in Spain and Germany.  It would be possible for someone with basic computer knowledge to not only change the results - but change the audit logs that it would look like the trail was not modified.

Summary of Cybersecurity Audit

Shared SSL on hundreds of .gov domains - a newbie no no !

All of the sites in the above image use the same 3rd party vendor - - which redirects to

See for yourself - visit and view the certificate.  Managed by 3rd party domain.  Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, S.A is a Spanish provider of electronic voting systems and election technology. Founded in 2001 in Barcelona, its products and services are used in elections and referenda across the world. In June 2020, Scytl entered into administration.

Not only is our voting system outsourced to non-government private companies - the company is based in Spain and we don't know who the owners are!  

Malware "QSnatch" was found inside the code.

What QSnatch provides:

How is it that Republicans won huge in all offices except the Governors office which was a close loss for a Republican?  Most Republicans 'vote the ticket' meaning vote Red for all candidates - this is supported by other demographic data.  Similar anomalies played out in the 2020 Presidential race.

How to find re-assigned votes.  Blank votes assigned to Democrats (for example there are 20 candidates and you vote only for Governor).  

The Cybersecurity audit team assigned a hash ID to real voters to trace "Phantoms" "Ghosts" and "Purged / Tampered" 

In some cases they visited houses physically where 10 or more voters 'lived' - and asked the owner if they knew all these voters (answer always 'no)

So what happened in the 2020 Presidential election?  At one point in the night, they 'closed' (which meant kicked out Republican observers) and then suddenly 'found' ballots that were in some cases 100% Biden.  This was not a 'glitch' it was a 'hack' 

Summary of anomalies from the Cybersecurity audit team:

What can average people do?

1 - Share this article with every single person you know.  Share on SMS, Whatsapp, Social Media, however.

2 - Become an editor for Wikipedia - it's easy and you can make history by checking the so called 'fact checkers' 

3 - Submit a tip to your local news.  Charlotte Observer  Google the name of your local paper and 'submit a tip' to find the form.

4 - Call, email, write your congressman, woman, or unidentified politician and share this with them.

Not every court in America is corrupt, nor is every politician (perhaps there is some honesty at City, County and even State level).

When Jack Dorsey was asked why he allowed this red censorship he basically answered because the liberals complained more.  

There is a long way to go until January 20th, 2021. 

Support our journalism by shopping in our shop online for books or other things - Stock up on Remote Work Tools - 
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Giuliani: 650,000 Votes Were Counted Unlawfully In Philadelphia And Pittsburgh

 Authored by Isabel van Brugen via The Epoch Times,

Rudy Giuliani, one of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyers, alleged on Nov. 11 that roughly 650,000 unlawful ballots were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Speaking with Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs, Giuliani claimed that “almost none” of the hundreds of thousands of ballots were observed by Republican poll watchers. State election law requires the presence of poll watchers from all parties.

“We now are up to a count of about 650,000 ballots that are unlawful ballots that were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,” he said.

“What’s being said in the mass media, that we have no evidence, is a complete, absolute lie, just like they’ve been lying for years.”

On Monday, Gov. Tom Wolf’s office said in a statement that ballot watchers from all parties have had observers throughout the process and that “any insinuation otherwise is a lie.”

A few days earlier, Giuliani said that the Trump campaign may have sufficient evidence to change the election results in the state of Pennsylvania.

He told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that lawsuits being filed by Trump’s reelection campaign might show that as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in the battleground state.

According to an unofficial vote count from the Pennsylvania Department of State, Biden has received 3.35 million votes to Trump’s 3.31 million votes. Percentage-wise, Biden has 49.7 percent, compared to Trump’s 49.1 percent.

(L) Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 4, 2020. (Jim Watson / AFP via Getty Images); (R) President Donald Trump speaks on election night in the East Room of the White House in Washington, in the early morning hours of Nov. 4, 2020. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

“I think we have enough to change Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania election was a disaster,” Giuliani said, responding to a question from the host about whether the evidence is enough to change the fate of the presidential election.

“We have people that observed people being pushed out of the polling place. We have people who were suggested to vote the other way and shown how to do it. I’m giving you the big picture,” he said.

While mail-in ballots were being counted, GOP Pittsburgh observers were “kept out of the room or kept away from the room” for a period of 24 hours, Giuliani alleged.

“Even though we went to court and we were allowed to move six feet closer, the Democrat machine people moved the counting place six feet further away. This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses,” he continued.

Mail-in ballots are counted in Lehigh County, Pa., on Nov. 4, 2020. (Rachel Wisniewski/Reuters)

This Monday, Trump’s campaign team launched a new lawsuit aiming to stop the certification of election results in Pennsylvania, alleging that Democratic and Republican counties did not follow the same rules regarding defective mail-in ballots, and that Republican observers could not see the ballot counting process from a meaningfully close distance.

“If you were a Democrat in Philadelphia, you were allowed to work outside the bounds of the restrictions on fixing defective ballots, sometimes referred to as ‘curing,’” Matt Morgan, general counsel to the Trump campaign, explained during a Monday press conference.

“But if you were in Republican counties of the state of Pennsylvania, you were not allowed to do that because they were strictly following the text of the statute in Pennsylvania.”

The lawsuit also includes a postal worker from Erie County who claimed that he had heard his supervisors talking about illegally backdating ballots that arrived late so that they appeared legitimate. His claim was also cited by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation.