"Our position is that, while 'Buy American' may sound good, in fact we're very concerned that if this stimulus legislation contains the 'Buy American' provision, other nations and regions of the world would follow our lead and pass similar provisions," said spokesman Jim Dugan.
"Suddenly, we could find ourselves with an old-fashioned trade dispute similar to the 1930s, and soon global trade could grind to a halt. We are very, very concerned that this 'Buy American' provision could end up leading to a similar set of circumstances that would be detrimental to Caterpillar, and more importantly, to the U.S. economy and the global economy."
Lindsey Graham Whines About Stimulus Bill on Fox News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMK3lFjzgqw 'the process is broken'
http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article8716.html Stock Markets Fail to Bounce, Food Prices Signalling Higher Commodity Prices
http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/02/06/is-inflated-executive-pay-bad-for-democracy/ pay scale in France before guillotine VS US today