Stock-Markets / Financial Crash Sep 25, 2013 - 12:38 PM GMT
By: DeviantInvestor
This is a continuation from part 1 - read it here.
CAUTION! Before you continue...
If you believe that total government debt can grow FOREVER and
more rapidly than the underlying economy, this article is NOT for
- If you believe that governmental deficit spending, QE, and bond monetization can continue FOREVER without major consequences, this article is NOT for you.
Collapse Indicated by Stalling Growth in Global Financial Reserves:
Hugo Salinas Price: (link)
"As it is, the US can only continue to monetize government debt. Higher dollar interest rates are inevitable and will cause further government deficits; the debt overhang in both the US and Euro Zone is so great that a rise of a few points in interest rates will explode the deficits, and so on and so forth.
Bottom line: Stalling growth in International Reserves tells me that a world financial collapse is in the offing."
Collapse Indicated by Loss of Trust in Western Economic Systems:
David Stockman: (link)Alternate Interpretation: As long as we have Treasury Secretaries who represent the interests of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street bankers instead of the US economy, then we can be certain of another financial crisis.
"There is no honest pricing left at all anywhere in the world because central banks everywhere manipulate and rig the price of all financial assets. We can't even analyze the economy in the traditional sense anymore because so much of it depends not on market forces, but on the whims of people at the Fed."
"The Blackberry Panic of September 2008, in which Washington policy makers led by former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson, panicked as they saw Wall Street stock prices plummet on their mobile devices, had very little to do with the Main Street economy in the United States. The panic and bailouts that followed were really about protecting the bonuses and incomes of very wealthy and politically well-connected managers at banks and other heavily leveraged businesses that were eventually deemed too big to fail. What followed was a massive transfer of wealth from the taxpayers and middle-class savers, in the form of bailouts and zero interest rates on bank deposits imposed by the Fed, to the so-called One Percent."
"I think the political realities of the situation make the most likely scenario one in which there will be some kind of real financial collapse and disorder that will require a total reconstruction of the system."
The Burning Platform: (link)
"Despite the frantic efforts of the financial elite, their politician puppets, and their media propaganda outlets, collapse of this aristocracy of the moneyed is a mathematical certainty. Faith in the system is rapidly diminishing, as the issuance of debt to create the appearance of growth has reached the point of diminishing returns."
"We are witnessing the beginning stages of political collapse. The government and its leaders are being discredited on a daily basis. The mismanagement of fiscal policy, foreign policy and domestic policy, along with the revelations of the NSA conducting mass surveillance against all Americans has led critical thinking Americans to question the legitimacy of the politicians running the show on behalf of the bankers, corporations and arms dealers."
"We are supposedly five years past the great crisis. Magazine covers proclaimed Bernanke a hero. If we are well past the crisis, why are the extreme emergency measures still in effect? If the economy is growing and jobs are being created, why do we need $85 Billion of government debt to be monetized each and every month?"
"Just the slowing of debt creation will lead to collapse. Bernanke needs a Syrian crisis to postpone the taper talk. Those in control need an endless number of real or false flag crises to provide cover for their printing presses to keep rolling."
Bill Fleckenstein: link
"Since April, the 10-Year has gone from about 1.6% to as high as 3% recently. Now we have to see when this rally in bonds stops. The bond market will then roll over and then the Fed won't have the tapering as an excuse. It means the bond market has ceased to price in the scenario that the Fed wants, and the bond market is not responding to the Fed's moves in the short-run. In the old days we would call that 'losing control of the bond market.' And if that starts to happen, all hell is going to break loose."
Michael Pento: link
"The 10-Year went from 1.4% to 3%, and that made Mr. Bernanke panic. The average on that (10-Year) yield is 7% in the modern era since 1971 when we closed the 'gold window.' So, if the average is 7%, and the United States of America, this once great land, can't (even) tolerate a 3% yield on the 10-Year Note, that means the Fed can never unwind QE.
That's enough to cuff Mr. Bernanke's hands. So the Fed is indeed trapped as you indicated. They cannot significantly bring down QE. That means a perpetual increase in the Fed's balance sheet. That (also) means an inexorable rise in asset bubbles like stocks, bonds, and real estate, and it's going to end (very) badly."
Hank Paulson Interview: link
"Paulson believes there will be another financial crisis."
"It's a certainty. As long as we have markets, as long as we have banks, no matter what the regulatory system is, there will be flawed government policies. Those policies will create bubbles."
Collapse in Retirement Income:
Dennis Miller: linkIn addition to the problem of low yielding investments caused by the historically low interest rates created by the Fed, even more retirees will run out of money, much sooner, when the inevitable inflation in food and energy prices smacks the U.S. economy, and especially retirees.
"While the Federal Reserve holds down interest rates and floods the banking system with money, it's destroying the retirement dreams of several generations. The Employee Benefit Research Organization reports that 25 - 27% of baby boomers and Generation Xers who would have had adequate retirement income - under return assumptions based on historical averages - will run out of money if today's low interest rates are permanent."
It seems clear that we are losing faith in our politicians, our
leaders, and our financial systems. Approval levels for congress
and the President of the United States are low. Too-Big-To-Fail
banks and "banksters" are despised and openly criticized.
The Federal Reserve is losing credibility; more and more people
are realizing that QE is good for the bankers and the wealthy, but
that it does little for "Main Street" people except drive up the
prices they pay for food and energy.
The American public is generally opposed to war in the Middle
East but that seems to matter little to the political and financial
elite who will profit from the war.
Most people, so it appears, know that inflation is much higher
than officially stated, and that inflation will become far worse
than it is today. (When was the last time you saw a cup of premium
coffee or a gallon of gasoline for less than $1.00?)
"They're selling postcards of the hanging They're painting the passports brown The beauty parlor is filled with sailors The circus is in town Here comes the blind commissioner They've got him in a trance One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker The other is in his pants And the riot squad they're restless They need somewhere to go As Lady and I look out tonight From Desolation Row"