Saturday, April 4, 2020

In The New Age Of Deception, COVID-19 Has Hastened The Old Collectivism

Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via,
“…..but the plan insidiously advances.”
They are banned from churches and public spaces. They can’t hold hands to pray. LOL!
– The Devil
At the very end of last year, I wrote a New Year’s piece entitled “America is Over But You Knew That Already”, whereby various “cracks and water in the nation’s foundation” were explored.  In that article, I said:  “winter is finally here along with these words:
 Exactly how and when America’s foundational stones will shatter in the coming months is anyone’s guess, but do know this:  When Progressive Democrats, and an activist mainstream media, stage a third-world impeachment trial of a U.S. President while reverently citing the words of the nation’s long-dead founders who were, by their own definition, privileged white males and racist slave owners – the end is nigh.
In a later article, six reasons were explored as to why the COVID-19 virus failed “the sniff test” along with the coincidental timing that marked the rise of the virus:
[the first COVID-19 death outside of China] was one day before the Iowa Caucuses were held (2-3-2020) where the results were massaged to raise Mayor Pete over Bernie and bump Biden to the bare minimum viability.
It was also two days before the Diamond Princess cruise ship was quarantined in Japan … and three days before Trump was acquitted in the Senate.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2019-nCoV outbreak a global health emergency on January 30, 2020 when China’s death count was 213.  How did they know? Regardless, the next day, President Trump declared the outbreak a public health emergency and restricted travel from China even as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, cited “8,000 deaths in the U.S. this season” from influenza.
Yet, in spite of COVID-19 being deemed infectious enough for WHO to declare a global health emergency, and Trump to declare a public health emergency, American citizens were evacuated from ground zero in Wuhan China and flown to March Air Reserve Base in Southern California.  Additionally, over “300 U.S. citizens and their immediate family members” were transported from the Diamond Princess ship to Travis Air Force Base in Northern California, Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, and the University of Nebraska.
Next, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a COVID-19 infected former Diamond Princess passenger who was “mistakenly” allowed to spend two hours at a San Antonio mall.
These are the paradoxes of the Coronavirus pandemic:  We were told the virus was extremely contagious and, yet, just as global and national health emergencies were declared, Americans infected with COVID-19 were repatriated to four (4) separate locations around the United States simultaneously.
Even now, all across America… bars, restaurants, and small businesses are shuttered as no more than 10 people are allowed to gather together at any given time.  But, American’s First Amendment Right to Free Assembly remains viable at Wal-Mart. No problem there.  And grocery stores are also deemed “essential” around the country – even as “dead bodies are loaded into refrigerated trucks outside New York hospitals”.
Indeed, there have been many oddities during the Coronavirus outbreak.  One peculiarity is how the same players consistently appear to advance the narrative; to wit, Bill Gates, John Hopkins University, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO).  These show up almost everywhere Coronavirus tales are told and, perhaps unsurprisingly, participated in the October 2019 Event 201 Pandemic Exercise – a near-exact simulation which took place a mere few weeks before the current COVID-19 outbreak went viral globally.
Although Bill Gates acknowledged “it’s super painful”, he urged a “10-week nationwide lockdown”  during a CNN Global Town Hall on March 26, 2020 and has since outlined three steps for the U.S. Government’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak to include lockdowntesting, and vaccination.
But wait… isn’t Bill Gates the computer software guy? Yet he is now advocating for a national lockdown and specific COVID-19 response measures.  How did he get from there to here exactly? Because, at this point, would you be surprised if outer space aliens landed on earth tomorrow with the cure? I know I wouldn’t.
These frightening times have become surreal. And just as the photos of the dead bodies on the refrigeration truck were absolutely terrifying, endless headlines have increasingly generated more fear.  One prevailing theme tells of how Coronavirus threatens young people and the stories quite often cite the ever-available John Hopkins data:
A 28-year-old who said she and her boyfriend tested positive for the novel coronavirus is speaking out in hopes to remind the public that young, healthy adults are still at risk.
Noemi Orofino and her boyfriend Julian, 31, are now in recovery after fighting the COVID-19 virus, the new respiratory illness in which hundreds of thousands have been diagnosed globally, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
The COVID-19 monster has infected actor Tom Hanks and his wife, various celebrities and athletes, and even recently killed CBS News veteran, Maria Mercader, who was only 54 years old.  Of course, there were some underlying issues:
CBS News said Mercader fought cancer and related illnesses for more than 20 years, and noted that numerous treatments and surgeries had left her among the most vulnerable to the disease.
In the video below, Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University, provides some insights into the data behind COVID-19, underlying conditions, infectivity and mortality rates, as well as how various countries have handled the “outbreak”.  Dr. Ioannidis also shares some observations as to why Italy was gobsmacked by the virus more than other nations.

Now, contrast that presentation to the hysteria and emotionalism we’ve seen in the daily reporting of COVID-19.  But, when you think about it, hasn’t hysteria and emotionalism been utilized throughout history to hasten the agendas of collectivism?  In America, the most recent histrionics have been over climate change, identity politics, gun control, Orange Man bad, Russian election hacking, Judge Kavanaugh rape fantasies, Ukraine, impeachment, and… now…  social distancing.
But where the former fell short, the last one has succeeded; a Hail Mary, as it were.
Overreaction to the novel virus has had the support of both Left and Right politicos as well as the mainstream and alternative media universes.  And, as a result, Virginians can now be jailed for a year for attending church services with 10 people.  Certainly, COVID-19 has provided new energy to Leftist schemes with brave new headlines in the New York Times such as “The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals”:
Today, the hard core of climate deniers is concentrated among people who identify as religiously conservative Republicans. And some leaders of the Christian nationalist movement, like those allied with the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, which has denounced environmental science as a “Cult of the Green Dragon,” cast environmentalism as an alternative — and false — theology.
This denial of science and critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus crisis.
The bipartisan $2.2 trillion Cornonavirus Relief Bill has, once again, bailed out banks and corporations with taxpayer funds.  And, as local businesses fade to black, global distribution networks are energized, and centralized, as companies like Wal-Mart and Amazon have benefited by the new normal.  Soon, the nation’s healthcare system will be nationalized as digital dinero sends paper cash the way of the dinosaur – right along with privacy. Every financial transaction will be tracked and taxed as private ownership of property and goods wanes like Joe Biden’s memory.
Instead of Coronavirus and COVID-19 the invisible threat could have been called Communistvirus or CHICOM-19.
In my previous article, I described how Coronavirus was an Orwellian-style PLANdemic that killed the Constitution:
COVID-19 is a perfect means for a global reset – and in the United States, it had to happen under a Republican president. Why? Because conservative Americans own the guns.
If all this was happening under Hillary, Biden, Sanders, et al, there would be politicians hanging from street lights in Washington DC. But Trump is the great anesthetizer. For the past couple of years I’ve been writing article after article on how everything we’ve been watching has seemed like a reality TV show; a movie in our mind’s eye.
So I ask you this: What if Hillary, Trump, Russiagate, Mueller, Ukrainegate, impeachment … all of it… was part of the plan; distractions and cover stories for the build-up to what is happening now?
It’s perfect. Too perfect.  And the timing was impeccable.
Even more than that:  It’s too insane not to be on purpose.
To be sure, the leftist agenda has progressed according to plan.
The collectivist activist, Saul Alinsky (1909-1972), in his early 1970s book “Rules for Radicals” included itemized strategies such as “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules” (# 4) and “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition”(#10).  For decades, the Political Left has had a plan and they’ve worked that plan.
Accordingly, the Left has never held itself accountable as it relentlessly challenged its ideological opponents to meet the demands of their own code.  It’s why Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam can wear blackface but comedienne Rosanne Barr can’t tweet a Planet of the Apes joke about former presidential aide Valerie Jarrett. It’s why Former President Bill Clinton can stain a blue dress but Judge Brett Kavanaugh is proven guilty of rape by vague recollections, lurid smears, and zero evidence.  It’s how a Republican president was impeached for actions taken years before by a Democrat Vice President.
Every day of the year, every hour, the pressure is steadily applied by the Collective and their Orwellian Media Ministry of Truth.  One drama unfolds, after another, after another until, today, even the compassion and civility of the American people has been weaponized into six-feet of separation.
In previous articles I’ve stated that COVID-19 has become the new Terrorism® and it’s stunning how “See Something, Say Something®” has been taken to entirely new levels with Coronavirus:
A group of armed vigilantes cut down a tree and dragged it across a man’s driveway in Maine to force him to quarantine in his home amid fears he could be infected with the coronavirus, officials said.
Welcome to the revolution. The individual must now assimilate into the collective.
The COVID-19 outbreak has proven to be a perfect coup de grace on America, and in ways we’re only beginning to realize.  It has caused We the People to turn on each other under the guise of caring for one anotherOr, Essentialism, twisted from the words of collectivist revolutionary Karl Marx (1814 – 1883):  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Here is a personal example of the new age:  A few days ago, a friend sent me some nasty texts because he was told I held a meeting with five other people on private property. He claimed I was minimizing the danger to others. I replied that he was hysterical.
In a few months, if not weeks, this guy will be begging for Government As God to save him, and, in so doing, I have no doubt he’d sell me out to any governing authority for any reason. We’re about to enter into a real Walking Dead scenario and the Dark Powers will be getting years of mileage out of COVID-19 in every aspect of post-American life.
Truly, the new age will be delivered by concentrically tightening circles of control – like a noose. The Powers That Be have successfully divided and dispersed what they have deemed a threat:  the American people.  All that remains now is the conquering, and it will come in waves, or seasonal cycles.
It has begun and will now continue as the month of April 2020 has been canceled.
April fools.
From now until further notice, the COVID-19 Overton Window should be compared to watching an action movie in a crowded movie theater. On our screens, we’ll see Trump, like Rambo, kicking ass and taking names.  But challenging the Coronavirus narrative will be akin to mute persons donning tinfoil hats and waving lighted cell phones from the back row.
The poet T.S. Elliot framed it best:
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Hello? Can anyone hear? Anyone?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

COV Double-Whammy – Hantavirus Death In China Has Links To Unit 731-CIA BioWarfare

From    By Yoichi Shimatsu

On a long bicycle ride to a lemonade and Checkers double-burger topped with crisp-fired onions before the coming COV lockdown, I suddenly swerved to avert rolling over a massive Norway rat with exploded guts being dined on by a swarm of flies. Narrowly clear of that mess, this thought popped up in my mind, there's another and maybe worse plague coming this way.
Relief came by biting into the messy burger as if it was my last meal on Death Row, I gave the squashed rodent premonition no further thought, that is until late that night when an email arrived from a friend who is retired in Thailand. "I am sitting here afraid of doves."
I had no idea what his enigmatic words meant or if it was some sick joke about waiting for COV to arrive on the wings of a dove, but the message inspired me to listen to Prince's "How can you leave me just standing alone in a world so cold? Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like when doves cry." The Pandemic gives a razor edge to that song, about being covered in sweat, alone in a world so cold, and animals in curious poses like contagious bats and that festering rat.
Later that evening, I did a bit of mixology by chopping local-grown oranges into pieces, grilling a round slice, adding a couple of ounces of vodka and tossing in a swizzle stick of cinnamon. A neighbor stopped by, and while we crushed the orange bits with the cinnamon bark, I asked "What's the real reason for the gulag order?" He shrugged his shoulders, adding only "My suspicion is that there's some other reason besides coronavirus that they're not telling us." So failing to solve the mystery, we sipped the orange cooler, which was a lot healthier than taking the Kool-Aid dispensed to the public.
Overnight Thai time, morning in Florida, a somewhat less cryptic message arrived. "doves and rats, Hantavirus is breaking out in Yunnan, not far north of here." So taking his cryptic advice, I looked up news reports from Southeast Asia and also a UPI article indicated that a deceased patient in the Shandong peninsula was a migrant worker at an aquaculture operation on the East China Sea. As in the Wuhan bio-terror attack, aquaculture figures in, meaning the hidden hand running the last mile in these biowarfare operations.
The really bad news is that more than 1,000 people are infected in the deceased man's home county in southwestern Yunnan, near the borders of Myanmar and Laos, only a short distance from northern Thailand. Gotcha, when the doves arrive so will the rats.
Given the fact of availability of a vaccine in China, especially in tropical areas, the number of Hantavirus victims is strange indeed, because this particular virus and the bubonic plague bacteria have been the prime targets for public-health surveillance and suppression in China for more than six decades. This is because of their development in biological warfare against the Chinese population since the 1930s field-tests by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army. (For that same reason, these bugs are the lovable pets of Shinzo Abe, whose grandfather Nobusuke Kishi as Manchukuo finance chief and then wartime munitions minister invested so heavily in 731 research and deployment.) One man's candy is another man's poison.
A sudden flare-up of 1,000-plus rat-borne virus infections in the Yunnan coffee-growing region, which supplies most of Starbucks beans, whether labeled "Kenyan" and otherwise, is improbable, given massive pesticide use and routine anti-rodent campaigns, boxes of rat poison in every corner.As a volunteer consultant to an organic farming group, I learned that their university-based researchers discovered, to their shock, that the water quality in Yunnan is the worst in China due to heavy metals washed down from the bare-rock Tibetan Plateau and the soil is the most pesticide-contaminated due to the flower-growing industry. Toxicity at that level is a factor for rodent depopulation. So there's not a lot organic about the Seattle coffee brand with its Yunnan content, among the world's most toxic for consumers and viruses. Sadly, it once was one of the world's mellowest and aromatic coffees, back in the days when Indonesian coffee growers fled the CIA-Suharto massacres in the mid-1960s and started up new plantations in Yunnan. "Progress", due to chemicals, has a way of ruining the best things in life. Now they're dying like flies down there. Joni Mitchell sure was right about paradise being paved for a parking lot.
Curse of the Golden Triangle
Over this past decade, since the huge investment by the Zuckerberg-Chan Boston clan into Hanoi and Southern China, there's coincidentally been expanding opium poppy cultivation and methamphetamine synthesis in the broad arc of new-plowed fields across northern Laos, resurgent Myanmar and parts of Yunnan, with equipment and chemical supplies hauled in aboard Vietnamese Army trucks guarded by an international crew of Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese-Americans, Nigerians and even whites in the renewed Golden Triangle. Meanwhile, Asian officials linked to the Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese mafias have been discouraging enforcement by the DEA and local anti-drug police in Bangkok and across the region. My longtime source in Interpol, an honest cop, was transferred out after the agency was taken over by a China-appointed bureaucrat, who's since been arrested. Musical chairs for the cops, to keep them in the dark. Forget Maui, it's now Kaui Wowie!
Delivering biological weapons for use against Yunnan tribal peoples is therefore easier done than said. Then, when you give it a moment of thought, FB has since its inception been the surest way to spot and recruit prospective young drug dealers in remote places like Wichita or Bushmills, Northern Ireland by way of Shannon Airport and Boston, where all the Irish cops are on the take of the Viet-Cantonese mob. These details came to me because I used to place paroled refugee teenage shooters for the triads into legit jobs and school in NYC, so call me Serpico.
Given the sheer number of gangsters for hire in the Greater Golden Triangle, the sudden Hantavirus explosion is indicative of something other that the usual alibi of zoonotic infection from wild animals. Given widespread vaccination for Hantavirus in rural China, that's like a thousand residents during the monsoon season being caught outdoors without an umbrella, simply impossible, indicating this variant is a gene-modified bio-weapon like COVID-19. Arriving at this precise moment when the COV panic is starting to diminish, this could well be another ratcheting up in a series of planned biological warfare assaults.
So here again, as in COVID-19 Wuhan, the common denominator is the noxious legacy of Unit 731 and the geopolitical ambitions of Shinzo Abe, the man who would be Shogun. Japanese research on Hantavirus involves Hokkaido University, the alma mater of the infamous Dr. Death of U Wisconsin Yoshihiro Kawaoka, along with the Japan Institute of infectious Diseases and also several veterinary labs. Pirbright Institute remains silent about Hantavirus, although one of their tracking-retracing projects is focused on the Sin Nombre (translated as "no name") HTV sub-species discovered in a Navaho reservation in the Four Corners, not far from the postwar Unit 731 lab at the Dugway Proving Ground.
South Korea again, as in those 200 Shincheonji cult members in Wuhan, is a factor given that the Hantavirus was first isolated (other than by 731) in the 1970s in Seoul. Another common element is aquaculture, specifically lakes suitable for Tilapia as carriers and also abounding in river rats.
And, yes, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome broke out in 1999 in Manitoba Province, home ground of the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. Not to left out in the cold, Porton Down-DSTL is conducting research on Hantavirus infections among pet rodent owners, sewer workers, farmers and pest-control removers, obviously to collect blood samples in the first step toward amassing serum. All the usual suspects, and so we are shocked, just shocked to find biowarfare going on, ho-hum.
Hantavirus is a nasty but clever piece of work, weaponized by Unit 731 lab in Harbin before the invention of the electron microscope. How'd they do it? With German-invented chemical stains that can reveal many types of viruses as wall as bacteria. This virus triggers a hemorrhagic fever that raises body temperatures to levels destructive of internal organs and overheats the brain; pneumonia-like pulmonary symptoms including gasping and drowning lungs; related heart palpitations, and finally cardiac arrest. It's a murine virus, meaning that it carried in certain types of rats and mice, which infect humans through their urine and droppings. By now Hantavirus has become localized inside endemic rodents across Asia, the Americas, Russia and Eastern Europe, all thanks to the Cold War CIA wannabees and their biological-jujitsu masters from Unit 731.
Grim Reaper across Northeast Asia
Hantavirus is one of those official cover-ups that I've researched and exposed over the decades as the actual reason, rather than bubonic plague, for Unit 731's success at urban sieges against walled cities in northern China, felling untold numbers of Chinese soldiers and civilians, but sometimes back-firing to cause fatal lung infections in thousands of Japanese troopers. Since Japan was suffering crop failures back then, losing infantry soldiers was beneficial to the military rather than some sort of loss.
On my first visit to China, one of my translators, who as a teenager had served in the sanitation corps along the Yalu River during the Korean War recalled that American airplanes had dumped a mix of straw, horse hair and mouse droppings over villages and bridges, evidence of a biological warfare program spreading a virus. Over 50 years the CIA adamantly denied any role in bio-warfare in one of its longest-running cover-ups, but later the US Army admitted that hantavirus was researched at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah by captured Japanese scientists from Unit 731 on the payroll of the CIA.
The carriers are clever critters (I used to work in a rat lab, and much preferred the docile rats to the feisty little mice) that managed to escape lab captivity and ran off to the Four Corners region. That souls improbable, so maybe in the darkness of night the rodents were being field-tested as biowar carriers against Navaho Nation in 1993. The next outbreak, attributed to field mice, occurred at in the tents at Camp Curry in Yosemite National Park in 2012, which led to the demolition and removal of the tent city. Then, just this past autumn, I learned about bubonic plague, another Unit 371 speciality, in the squirrels of Riverside County, where March Air Force base is located. Linking the dots, the trail went from the Unit 731 team in Utah along a couple of highways through the Intermountain Desert to the USAF-CIA airfield, which flew supply missions to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa and then on to Seoul.
Seoul is where 3,000 American servicemen in the Korean War were massacred in a literal wind-driven Hantavirus blow-back by the namesake Hantan River. Then called the Korean hemorrhagic fever, the Pentagon avoided mention of this CIA self-inflicted GI killer, which did get airtime in the Alan Alda TV series M.A.S.H., season 4 episode 12, when Radar O'Reilly wins a week of R&R in Tokyo but comes down with the Hantavirus-caused fever.
As during the Korean conflict of 1950-53, not a single Western government or health agency and certainly not Shinzo Abe's gang will admit that COVID and now Hantavirus are biological weapons from state-owned laboratories. That's pathetic, and unlike the 1970s TV series, nothing at all is being mentioned on television or in the mainstream media. The Cold War against the American public never ended.
Roper-Doper 'defense'
Now as the bell clangs to start Round 2 of this ordeal, the fight is hardly begun as the world slumps into a roper-doper. Although many people has rushed to the defense of NIH bigwig Anthony Fauci, it's not well known that he's connected with Pirbright Institute, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust via Dr. Malcolm Martin, a top-level researcher at Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
My suggest cure for these exotic "diseases" is to snatch Shinzo Abe and confine in a hellhole cell as a doctor holds a syringe in each hand. "Which delightful picker-upper would like to try first, COVID or Hantavirus" It would not be a surprise if the contagions stopped in their tracks, right after his phone call to an yakuza boss and his buddies Netanyahu and Lord Rothschild. If only there was an antidote to fraud, subversion and kleptocracy, we'd all be a lot healthier.
Meanwhile, during this siege, I'm hunkering down with a selenium-rich diet of astragalus sticks boiled in soup, which kept me COV-resistant for the entire 6-month quarantine in Hong Kong, where I did tours of hospitals to check on indoor air quality, had a minor surgery for a cyst and was the only diner in restaurants, and later visited chicken-raising operation in Thailand during the avian influenza blitz, never wearing a face-mask in either situation. Some brazil nuts are on order to boost the immune system, plus more garlic than usual in the pasta sauce.
Meanwhile, avoid all the hyped-up virus medications, since none are target specific. So that's like using a shotgun to hit a mosquito inside your bedroom. The inside word is that an on-target magic bullet will be ready in May, but by then this epidemic could well be over.
As for specific rodents in the USA that can carry Hantavirus, these are the Cotton rat, the Rice rat, the white-footed mouse and deer mouse. Missing from the short list is the main species that carries the dreaded disease, the gigantic Norway rat that I crossed paths with. The enemy in here, folks. In Japan, the shrew mouse is also a carrier, and there are a dozen other infectious species, so check with your national health agency.
When this blockade is over, I'm going to have to take another ride over to the hamburger stand, where sensibly there's tables and chairs outside, but I'll try a different bike path away from the swamps, that is if I survive the lockdown. No cheese and no mayo with barbecue sauce instead and extra onions, because when you've got something to look forward to, life has meaning and purpose.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Study Finds That Trump's 'Miracle Drug' Helps Fight COVID-19

From Zero Hedge:

The New York Times and Washington Post aren't going to enjoy reporting this.
A relatively small study involving coronavirus patients in China has determined that the malaria drugs that President Trump has been pushing as potential coronavirus 'miracle cures' actually do seem to work in preventing COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, from progressing into its most lethal stage.
The news will send "a ripple of excitement" through the medical community, one doctor said.
Here's more from the NYT:
The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helped to speed the recovery of a small number of patients who were mildly ill from the coronavirus, doctors in China reported this week.
Cough, fever and pneumonia went away faster, and the disease seemed less likely to turn severe in people who received hydroxychloroquine than in a comparison group not given the drug. The authors of the report said that the medication was promising, but that more research was needed to clarify how it might work in treating coronavirus disease and to determine the best way to use it.
“It’s going to send a ripple of excitement out through the treating community,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University.
Though NYT, WaPo, and most of the left-wing press has sought to focus on the "unproven" nature of hydroxychloroquine and its analogue chloroquine, as well as the fact that Trump's remarks have purportedly spurred harmful hoarding (which has deprived some regular patients of their medication) and at least one man's decision to try a harmful COVID-19 "home remedy" with the same active ingredient in the medication (spoiler alert: that man poisoned himself, and  the mainstream press swiftly declared it to be Trump's fault), some professionals have backed Trump.
Writing in WSJ last week, a pair of doctors reviewed the evidence at hand and recounted their clinical experience saying they had seen the drug effectively treat COVID-19.
Fortunately, as the NYT noted in this latest article, the drugs are cheap, relatively plentiful, and mostly harmless.
Now that the FDA has granted the drug emergency approval, part of a plan to allow its use in New York in particular, doctors suspect more patients will begin asking for the drug.
"I think it will reinforce the inclination of many people across the country who are not in a position to enter their patients into clinical trials but have already begun using hydroxychloroquine," he said.
And now, doctors have every reason to give it a shot.