Monday, February 10, 2020

DOJ Charges 4 Chinese Military Hackers In Equifax Breach

From Zero Hedge:

The Department of Justice has charged four Chinese military hackers with breaching the computer networks of the Equifax credit reporting agency - accessing the personal information of tens of millions of Americans.
In addition, the four are accused of stealing Equifax trade secrets, according to the Associated Press.
"This was a deliberate and sweeping intrusion into the private information of the American people," said Attorney General William Barr in a statement, adding "Today, we hold PLA hackers accountable for their criminal actions, and we remind the Chinese government that we have the capability to remove the Internet’s cloak of anonymity and find the hackers that nation repeatedly deploys against us."
The case comes as the Trump administration has warned against what it sees as the growing political and economic influence of China, and efforts by Beijing to collect data on Americans and steal scientific research and innovation. -AP
This is far from the first time the DOJ has targeted Chinese hackers. Last year, two Chinese hackers were indicted for their alleged involvement in a global hacking campaign carried out at the behest of the Tianjin office of China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) - targeting 45 US tech companies and government agencies.  The behavior allegedly happened over two time periods, one of which began in 2006, and the other beginning in 2014.
Hackers would infiltrate the cloud computing networks of 'managed service providers', then 'hop' from network to network', gaining entree to the networks of these firms' clients. In December, the US named some of the hackers suspected of working with the group known as "Advanced Persistent Threat 10" (APT10).
Networks targeted included NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, the Department of Energy's National Laboratory, and the US Navy.
An investigation by Reuters found that "Cloud Hopper" impacted six additional firms aside from IBM and HPE, which it had previously reported. These included at least five of the world's 10 largest tech service firms. In addition to HPE and IBM, the hacks emanated out to those firms' clients, including Swedish telecoms firm Ericsson, and a handful of Japanese fims.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway Child Porn & Macedonia Fake News - Part 4

By Yoichi Shimatsu - Exclusive to Rense  12-18-16

After a tsunami of coerced self-censorship wiped away the truth from American media, there’s now a news blackout on Pizzagate and the Norway child-porn arrests. Online discussion boards have shown that an AP report on the Norwegian arrests of 54 individuals was removed from the online news sites of The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News and The Guardian (UK).
The mainstream media’s disgraceful kneeling to White House censorship follows on the removal from 4chan of Comet Ping Pong Pizza’s pedophilia-related Instagram photos and suppression of Pizzagate threads at reddit. The contrived “fake news” narrative from the CIA in nothing more than a pretext for a dictatorial Executive branch to impose blanket censorship on the press and online alternative media in the dying hours of the Obama regime.
In response, bloggers and comments at discussion groups have suggested that the simultaneous events in Norway, a police crackdown on a child porn ring and Norway’s deep cut in funding for the Clinton Foundation, are related. This astute observation spurred me to probe the background of international intrigue that points to a blackmail operation against the Norwegian government by the Clinton State Department, the CIA and George Soros, all detailed in the second half of this report.
The wave of censorship by the Obama White House, and planting of disinformation by the Hillary-Soros cabal, are in blatant violation of First Amendment protections for the freedoms of press, speech and religion. I include religion because the Executive kill orders on Pizzagate and Norway child porn are coming from a White House staff wedded to occultism, as exposed in Wikileaks emails, aimed at toppling America’s founding principle of One Nation Under God. (I am by no stretch a Christian fundamentalist but as an investigative journalist can readily spot this sort of demented criminal mindset after past investigations into Aum Shinrikyo and other anti-democratic demon-worshiping cults.)
Here, Part 4 of this definitive series on C-3PO (the Clintons: Pizzagate, Pedophiles, Podesta and Occultism), delves into:
First off, the CIA fabricated “pro-Trump” fake news at a Soros-USAID social-media center in Macedonia for the purposes of discrediting the child-sex scandal at Cosmic Ping Pong Pizza and imposing press censorship in the United States with attempted passage of Congressional legislation against Russian influence on the media.  
Second, the CIA launched a Dark Web child-porn blackmail operation against the Norwegian government to loot its postal lottery system of between $89 million and $300 million paid to the Clinton Foundation. Nearly all this hush money has gone unreported by the Clintons and was stuffed into secret accounts to finance the European refugee crisis and a proposed Qatar-Saudi pipeline through ISIS territory with oil shipments destined for Ukraine.
Now, after Hillary lost her mind and then the election, the Norwegian payback comes in retaliation for the Clintons’ deception, subversion and political manipulation that led to the meteorite rise of the CIA mole, Jens Stoltenberg, the Maoist ideologue who is the Secretary-General of NATO.
The notion of a Maoist fanatic leading NATO is just one of many bizarre twists in an illicit affair of mutual distrust and daggers-out betrayal. In the end, little Norway turned the tables on its big nasty abuser. This reversal of domination is reminiscent of the lyrics to Norwegian Wood by John Lennon: “I once had a girl or, should I say, she once had me?”
Mac-n-Baloney, a recipe from Soros and USAID

On the day of his electoral triumph, Donald Trump responded to the Macedonian “fake news” fraud with a satiric tweet: “My thanks to the great people of Veles. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Who’s behind the dirty tricks from Veles, Macedonia? Round up the usual suspects: Soros, USAID, the State Department, the CIA and the Commode in Chief Barry “Suharto” Soetaro. Their “smoking gun” evidence of “Russian agents” fabricating “fake news” for posting at Facebook was based on deliberately spurious reports out of an unlikely propaganda headquarters in Macedonia.
The outbreak of weird Facebook postings in support of Trump’s candidacy came out of the rust-belt city of Veles, smack-dab in the middle of that landlocked Balkans nation, which was part of Yugoslav Federation until President Bill Clinton and his sidekick Tony Blair decided that their NATO war machine needed live-fire training in real-world combat.
The first media report on Veles appeared in September at The Guardian (UK), in a sardonic article written by San Francisco freelancer Dan Tynan, the recent editor of Yahoo Tech. The article featured interviews with teenagers who claimed they earned $5,000 per month from a steady stream of pro-Trump fake news with sensational headlines posted on Facebook. No names are revealed, even though such activity doesn’t seem to be outlawed in the fractured society. BuzzFeed and Esquire followed suit with their versions of this planted tripe, again without naming any sources.
Question: Who paid for the airfares, hotels and per diem for Tynan and other American writers who arrived in remote Veles for this “scoop”, which more resembles a pooper scooper? Hey, Georgy Schwartz, your credit card? That’s the real name of Soros when he was working for the Nazis fingering fellow Hungarian Jews for deportation aboard the cattle cars. He’s such a dyed-in-wool liar that even his names are fake.
Were the Veles teenagers working for the Russian spy service, as suggested by the CIA stooges in Washington D.C.? It’s patently impossible because there’s not a lot of Russian influence in that epicenter of an ongoing anti-Moscow Color Revolution n Macedonia. Veles is a stronghold of the the Open Society Institute’s Youth Educational Forum (YEF). The program organizes student debate clubs in order to indoctrinate local youth in the importance of media. In April 2016, regional expert Paul Butler wrote:
“Finding the logos of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations Macedonia and that of USAID on the same page should come as no surprise to anyone studying world chaos these days. Both entities work hand in hand offering grants, in order to buy a new legion of ‘like minded’ students and future leaders of Macedonia. The Project for Civil Society Macedonia stands as testament to the system Soros and his colleagues have set in place.
“It is from grassroots societal manipulation that we see youth supporting further Americanization, when decades of EU and western influence have brought Macedonia nothing. The country’s Gross National Income remains intact, as one of the lowest in all Europe and Asian developing countries.”
De-industrialized due to NATO’s assault against Yugoslavia, Veles has recently been pushing to transform itself into an IT center, with support from the USAID, the U.S. Embassy in the capital Skopje and the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). That pro-immigration UN body is headed by the former UN ambassador of the Emirate of Qatar.
The UNAOC sponsors “development of Internet literacy to combat misperceptions, prejudices and hate speech.” In plain language in Veles, the Qatar-funded program indoctrinates young ethnic Slavs to be passive toward Albanian Kosovar secessionists who’ve waged an armed rebellion. Just across the border in southern Kosovo, the town of Kacanik is a jihadist bastion supporting the secessionists and also a known recruitment center for ISIS, which is funded, trained and armed by Qatar.
With Veles as a no-go zone for Russians, the “fake news” offices shown to the American reporters were obviously a disinformation project to discredit Trump, set up by Soros and Hillary’s CIA stooges. The same old tricks from the same pack of flea-bitten dogs who contrived past fakery, including the big lie of bayoneted Kuwaiti baby that triggered the First Iraq War and Christine Amanpour’s chance bump-in with “Kosovar refugees” who were actually hired crisis actors in Albania, which rallied Western support for the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia.
The Macedonian bait-and-switch looms large because it provided justification to press Facebook to pay for so-called fact-checking by the CIA creepy clowns at Snopes, Bezos’s WaPo, and PolitiFact. Stories deemed to be fake or spoofed will be removed or labeled with warnings in the broadest campaign of censorship in postwar U.S. history bar none, even the McCarthy-era black list. By no coincidence, Marissa Meyer, CEO of Yahoo, and Mark Zuckerman at Facebook were major bundlers of donations to Hillary for America.
This Orwellian Ministry of Truth will be run by the ethics program at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida. The censorship is to be organized by the new Craig Newmark Chair in Journalism Ethics, funded with a $1 million donation from the Craigslist founder Craig Newmark. Along with the Political Commissar’s salary and perks, the new five-year “ethics” program is “focused on verification, fact-checking and accountability in journalism”.
Journalism ethics here is doublespeak. I’ve taught ethics at J-school, and what this stinker of a censorship board reminds me of is that old Beatles number: “You don’t know how lucky you are, boy, to be back in the US, back in US, back in the USSR.”
What the goose-stepping journalism professors at Poynter failed to announce is that Craigslist has been the major advertiser of underage prostitution and, apparently with bribery of a judge, succeeded inside the filthy corrupt Cook County court system to get a dismissal of charges filed by girls forced into prostitution by Craig-based pimps. Craig’s revenues from pedophilia is not some Trump conspiracy, no. The list of its pedophiiac crimes is posted at the Hillary-loyal Huffington Post:
Today’s class assignment, Pizzagate journo students: Who are the pedophiles at Poynter? It takes one to be trusted by the others, wink-wink.
Oh, before moving into the Arctic Circle, let me enthusiastically express my support for a trial run of George Soros’s project called Death in America, which advocates euthanasia and assisted suicide for the depressed, infirm and aged. Georgy, your act is getting to be as tired and old as you are. After losing Russia, Eastern Europe and now the USA, it’s time for you to go beddy-bye with an handful of sedatives and a glass of warm milk. If you lack the guts to face your Maker, you whiny wizened bag of methane and manure, just call on your boys at Langley-McLean to give a hand, since they’ll be more than relieved to be rid of the evidence. Next patient, is there a Hussein Obomber in the waiting room?
Little Red Riding Hood in the Norwegian Wood
On the heels of Pizzagate, there’s been a media blackout on Norway’s crackdown of a massive child-porn ring, involving cops and at least one high-ranking politician. Why is this news from across the Atlantic so threatening to the political establishment in Washington D.C.? Just say pedophilia.
The short story is: The Norwegian pedophile bust is directly connected to the Clinton Foundation and the CIA running an blackmail operation planting child porn onto Dark Web pedophile sites. The blackmail forced Conservative politicians to approve the appointment of longtime CIA asset Jens Stoltenberg as Secretary-General of NATO. The revelations clearly show the Clinton Foundation lied about the funds received, meaning this is a major fraud with between $60 million and possibly quintuple that amount missing from the organization’s books and the Clintons’ income tax records.
That summary in a nutshell is more than you’ll ever get from Facebook or Twitter. Journalism, the traditional sense of being the first draft of history, is the long version because it takes a lot of explanation to cover the Five W’s of the scribe’s craft: who, what, when, where and why. Of that quintet of queries, why is the most difficult to arrive at and most important for the individual, a nation and the world.
The Clinton Slush Fund from Oslo
The Oslo investigation is focused on secretive donations of approximately $10 million to the Clinton Foundation by the Conservative Party government in 2015. The funds were subdivided into batches, so that the transfers to appear in smaller amounts. The funds were misappropriated from the Postal Lottery fund and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).
The funds were detected when the Norwegian aid agency allocated the money to the Clinton Foundation’s renewable-energy project related to predicted climate change effects on tropical island countries, a geographic region outside of Norway’s aid agenda. The internal investigation therefore focused on two Conservative Party leaders: Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Foreign Minister Borge Brende.
Brende met with Chelsea Clinton, an executive with the Foundation, in November 2014, which was followed up with a meeting with Hillary and Bill Clinton, on the latter’s visit to Norway in late June to early July 2015. At the tete-a-tete with Hillary, Brende discussed financing a wood-stove swap (for less smoke-producing stoves for the underdeveloped nations). Bill Clinton paid visits to the prime minister’s office and to the foreign ministry, where Solberg and Brende promise the secret fund flow. In May 2016 Brende visited the Clinton Foundation office in New York apparently to ensure that the illicit arrangement was proceeding as planned.
Why did the Conservatives, who are aligned with the U.S. Republican Party, take such risks for the Clinton Foundation? The Conservatives were under pressure to continue the Clinton connection established by former Labour prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO. Stoltenberg is a puppet for Bill Clinton’s secret diplomacy, along with other sock-puppet politicians and generals, with the aim of combating Russian influence in Europe and the Middle East.
Whenever Clinton Foundation bribery, much of it from the diversion of Norwegian, Australian and Saudi funds, failed to influence foreign politicians, then the extra boost came from blackmailing politicians involved in pedophile cases or child-porn rings on the Dark Net. Therefore the Norwegian government has just “turned off the taps” of secret flows of cash to the Clintons and shut down a huge child-porn ring at the same time in mid-November.
First, a look at the geopolitics behind the twin crackdowns and then some insights into the Norwegian police-FBI operation against the child-porn racket (and its relation to Pizzagate).
The pressure on Brende to fund the Clintons was assigned to Labour Party bigwig Espen Barth Eide, former minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs in the second government (2005-2013) of then Prime Minister Stoltenberg. Eide is the managing director of the Davos World Economic Forum and the UN Special Adviser to Cyprus. At the time, during Europe’s “summer of migration”, a massive refugee flow orchestrated by George Soros, Bill Clinton recruited Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to join the Clinton Global Initiative.
Clinton and Tsipras cooperated on a megaproject toextend two pipelines to Cyprus and Greece from: the Qatar-Saudi Trans-Syria route through their ISIS puppet state and another from the Israeli Leviathan offshore oilfield. Norway Statoil (national oil company) is a major producer in the North Sea, and presumably was being recruited as an investor and tech provider for these planned energy routes.
The motivation for NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, who has a livid dislike of Putin, was to create an alternative oil-and-gas supply route from Cyprus into Ukraine, thereby ending Western Europe’s dependence on Russian energy. The Clinton-Soros-Qatar geopolitical project collapsed when the Russian military launched strikes against ISIS, and then with the failure of the CIA coup in Turkey.
The major setbacks on the Mediterranean front left Stoltenberg vulnerable to criticism and counterattack, and therefore after he was deprived of his political rationale, the Arctic Pizzagate bust came down hard. The recent child-porn arrests of 51 persons included an unnamed politician and lawyers, according to the Norwegian police. This indicated a high-level linkage of an influential Conservative politician to the Clinton-Stoltenberg blackmail operation. According to Norwegian media reports, a parliamentary task force led by the prime minister tried to stop the investigation with a surprise visit to the Norwegian intelligence service and its documents archive.
The Norwegian child-porn bust, following on the heels of Pizzagate (which was aided and directed by an FBI agent named FBIanon) shows that the FBI has had enough of the Clinton shenanigans, thievery and sponsorship of pedophilia. Once the geopolitical battle against Putin was lost, there was no more justification for tolerating the Clinton-Soros dirty tricks in league with petty criminals like James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza and that old fool Soros.
The FBI role in Arctic Pizzagate is discussed at the Motherboard blog of VICE TV:
“The operation originated with the FBI’s crackdown of dark web site Playpen, Bergens Tidende (newspaper) reported, although it is not clear how many of those 51 arrests were directly related to the FBI’s tip-offs.
“In 2015, the FBI took over Playpen, and ran it for 13 days from a government server. During this time, the agency deployed a piece of malware it calls a network investigative technique, or NIT, in order to grab site users’ real IP addresses. The FBI then provided these IP addresses and other technical information to law enforcement agencies internationally. Judging by a report on Norwegian site, that includes authorities in Norway.”
The proliferation of Playpen users on the Dark Web happens to coincide with regions targeted for CIA blackmail operations. We now understand Hillary Clinton’s complaint against the FBI for wrecking her family’s Playpen of child pornography, political blackmail and influence-peddling scam. The failure of the Clinton geopolitical scam explains why the CIA has been desperately crying wolf against “Russian influence”.
The Clinton Foundation should be shut down for investigation and all its personnel debriefed by the FBI and police. With exposure of this sordid affair that has permanently damaged U.S. prestige, Congress must rip up the 2017 Intelligence Authorization Bill for its assault on press freedom. Meanwhile, America’s entire intelligence apparatus needs fundamental re-prioratization and restructuring. Dealing with Russia can wait.
The CIA Mole in NATO
The Norwegian news reports on the Clinton Foundation embezzlement avoid the mention of the chief Clinton ally and CIA asset Jen Stoltenberg. A vocal war-mongering foe of Russian President Putin, current NATO chief Stoltenberg is a product of the clandestine “stay-behind” guerrilla-warfare force in Norway and Sweden under Operation Gladio, organized in Scandinavia by CIA director William “Bill” Colby.
This covert operation exploited Scandinavia as an apocalyptic battlefield between NATO and the Soviet/Russian military forces based on the Kola Peninsula (the Murmansk region). Gladio North, known as ROC, has been the secret lynch pin of American-Norwegian relations since World War II.
Stoltenberg, who twice served as Norwegian prime minister, is an unusual case as compared with other Gladio veterans, starting out as member of the Norwegian Workers Party (AKP), a branch of the anti-Soviet CIA-sponsored Maoist cult movement organized by Shaul Eisenberg. Ardently anti-Russian in the era of the Sino-Soviet split, the dual Mossad-CIA agent Eisenberg, who served as a fascist minion of the Japanese military intelligence during World War II, later was the chief arms supplier to the Pol Pot regime in Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) in its war against the pro-Moscow Vietnamese occupation forces.
Colby, Norway ROC-Gladio, and the Maoist AKP are discussed further below. For now it is important to keep in the mind the weird career beginnings of these two “leftist” CIA spies inserted into politics, Bill Clinton and Jens Stoltenberg.
The Clinton-Stoltenberg relationship
The long relationship between the Clintons and Stoltenberg is obscured by their secretive CIA roles. President Bill Clinton visited Oslo in early November 1999 for a memorial meeting for the assassinated Yitzak Rabin, an architect of the Oslo peace process, hosted by Labour Prime Minister Kjell Magde Bondevik. At the time, former Treasury minister Stoltenberg was Bondevik’s deputy prime minister, and therefore met wth Clinton, although probably not for the first time since both have attended the Bilderberger meetings and Davos World Economic Forum programs as CIA agents in place.
The Bondevik government dispatched Norwegian Army Jegerkommandos (hunter-commandos) and Forsvarets Spesialkommandos (forward special commandos) in support of Clinton-Blair invasion plan to split Kosovo from the dismembered Yugoslav republic. The Norwegian special forces worked in close cooperation with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a force bolstered by jihadists from Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, funded by Qatar. The combined force, inserted into the mountains along the Macedonia border, were the first NATO military unit to cross into Kosovo.
A no-confidence vote triggered the resignation of Bondevik, and Stoltenberg became prime minister in March 2000, in time to share the glory of the NATO victory over Serbia with his fellow CIA puppets Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. Then in 2001, after Clinton left office, the 911 attacks put a damper on the Norwegian love affair with the jihadists and Labour was defeated at the polls in Norway.
Cold War paranoia
This background the Cold War indoctrination of both Clinton and Stoltenberg, who later viewed the stated charitable mission of the Clinton Foundation as a Clausewitz-type extension of warfare, along with espionage as an arm of political warfare. This Manichean black-and-white view of politics tended to vilify members of the rival Conservative Party as being dominated by greedy business interests, who need to “controlled” by necessary means, including sexual blackmail through data breaches of computer networks.
The militaristic Stoltenberg was returned to the premiership in 2005 and dominated government until 2013, a term marked by a massive increase in defense spending and saber rattliing against Moscow. Under his second stint in office, the huge Norwegian payments to the Clinton Foundation began in 2007. During Stoltenberg’s term as prime minister, Norway “donated” $50 million to the Clinton Foundation, most of that disappearing into the CIA black-ops budget and into the Clintons personal accounts. It is obvious that Stoltenberg had to pay back for the political capital that the U.S. Embassy had invested in him.
The Icemen Cometh
Stoltenberg’s rise to high office is a gift of the CIA and legacy of the legendary William “Bill” Colby. Immediately after the Pearl Harbor attack, he dropped out of the freshman class at Columbia University to join the U.S. Army and the new Office of Strategic Services (OSS). He was recruited into Operation Jedburgh, a joint Allied commando team to support the maquis resistance in France. (Ever hear of the Jedi knights, kids?)
After fighting behind enemy lines in France, Colby went on to lead the NORSO team that parachuted into German-occupied Norway in April 1945. The combined British-American-Norwegian exile team joined up with local insurgents to attack rail lines. After a series of successful attacks on train station, Colby’s team was outnumbered by pursuing teams of German pursuers above on a ridge and behind. Colby dash and last-minute crossing over border into neutral Sweden has since been the storyline for a couple of movies.
After the war, Colby earned a law degree and went to work for Bill Donovan’s law firm in New York, but when the CIA was created, jumped at the opportunity to get back was best at: sabotage and killing. Colby was assigned to the CIA desk in Stockholm over a period of seven years at the start of the Cold War, where he organized a “stay-behind” clandestine force that would fight behind enemy lines in event of a Soviet pincers invasion from the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Murmansk region on the Kola Peninsula.
In Austria, Operation Gladio unit used the cover of a hiking club, so Colby devised his Scandinavian commandos as a Nordic ski and rock-climbing clubs. Field training was conducted at the Allied Forces North (AFNORTH) base in central Norway near Mount Kolsas, which has since evolved into a premier rock-climbing center. At the time, the chief of the Norwegian Intelligence Service Vilhelm Evang complained to the British commander at Kolsas AFNORTH Base: “NIS is extremely worried at work conducted by officers at Kolsas. This concerned SB (sabotage), Psywar and Counter Intelligence.”
Despite its massive armor and firepower in the northern front, the NATO force in Norway was meant only to delay the Soviet 6th Army to allow the evacuation of submarine chasers out of the fjords. The Barents Sea is the route for the Soviet/Russian navy to cross from Murmansk into the North Sea for attacks on Western Europe and the United States, which have higher priority than defending Norway.
The standing estimate was for NATO ground forces to hold out for six days maximum against a Soviet assault before surrender. Colby, therefore, needed the sort of tough individuals who could meld into the occupied population, fight on skis in the subzero weather and stand up under capture and torture. The hardened men of the Norway ROC and Swedish Arla gryning were tough as nails. After Colby departed to commit atrocities in Vietnam and the decades past, however, the decadent influence of the CIA-sponsored Frankfurt School reached Scandinavia, which became a center for drugs, sex and rock’n’roll.
Following the Soviet rollback of the Prague Spring in 1968, the CIA suddenly found itself armed with rock bands and LSD but light on battle-hardened guerrillas. What was needed were anti-Soviet fighters with ideological indoctrination and nothing to lose in their lives of deprivation and poverty. By then the Trotskyites had degenerated into a mob of squabbling Jewish pseudo-intellectuals, utterly useless for field combat.
Then the brighter analysts at RAND and Langley came up with the solution: Create an purist Marxist movement of working people to combat the Soviet revisionists, and the model is right there in front of us in the Sino-Soviet split. Mao Tse-tung hated the Stalinists, and so why not create a holier-than-thou Maoist force to attack the Russkies?
The CIA went to their go-to guy in China, Shaul Eisenberg, founder of the Israel Corporation arms-trading empire. A German-Polish Jew, Eisenberg left Europe under the Japanese military intelligence operation, organized by diplomat-agent Chiune Sugihara. The underground passage from Lithuania sent Lubavitcher leaders through the Soviet Union to Manchuli, Manchuria, where the evacuated Jews were met and hailed as members of the Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere. The younger Jews were recruited into Betar paramilitary units in preparation for the attack on British Palestine, which began in June 1941, six months before Pearl Harbor. Eisenberg, who married a Japanese woman, was assigned the plush job as a trusted messenger boy between the Japanese military and elite citizens of European allies Germany, Italy and South Africa.
Eisenberg arranged for a puzzled and amused Beijing to recognize of the new global Maoist movement, which operated like a personality cult or secular religion absolutely dedicated to the people’s struggle. As with other cults, the Maoist federation was packed with megalomaniacs, control freaks and simple nutcases. The Norwegian Workers Party (AKP) was by far the most-disciplined and best-financed of all Maoist groups worldwide. Headed by a secretive central committee, most of them agents of the military intelligence service, Etterretningstjenesten (E-tjenesten).
The rank and file were mainly drawn from northern Norway, which would bear the brunt of a Soviet assault. These strong hardy types would take weeks-long cross-country ski “vacations” with rifles slung on their shoulders into the deep interior to prepare for the coming confrontation with the Red Army. Back home, these friendly souls drank beer, sang folk songs and swapped wives on overnight parties like normal Norwegians, which they were when not shaking Mao’s little red book. In hindsight, the thought of it, Maoism inside the Arctic Circle, is bizarre.
As with many youths of his generation, Stoltenberg was horrified by the Vietnam
War and then dazed by the Soviet crushing of the Prague Spring. His older sister, a member of the Red Youth wing of AKP, recruited him into the Maoist movement. The Stoltenbergs are a wealthy upper-class family, and so military intelligence had to handle them with delicate care and not club them to the ground at protests. In response to Henry Kissinger’s order to bomb Haiphong harbor, Stoltenberg took part in the heated protests in front of the U.S. Embassy.
Following the merger of the AKP into the socialist Labour Party, Stoltenberg worked as a journalist for the party press and became a prominent leader inside the Workers Youth League. As a reporter he had met a Soviet agent, who assigned him the codename Steklov, but he was later warned off by Norwegian counterintelligence. At that point, Stoltenberg was probably recruited as a police informer. From that point on, Stoltenberg was a rising star in the European political scene, with a little help from his old controllers at the CIA, especially that other mole on the other side of the Sino-Soviet split who attended youth rallies in Moscow, by the name of Bill Clinton.
Now does anyone wonder why Donald Trump is avoiding intelligence briefings by the CIA. If the poison-squirting pen doesn’t function, the plutonium pellet inside the seat cushion will.
It’s time for pest control at the entire rat-infested sewer that brought on defeats at the Bay of Pigs, the rooftop in Saigon, the series of debacles from Chechnya to Afghanistan, and now Pizzagate. The lifespan of the CIA should have ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall. America needs to get back to democracy, openness and constitutional protections of its citizens, so they can back unimpeded to making America great again. This Pizzagate like a old Ford from the age of real automobiles still has some mileage to go, so catch us later, drag-racing against the occultist freaks down Route 666.
Yoichi Shimatsu is a science journalist specializing on the Fukushima nuclear crisis who is being temporarily diverted by the Gonzo journey through Pizzagate.

Wuhan Contagion Part 3 - Giant Bat-Delivered Coronavirus Was From Japan's New Unit 731

The title of this third part of my series gives away the plot on the origins of Wuhan coronavirus that arrived by air delivery to the fish-packed waters of the Yangtze River region. Now nearly a month since the start of the outbreak, the vector chain in this "mysterious" outbreak still eludes microbiologists who've puzzled, and likelier muzzled, over the missing gene sequences that trigger virulent symptoms, meaning carriers don't wheeze and blow their noses until a week or more after becoming infected, which in turn indicate it's practically impossible to identify a sick passenger with a laser thermometer at airports. Then suddenly uncontrolled coughing erupts and the patient could crack his or her skull passing out and falling backward onto the sidewalk.

As discussed further on, this omission of early symptoms is due to gene-editing; nCoV2019 was CRISPRed in a lab, a clue that's set off an crazed frenzy of accusations against a new high-biosafety level lab (BSL-4) in Wuhan. Here, to counter the online trolls jumping to conclusions, I will show that the coronavirus was clipped to prevent deaths in a clever foreign attack on China's food security, specifically the fish farms of the world's largest aquaculture producer. Here at the start, I will drop this breadcrumb pointing to the motive, saving the 2020 Tokyo Olympics from a boycott. Yes, there's conspiracy but not the one your feverish brain fomented. Yes, the Chinese can do reckless things with CRISPR and so does the rest of the labs around the world with biotech capability. Of course, the Chinese are not going to destroy an industrial city with three times the population of Chicago in the heart of China. The real tragedy is that the Wuhan biosafety lab is ineffective and totally useless against coronavirus due to the fact that all the competent microbiologists are working for big pharma down in Shezhen. So get a handle on your irrational fears.

Round up the unusual suspects

The news media has gone batty over exotic creatures, weird but edible to the Chinese, that might have conveyed the parent nCoV2019 virus to the outbreak epicenter in the Wuhan fish market. CNN, a pack of imbeciles, has been chiming in that Patient Zero never visited the market. Farm-raised fish are the main source of protein in Wuhan, whether or not it is bought at the big market or a corner fish-head window, cause it all comes from the same fish farm, you dummies! The virus is aerosol spread to the nostrils of passersby through water particles churning out of fish tanks, which you'll find all over any Chinese city. The glass or metal tanks are on every block because Chinese eat fresh cooked in dozens of delicious ways instead of gnawing on frozen sticks or fish-wiches.

In this diversionary media campaign while the investigation continues, another implicated delicacy are snakes, which taste quite good with a shot of booze. These creepy crawlies are all imported illegally from Southeast Asia so the Thais and Indonesians must be dying in droves, right (even though reptiles are not known to be carriers of Coronavirus)? In the past while doing eco-projects at a coffee plantation in Thailand I had to use tongs to remove snakes from schools and cars, and never once have heard any native Thai snake handler mention the risk of catching a flu from a cobra, krait or bamboo viper.

The tiny bats in cages are sold for a health-reviving soup, but these are Microbats that hunt insects, which belong to an entirely different branch of the evolutionary chain than the culprit Macrobats aka giant flying foxes (which are genetically related to us apes). Flying foxes are carriers of Marburg-ebola, Nipah, SARS (to civets), and dozens of other diseases identified by two letters of the alphabet. Macrobats subsist on a diet of fruit, the host environment for coronavirus and ebola. The big fruit bats are the only guilty suspect in the line-up.
Poison-tipped Bulgarian Umbrellas
What about the much-feared BSL-4 labs in Wuhan? It's sad, really, that the Potemkin laboratories are a total sham for pilfering funds and kickbacks from construction and equipment budgets, hollow spaces devoid of any recruits from the higher salaried microbiologists and lab technicians working for major pharmaceuticals, Chinese drug corporations and venture-capital funded biotech start-ups in Shenzhen and Hong Kong or overseas.

Where are these mysterious bad-guy "biowarfare" labs when Chinese patients need them? Bio-Safety, get it? The shiny new Wuhan labs were supposed to do the DNA studies in the emergency response to these sorts of bio-crises from Shanghai to Chongqing. Instead the Beijing leadership has criticized the governor of Hubei Province, for taking the construction funds and laundering them. It happens all the time in the Chinese medical system and military, the Bobbsey twins of embezzlement. If you are stranger to China, and certain things never work, get used to it and stopping reacting in shock. The trains run on time, and the restaurants used to serve fish.

The source of the BS lab disinfo is Porton Down, using the Lancet journal to cast chum on the waters The Brits who ran the hospitals in Hong Kong has an old grudge against the medical establishment in China (and so do I, but that's not a reason to spread lies). The Brit complaints are usually for the right reason but also brimming with imperial arrogance. It's enough to point out that the Wuhan labs are ineffective and incompetent; there's no need for mass-murder accusations by the sort of biological warfare they're not capable of organizing, at least not yet. Now, if this carping keeps up, I'm going to have to more closely examine the gene-editing done in the English CRISPR League.

In the online cosmos, the exaggerated claims are coming from the poison-tipped Bulgarian Umbrella squad feeding the British baloney into the online stream so that a friend of the Royals, Vladimir Putin, can keep China and the USA, Xi and Trump at each other's throats, for London and Moscow to better exploit each of them. False alarms during rising global pandemic should be dealt with by the FBI, especially when the rumor-monger is the son of a disinformation agent with Section 7 (information control and propaganda) of the Soviet-era Bulgarian State Secret Service). Zero cred, so don't Hedge your bets.

Same goes for that ebola lab in Winnipeg following the abandonment of state-run labs by avaricious lab directors, technicians and professors, jumping aboard the biotech scam. (Biofraud, you read it here first, folks.) If these vaunted microbio labs were so packed with experienced talent, why haven't any of them shown up in lab coats and safety masks to the overcrowded hospitals in Wuhan? My team crushed SARS and avian influenza with cheap and easy environmental barriers, nano-tech air filtration aka titanium or silver air cons, and traditional Chinese herbalism, but made zero profit because virus-fighting is that basic and cheap.

Microbiology has become a scam to string along investors over a dozen years of vaccine development, costing tens of millions but absolutely worthless as a product. The Wuhan has two Potemkin Labs, set up for the purpose of embezzling tax money, that's all they do. I really hope that I do not have to return to this debunking these absurd and non-factual claims from the Lancet and other scamsters fronting for Gates and his vaccinators, since I have no time to waste on fools. I'd rather do something productive, like meditate.

Lovers from different backgrounds

Bioscience logic dictates that the Wuhan outbreak originated with a fruit-eating Macrobat, during a seed-bombing flight, which infected masses of Tilapia in the vast aquaculture ponds around Wuhan. Both species have a high-sugar diet, and fructose is the energy source that powers viral mutation. This logical relationship between bat and fish has one problem, which is that my flying fox, call him "Romeo", who dwells by the ocean, has never before visited the inland home-ponds of the freshwater Tilapia, call her "Juliet". They haven't once met before this past season, and don't even text-message or look at the other's social media page, so how was this long-distance relationship set up? By Tinder Date, of course, on a hot night in Wuhan.

The bat-to-fish theory is in disrepute because of teh disruptive fact is that the Wuhan basin is outside the foraging range of Macrobats, with fruit bats are confined to Southern China and Southeast Asia, where the mangoes are, can you blame them? Just one species of Macrobat forages in the lower Yangtze Delta, in the wetlands east of Nantou (north of Shanghai) and in the flats around the new Tesla plant southeast of Shanghai. No, Romeo did not drive an e-car to Wuhan. He can't afford the down-payment and the credit union doesn't trust with a loan. Juliet being something of a cold fish prefers customers with money.Romeo doesn't have wheels, but he's got wings.

The rare wonderful moment of the Romeo's flight to Juliet occurred in November, or late October at the earliest, when the weather normally gets too cold for a tropical Okinawan giant flying fox. (Wuhan is one of three furnace cities in the summer that become iceboxes in winter.) When Venus shined down on poor Romeo, the start of winter experienced the hottest November on record and the worst drought in 40 years. Voila! Love is magical. The drought devastated agriculture throughout Hubei Province, and so local farmers abandoned thousand of tons of wrinkled pears and persimmons unpicked at orchards.

Did I mention that Romeo is on a strict diet of fruit, vet's orders? So Wuhan was a bonanza for his gang of flying foxes, who presumably can sniff the scent of fruit off the prevailing eastward wind. (Bats have the most acute senses of all mammals.) Here was the single occasion for the bat horde to storm the 200-mile-plus distance from the upper delta to the inland Wuhan basin, although it was still a bit chilly at night for their liking.

Can you see, in your mind's eye, thousands of hungry giant flying foxes cruising past the harvest moon, a chorus of alto tenors singing "When you're a Jet you're Jet all the way, When you're a Jet you're the top cat in town. You're the gold-medal kid with the heavyweight crown!" Count Dracula, you're a loser who belongs in a coffin, says the challenger Romeo Fox.

So power on, Romey! BTW, did any of your thugs remember to pack toilet paper in their suitcase? No, please don't assure me that in China that it's is OK to do it on a gutter or in the bushes. What's this going to do for the image of Okinawa? Our beaches are raked clean every morning before the rising sun. We need those tourists escaping filthy China, you nitwits, baka-yarou!

So a few hours after the Kadena Jets gorge on over-ripe, oh so sweet fruit, it's hey, Romey, bro', I got a tummy ache. The seed-drops begin according to plan from mission control behind the Prime Minister's office. The aquaculture ponds suffer intense carpet bombing as Tilapia leap to break surface and snap up a coronavirus-infected pear seeds raining down. The first one up is named Juliet, and so this is really kinky stuff that weirdos like Eric Schmidt enjoy watching over polished marble floors in Roppongi and on top of grand pianos. Hey, Romeo, you are one sick puppy! Your Oki mama-san and Leonard Bernstein would rather see you gay!

Like the Bill Shakespeare version of this classic love story, the next act of our Romeo and Julia affair is a tragedy. Lovely Julia is netted by a greedy fish grower and dumped in a see-through glass fish-tank in some big dark market, like a go-go dancer in a cheesy nightclub. Then, some fat guy ogles her: "Oh, look at that one, she's so beautiful and curvaceous and a bit plump, just what I like!" Oh Romeo, where art thou?

Before proceeding deeper into this mystery, excuse me for a moment to deal with a copyright issue. Greetings, Tim, Mr Burton. I'll have you know this ain't "Finding Nemo". if you plan to use this grotesque perverse storyline for your next big movie after all the flops since "Corpse Bride", you'd better make an appointment with my copyright lawyer. Don't talk crap about a sheet script, 'cause I know what you're thinking, that the poop-bombing scene is the greatest air-battle since Tora-Tora-Tora! It's not Midway, it's all the way!"
Shinzo Abe's Biowar-Ninjas

So what ever happened to Romeo? Winter came crashing down so he hightailed it back to the Ryukyus and hung upside down from a camphor tree watching the giggling farmers haul away the last of the juicy tangerines, as his fox head swelled like a balloon pondering his next move before starving to death. Southeast Asians are even more hostile to his kind and they have pellet guns. Romeo's something fluttering around. "Psst, Senor Romeo, air cargo to a Mexican mango patch? I hear the senoritas over there look way better than that China doll, what's her name, Julie? Hey, don't get riled now, just kidding. So OK, the Philippines are a lot closer and the lazy farmers there actually sleep all night, manana until all the mangoes are gone. Let's hit it!" So, folks, so don't worry about Romeo because I have him under contract for a fly-through role in Tim's new production "Vampire Groom".

OK, Tim, for Vampire Groom to rock, you need a totally evil bad guy who's so pathetic that he's lovable, a despicable he. And I've located the star quality you've been needing in the perfect villain, my old friend Shinzo! He's sansei, third-generation bad guy, it runs in the cold blood. No, he's not a Darth anything, but more like a combo of the Joker and Hannibal Lectur, warped devious cruelty and insane laughter, your type of action hero. Mr. Burton, sir, do we have a deal on script and casting? Sign right here.
The Kadena Jets

Now back to the rest of the Kadena Jets. Not a single case of coronavirus infection in humans or macaque monkeys has ever been reported in Okinawa, southern Kyushu, Taiwan or the Yangtze delta. That means Romeo and gang were deliberately infected with virus-tainted fruit on one of Japan's southern islands facing the Yangtze delta. The bats were infected with a gene-edited virus either a secret operation run solely by Japan or, unlikelier, in tandem with the longstanding NBC program in the small military bases around Kadena AFB and the Marines' Camp Schwab.

Since the predecessor of nCoV2019 was crispred to remove genes that cause terrible symptoms in humans, thereby reducing eliminating the possibility of mortality from heart seizures and blood-spewing during violent coughing. This shows the designer's intent to avoid killing humans who dine on the infected fish. The dilution of toxicity indicates the objective as being mild symptoms diagnosed as a case of food poisoning. On a massive scale, a food poisoning scandal would lead to the shut down of fisheries and aquaculture in a huge blow to national food security.

This is exactly what occurred in early January when the Chinese government banned fishing and consumption of fish along the entire 6,300 km (3,900 miles) length of the Yangtze River. So why isn't any of this being reported in the media?

You see the earliest victims who were not sickened at the fish market were infected with the virus prior to its mutation inside their bodies. Then people started dying in droves during the second round of mutations when the virus got around its gene-alteration and upped its virulence. This remarkable restoration of previous function shows the resilience of virus RNA, which is quicker at mutation than our cumbersome double-strand DNA.

The planned bio-strike was to trigger a food-poisoning scare with the aim of shutting down China's aquaculture economy, which now controls 70 percent of the world fish market, as in the frozen section of your local supermarket, and even Red Lobster, which are from Chinese ponds not Maine. On the defensive without any biosafety shields, the PRC leadership would not openly report that its entire fish industry worth a 200 billion dollars is infected, at least as carriers, since that would be an admission of defeat, running up the white flag. Food is a weapon, ask any Cuban about that. At that point of desperation, the ambassador of Japan out of the goodness of his heart would volunteer Japanese aid to fix the problem. The fish goes for the bait and is hooked by the fisherman.

Now how am I so certain that coronavirus is centered in fish? Because, to repeat, in the first week of January, a state-ordered ban was imposed on catching and eating fish of all 350 species in the Yangtze. As put in "Jurassic Park", that's a lot of fish.
Zeroing In

Located on the 31st Parallel along with Yangtze River, the Amami islands located between Kyushu and the Ryukyus has seen microbiology research on mono-cell eukaryotes (similar in ways to flagellates that host SARS and ebola, but lacking oars.) This research is conducted under the supervision of the joint faculty of veterinary medicine at Kagoshima University, which is a national institution of higher education. Anyone who is an ramen addict knows that Kyushu is the home of the black pig that provides the soup stock, and Kagoshima U does extensive research on swine flu, like the one that just wiped the Chinese hog herd. That's an observation and not intended a clue.

There's nothing sinister about gene-splicing, storage and retrieval for studies, which is not to say these can't be used for sinister purposes. Many labs have vast collections of gene samples, many of these severed or spliced. It just takes a single ethically warped pathologist to access an index and order a sample to begin tinkering with the genetic code, and no less than the notorious pathologist who create the "unstoppable super-flu virus" Yoshihiro Kawaoka is back to Japan after his controversial stints at the monkey lab in University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Erasmus Institute in Rotterdam, just in time for the Tokyo Olympics, I might add. (Tim, I not sure that Kawaoka fits your comic-horror genre since there's nothing humorous about him and you don't do Darth types.)

The legitimate research at universities across Japan is open to peer review and comply with standard international guidelines on ethics and legality. The dark side of microbiology finds its haven inside the dozens of veterinary schools outside the authority of the WHO, CDC, NIH and equivalent professional supervisory bodies and reporting-review systems. This shadowy zone of research accounts for the huge national controversy in Japan against Shinzo Abe's pet project (pun intended) of supporting the newly built Kake veterinary school in Imabari, Shikoku island, just across a narrow strait of the Inland Sea from research sponsor Okayama University.

That area is just a bit south of my hometown of Kobe, which besides beef, has a dark history as the home turf of the scientists with Unit 731 including its director Shiro Ishii; the postwar return of many of their staff to serve as university professors and physicians in Kobe, Okayama and later Osaka; and also as the headquarters of the world Nazi movement in exile after the fall of Berlin. Their sons were my classmates, along with boys whose fathers worked for the hidden military-industrial complex.

In the postwar era, Unit 731 members (continuing as a fraternal organization) were recruited by the U.S. Army to work at its biological warfare lab at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, with translators provided by Mormon veterans of WWII. During the Korean conflict the CIA-Yakuza alliance conducted a secret campaign to air-drop hantavirus on both sides of the Yalu River, which blew back and killed 3,000 American servicemen. Bubonic plague in China, and also discovered at Yosemite National Park and Riverside, California, still face the threat of black plague due to contamination during the transport of spores from Utah to March Air Force Base onto Kadena and then Seoul seven decades ago.

Through my palantir, I seriously doubt that the U.S. is involved in the Amami-Ryukyu bat-biowar operation against China since fish is not a major Amerian export, at least not since the collapse of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska fisheries due to radioactive seawater contamination from Fukushima. U.S. fish stocks are not coming back for at least a century. So it seems the Wuhan bat attack is a purely Japanese operation ordered and funded by Shinzo Abe, at the top of the chain of command.

Coincidentally, prior to the Olympics, the Abe government is accelerating virology studies into top gear. Japan's National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIID), located in the Musashi-Murayama western suburb of Tokyo, is now conducting intensive R&D on five strains of ebola virus. Various species of fruit bats collected across Southeast Asia and caged in Okinawa are being sent to veterinary labs across Japan. The pretext is biosecurity while thousands of athletes from Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America participate in the Olympic Games. What happens with biological agents in those regions after the games is another question.

Virus as Archangel

Many of the retired elderly second-generation students of 731 are probably clinking glasses now about the self-therapy of the crispred Wuhan coronavirus. A self-healing virus fits into the Japanese intuitive insight into microbiology based on the ancient concept of "tama" or translucent orbs of light, which are the essential spirit of any living creature. Viruses are the warrior orbs, avenging angels of a universe invisible to the eye, and adorable cute creatures like the Pokemon, deadly when angered, machine-like creatures but with miraculous powers of transformation of species as masters of evolution.

What's so amazing about the Wuhan coronavirus was its regeneration after being clipped of virulence-causing genes that intensify the pain of symptoms in its victims. nCov2019 somehow reconstructed alternative sequences to replace the lopped-off gene sequence. An archangel will not be disarmed, for its role in the grand scheme of Life is to create new species by gene-splicing old versions. Yet viruses are also driven to destroy their outdated creations, as they did to the dinosaurs that survived the Yucatan comet for thousands of years but were hobbled by the long-term defects from the comet's legacy of radioactivity. At last, viral infections took down these giants to make way for mammals. Viruses and radioactivity, the tiniest fragments of life are connected with the Cosmos.

Motive - Stop a Boycott of the Tokyo Olympics

So every investigation much eventually reach the tricky question of motive. Since everything in Japan has been revolving around the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, what was the objective the bat-delivered contamination of China's protein production? A factor to consider is that Japan has the world-leading scientific expertise on ichthyology, the study of fish. Nobody knows fish better, as you realize at a sushi bar.

So the plan went like this: China gets clobbered by a mystery flu that jumps from fish to humans, threatening its massive aquaculture investment. Japanese professors of ichthyology and Fisheries Agency experts step up to provide all the solutions needed to fix the fish-farming disaster, then issue a clean bill of slate. So Beijing out of gratitude refuses to join the proposed South Korean boycott of the 2020 Tokyo Olympiad. The Chinese team arrives to Tokyo with healthy smiles and wins gold medals allotted to the missing Russians, who have been banned as doping cheats. The South Koreans arrive with smarmy smiles and bile up to their throats in anger and shame. Shinzo Abe has whipped them like disobedient dogs, once again for granddad Nobusuke Kishi.

The Rising Sun glows redder than ever. Shinzo Abe isn't just a world leader, he is a god, as promised by Sukyo Mahikari. Someone, screech the LP disc to a halt, please. Then things started to off the rails, when the best-laid plans of men and lab rats go awry. The cover-up is being promoted by all sides as the worldwide death toll starts to mount. Everyone is pretending like nothing's happening, the Olympics will go on and will soon be over, to everyone's relief. Radioactivity and virus outbreaks don't count when the only priority is saving face for the political class. It's a grim world of deception, lies and random death for the unlucky. So let's just say, in advance, something cheerful. Happy Valentines, Juliet and Romeo, wherever you may or may not be!

Why Both Republicans And Democrats Want Russia To Become The Enemy Of Choice

One of the more interesting aspects of the nauseating impeachment trial in the Senate was the repeated vilification of Russia and its President Vladimir Putin.
To hate Russia has become dogma on both sides of the political aisle, in part because no politician has really wanted to confront the lesson of the 2016 election, which was that most Americans think that the federal government is basically incompetent and staffed by career politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell who should return back home and get real jobs.
Worse still, it is useless, and much like the one trick pony the only thing it can do is steal money from the taxpayers and waste it on various types of self-gratification that only politicians can appreciate. That means that the United States is engaged is fighting multiple wars against make-believe enemies while the country’s infrastructure rots and a host of officially certified grievance groups control the public space.
It sure doesn’t look like Kansas anymore.
The fact that opinion polls in Europe suggest that many Europeans would rather have Vladimir Putin than their own hopelessly corrupt leaders is suggestive. One can buy a whole range of favorable t-shirts featuring Vladimir Putin on Ebay, also suggesting that most Americans find the official Russophobia narrative both mysterious and faintly amusing. They may not really be into the expressed desire of the huddled masses in D.C. to go to war to bring true U.S. style democracy to the un-enlightened.
One also must wonder if the Democrats are reading the tea leaves correctly. If they think that a slogan like “Honest Joe Biden will keep us safe from Moscow” will be a winner in 2020 they might again be missing the bigger picture. Since the focus on Trump’s decidedly erratic behavior will inevitably die down after the impeachment trial is completed, the Democrats will have to come up with something compelling if they really want to win the presidency and it sure won’t be the largely fictionalized Russian threat.
Nevertheless, someone should tell Congressman Adam Schiff, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, to shut up as he is becoming an international embarrassment. His “closing arguments” speeches last week were respectively two-and-a-half hours and ninety minutes long and were inevitably praised by the mainstream media as “magisterial,” “powerful,” and “impressive.” The Washington Post’s resident Zionist extremist Jennifer Rubin labeled it “a grand slam” while legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin called it “dazzling.” Gail Collins of the New York Times dubbed it “a great job” and added that Schiff is now “a rock star.” Daily Beast enthused that the remarks “will go down in history” and progressive activist Ryan Knight called it “a closing statement for the ages.” Hollywood was also on board with actress Debra Messing tweeting “I am in tears. Thank you Chairman Schiff for fighting for our country.”
Actually, a better adjective would have been “scary” and not merely due to its elaboration of the alleged high crimes and misdemeanors committed by President Trump, much of which was undeniably true even if not necessarily impeachable.
It was scary because it was a warmongers speech, full of allusions to Russia, to Moscow’s “interference” in 2016, and to the ridiculous proposition that if Trump were to be defeated in 2020 he might not concede and Russia could even intervene militarily in the United States in support of its puppet.
Schiff insisted that Trump must be removed now to “assure the integrity” of the 2020 election. He elaborated somewhat ambiguously that “The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.”
Schiff also unleashed one of the most time honored but completely lame excuses for going to war, claiming that military assistance to Ukraine that had been delayed by Trump was essential for U.S. national security. He said “As one witness put it during our impeachment inquiry, the United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here.”
Schiff, a lawyer who has never had to put his life on the line for anything and whose son sports a MOSSAD t-shirt, is one of those sunshine soldiers who finds it quite acceptable if someone else does the dying. Journalist Max Blumenthal observed that “Liberals used to mock Bush supporters when they used this jingoistic line during the war on Iraq. Now they deploy it to justify an imperialist proxy war against a nuclear power.” Aaron Mate at The Nation added that “For all the talk about Russia undermining faith in U.S. elections, how about Russiagaters like Schiff fear-mongering w/ hysterics like this? Let’s assume Ukraine did what Trump wanted: announce a probe of Burisma. Would that delegitimize a 2020 U.S. election? This is a joke.”
Over at Antiwar Daniel Lazare explains how the Wednesday speech was “a fear-mongering, sword-rattling harangue that will not only raise tensions with Russia for no good reason, but sends a chilling message to [Democratic Party] dissidents at home that if they deviate from Russiagate orthodoxy by one iota, they’ll be driven from the fold.”
The orthodoxy that Lazare was writing about includes the established Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer narrative that Russia invaded “poor innocent Ukraine” in 2014, that it interfered in the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton, and that it is currently trying to smear Joe Biden. One might add to that the growing consensus that Russia can and will interfere again in 2020 to help Trump. Absent from the narrative is the part how the U.S. intervened in Ukraine first to remove its government and the fact that there is something very unsavory about Joe Biden’s son taking a high-paying sinecure board position from a notably corrupt Ukrainian oligarch while his father was Vice President and allegedly directing U.S. assistance to a Ukrainian anti-corruption effort.
On Wednesday, Schiff maintained that “Russia is not a threat … to Eastern Europe alone. Ukraine has become the de facto proving ground for just the types of hybrid warfare that the twenty-first century will become defined by: cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, efforts to undermine the legitimacy of state institutions, whether that is voting systems or financial markets. The Kremlin showed boldly in 2016 that with the malign skills it honed in Ukraine, they would not stay in Ukraine. Instead, Russia employed them here to attack our institutions, and they will do so again.” Not surprisingly, if one substitutes the “United States” for “Russia” and “Kremlin” and changes “Ukraine” to Iran or Venezuela, the Schiff comment actually becomes much more credible.
The compulsion on the part of the Democrats to bring down Trump to avoid having to deal with their own failings has brought about a shift in their established foreign policy, placing the neocons and their friends back in charge. For Schiff, who has enthusiastically supported every failed American military effort since 9/11, today’s Russia is the Soviet Union reborn, and don’t you forget it pardner! Newsweek is meanwhile reporting that the U.S. military is reading the tea leaves and is gearing up to fight the Russians. Per Schiff, Trump must be stopped as he is part of a grand Russian conspiracy to overthrow everything the United States stands for. If the Kremlin is not stopped now, it’s first major step, per Schiff, will be to “remake the map of Europe by dint of military force.”
Donald Trump’s erratic rule has certainly dismayed many of his former supporters, but the Democratic Party is offering nothing but another helping of George W. Bush/Barack Obama establishment war against the world. We Americans have had enough of that for the past nineteen years. Trump may indeed deserve to be removed based on his actions, but the argument that it is essential to do so because of Russia lurking is complete nonsense. Pretty scary that the apparent chief promoter of that point of view is someone who actually has power in the government, one Adam Schiff, head of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee.
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